private LET THE SPARKS FLY ♥ Silverpaw

It was sun rise when she had fetched Silverpaw for her first training. Her mixed colored eyes settled upon the territory infront of them in a focused manner, however, she occasionally glanced down where the silver pelted feline would be at her side. There was something within her to worry that the small bundle of energy would run off at some point, "Don't get distracted, I'm sure you want to finish your first training session." She warned, pulling her attention to the battle grounds appearing in front of them.

"Requirements are no claws or teeth, I will not put up with it this time. You have a more grown title. If that happens, I will end the session faster than you can speak. You may hit me as hard as you want and use all your strength but no usage of those." Instructions fell from her tongue as she stood beside her on the battle grounds, warm sand rising between her toes. Her tail and ear flicked as to motion for Silverpaw to stand where she was, moving to stand the opposite end and face her a few paces away.

"I expect to see confidence and ambition this session. Now! Fight me." She released, tail flagging slowly behind her as she watched her apprentice closely, looking for any weakness in her posture to point out. Petalnose stood prepared for a blow, expecting Silverpaw may take her words to heart.

//Sorry for low muse, before work!

with bated breath she follows. her first real actual training session. as a real prentice. no. apprentice. yeah. she's been working on that one.

don't get distracted, she tells herself, repeating it over and over in her head after petalnose's command. she's gonna follow perfectly —

ohhh. did she hear something? was that a bird?! silverpaw has never hunted a bird before. she wants a feather — !!

"no," she cuts herself off angrily, in a tiny whisper barely audible to anyone else, "no! don't get distracted!"

she catches up to petalnose, determinedly following in her mentor's footsteps once again.

when petalnose declares the morning's battle grounds, silverkit — paw! silverpaw takes on something almost like a battle stance, kittenish and instinctive. she waits at petalnose's instruction, watches with wide blue eyes as the warrior moves to stand opposite her.

"no claws or teeth. use all of my strength," she repeats to herself again. okay. okay. breathe.

fight me! petalnose yowls, and silverpaw wastes not a second, launching into action with a snarl bared.

"DIE!!!!!" she screams as she throws herself at petalnose, aiming for a very reachable target: the legs. should petalnose not dodge in time, silverk- paw will crash into petalnose's foreleg with all of the strength she can muster, hoping to catch her off-balance.


  • • abandoned by the border, sibling to otterkit, adoptive daughter to pikesplash • 3 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, attentive, opinionated, LOUD!! • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! • penned by Harry Styles •


Petalnose blinked slowly, taking note of the usage of self control. She was proud of the beam of energy for holding herself up, she knew it wasn't an easy job as a newly made apprentice. There were many elements of the world to explore, the woman only wondered how she was as a younster being as curious as she was now. She made sure to praise her later but she wouldn't want her praise to go to death if there was a slip up at the end of it all. Still, she would point out the good and the bad in her summary back to camp. Now it was to pay attention to her.

Silverpaw didn't waste anytime as to lunge at her with vocal determination, Petalnose had attempted to leap over her but the molly was tripped up and unsuccessful. She had taken to her instructions as well, pleased to see she wouldn't have to end the session early.

The lead warrior caught her balance as she skidded against the sand, glancing over to her apprentice with one of her rare flashes of smile. "Very good. Keep it up." She praised, "Now I'm going to come after you. I'm not the easiest to dodge but I challenge you to do so. Hopefully my warning helps." She informed, looking to see if Silverpaw was prepared as she spoke. Although, she wasted no time after her last word and charged her quickly, attempting to slam her body into her flank.

Speed was what the woman regularly used in her turns of battle, quick thinking was what she wanted to challenge her apprentice with. Petalnose didn't plan on babying her with her power, who would learn from that? She wanted Silverpaw to be ready and capable of taking a larger opponent in turns if something became anything other than just harmless training. She remembered Fernpaw being incapable of taking on the fox, she hoped she trained her apprentice up to avoid a situation as such.
