border LET YOUR PATH UNFOLD ✦ skyclan patrol

Night falls quicker these days, a reminder in such given by how fast time seemed to pass between Orangeblossom's call and his patrol's departure time. Greeneyes thought he would have a little more time to quell his nerves, to push images of flame-spawned opponents striking the lot of them down far from his mind's eye. He'd been similar in age to Falconpaw when he'd encountered his first battle with a fox, but still he worries about his student — worries about his whole patrol. If Blazestar's skirmish with the fox ended in such staggering results, what could come of the lot of them?

The lead warrior tries not to think about it. He reminds himself that, as far as he'd heard, nothing had been found during the initial patrol sent to investigate. As dimming blues begin to cling to his fur, dusk-covered paws guide his readied patrol forth. Every so often, he parts his jaws, double checking for remnants of the predator's scent. Nothing, though he can't be too safe.

" Remember to stay alert! " Greeneyes reminds the group as they near the leaf-barren trees that mark a shift in territory. " That fox could still be around here, so be prepared for anything! Try to stay close, if you can — don't try to fight anything on your own. Falconpaw, I want you at my side, okay, amigo? " In any other circumstance, he might've let Falconpaw go ahead on his own, but the risk is too unknown to let his apprentice's need for independence rise above his safety. With a flick of the tail, he dismisses the rest of his patrol, letting them get to work on remarking the border.

Jaws part once more to check the air, and when nothing of concern arrives, he turns to his apprentice. " What can you smell? " It's a simple practice by now for his growing apprentice, but an important one nonetheless.​
  • // patrol tags: @QUILLSTRIKE , @BEAR , @falconpaw!
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
SkyClan's scent hung in the air and it drew Wildheart closer to the border in order to catch a glimpse of the patrol that was passing through. Though as he weaved through the thicker undergrowth only flashes of his pelt could be seen, orange, black and white, eerily similar to that of an actual fox. However, he soon enough strayed into a more open stretch of forest that brought him into full view. "SkyClan... how goes it?" He called out, only semi-interested in their affairs.


♪ Like a moth to a flame ♪ ---- Mothfur followed alongside WildHeart on the border, he sighed when he caught the scent of the SkyClan's patrol. The tom wasn't here for trouble, and hoped the party was the same. Lazy, he was... Especially on this cold day. The young tom took his time catching up to his clanmate, looking down at the party as they sat uphill from them. He chuckled when he saw the warriors training their apprentice, knowing that they were probably harmless. "Smell the fox yet?" he laughed as he hinted toward his orange coated friend.
to be reborn , you have to die first .
The ghostly feline snorted noiselessly, pinkish hues veering toward Mothfur, muzzle wrinkling in a half-down turned scowl, barely visible save for the powered white of his fur, tail curling in the air hypnotically, ears swerved, pressing against his helm. “Maybe it’ll eat you.” He rumbled, falling silent with a light-hearted huff. One less mouth to feed. He thought morbidly, dark lips curling subtly, pinkish hues crinkling with the motion. Or better yet, take your comments and go elsewhere.

He found little humor in the comment, lips curling wickedly against a sandpaper tongue. He glanced at Wildheart with a tilt of his helm, pinkish hues sliding toward their neighbors, offering no greeting, besides his clanmates, returning to his warrior duties had been a laborious task, one he took with great strength. It’d been a while since he joined a patrol, battling sickness and taking care of his daughters until they were apprenticed this moon, free of his duties, and a thought that left a bitter taste in his mouth.

His daughters were far too young but could do nothing but watch as their mentors carried them off to teach them the harsh realities of being a ThunderClan warrior. With a huff, Spiderlily gravitated toward the trunk of a tree, rubbing his muzzle against the rough bark, soaking it in his scent.
thought speech