camp LETHARGIC RHYTHM - unusual tiredness


Nov 19, 2023

Shiori feels off. Something doesn't feel right, but he can't pinpoint exactly what it is.

Well, he can't pinpoint the cause, but he can think of notable changes. He's a lot more tired, and he's been eating more regularly, although he sometimes gets queasy. It's not been happening long, but it's still bothersome. Especially so when he wakes up and finds that nearly half the day is gone - and that he's barely in time for an assigned border patrol.

He spends the time on the patrol struggling to keep his eyes open, and barely registering what's happening. He knows that Cal will give him a tongue lashing for not sleeping properly, but the truth is that he has been sleeping. He'd be less surprised if everything was business as usual because of his usual lack of sleep, but in reality he's been taking better care of himself lately. So why is it happening now?

The patrol returns to camp, and Shiori still barely registers it. Usually he's always alert and observant, and this feels so unlike him. He's not sure whether or not he should be concerned, and he worries that other cats will be worried about him too - especially Duskpool and Cal.

But it's already started, hasn't it?

“Are you sure you feel okay, Shiori? I swear you almost fell over and started sleeping in the middle of the patrol!” Davidfoot, a daylight warrior and fellow member of the patrol asks him. He's thankful for the concern, but he also doesn't want cats to be concerned over him, simultaneously torn between contradicting emotions, between feeling like a valued member of SkyClan and wanting to be left alone.

Shiori sighs, and yet forces a smile that doesn't seem quite sincere. “I'm fine, Davidfoot. Promise. I just… I'm just a little tired, that's all.”

But was ‘a little’ really cutting it? And would he be able to slip past the cracks without his unusual drowsiness being picked up by too many more clanmates?

// feel free to also be a member of the returning patrol ^o^​


Happily, they'd trailed along after the border patrol. Now that their marking duties had been wrapped up for the most part, they were ready to head home. Yet, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Shiori and Davidfoot bantering. Having been on the receiving end of bad health from self-neglect, Dogbite had started watching Shiori like a bird. Unsure of the direct cause but a nagging suspicion kept him vigilant. His soft blue eye tracked the fellow feline with a concerned brow. He was no medicine cat, but even the daylight warrior had voiced similar concerns. Absently, it seemed the tortie had brushed off the comment and continued on.

A sensation of twisted nerves bundled in his stomach, and something urged him to speak up. Picking up the pace, he trotted up to the duo. Tattered ears twitching to life as he looked to Shiori. "Even if you feel fine, something seems off. Maybe you should get a check-in with Dawnglare or Fireflypaw?" The scarred warrior's voice came gruffly but with a twinge of kind worry. "It's always better to be safe than sorry." He meant every word of it with an encouraging tone to boot.

Too many cats had fallen injured as of late, and the cinnamon and white warrior didn't want another clanmate down, especially if it was something that could be prevented.

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  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 32 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Towards the back of the patrol, Ekat trails into camp behind the rest of their Clanmates. The young she-cat's pale gaze remains on the ground as usual, keeping to herself even as the others begin to spread out about the hollow. She's still unaccustomed to being a part of SkyClan — can still hardly call herself a member of the Clan after she'd stood at their border with her father as loners a half-moon ago. She's sure the rest of the cats must feel the same. As such, Shiori is still a stranger to the midnight-furred she-cat. For all she knows, the warrior could be as lethargic and unalert as he seemed during the patrol all the time.

Ekat nearly thinks this might be the case — until she overhears the concerned words of Davidfoot and Dogbite, and she pricks her ears as she listens to their conversation. She finds the gentle, caring words of the scarred tabby rather surprising. When he'd approached her and Zemo at the border, he was terrifying, and Ekat's fur nearly stands on end again at the memory. However, he's kind to Shiori. The she-cat considers how she's meant to shadow Dogbite for her training before she can truly be considered a warrior of SkyClan — and if the intimidating tabby might ever be kind to her, too.​
this is who i am . nobody said you had to like it .
He padded forward, although concerned, they didn’t know Shiori as he did. Their goodwill was appreciated, but not now. His gaze narrowed, body shielding the other from Dogbite and Davidfoot’s view. “Your concern is appreciated, but I’ll take it from here.” He rumbled.

Without prompt, the fawn rosette tabby turned to Shiori. “You're done with patrol, yes? I’m sure they don’t need us until later.” He added, brow-raising, ears angled toward the warrior’s den. “Come on. Let’s take a nap. I’m tired.” Not the entire truth. Cal wasn’t tired, but given the idiot’s track record, he doubted Shiori got enough sleep, and he’d feel better having the other tucked against him, if they slept was up for debate, but at least they’d be comfortable.
thought speech