lethargy got a hold of me || private fever dreams

Her illness had progressed swiftly, jumping from a minor cough and sore throat to a severe fever in the span of a day. Not two minutes passed without her breaking into a coughing fit. Of course she had to be sick now of all times, so soon after they lost Graystorm. So soon after Coalkit disappeared. It seemed as if the world was out to get her. Her fur was drenched in sweat and no matter how much moss Berry provided, her mouth remained dry. Sleep eluded her for most of that first night, and when it came, it was restless. Dreams plagued her, yet each time she awoke, she had no memory of them.

The days that follow are worse. Nothing feels real, the world spinning if she dares open her eyes. This is how she dies, isn't it? She's going to die without ever telling Tansyshine how she feels. Howlingstar will lose another child. She's going to leave Lakemoon and Wolfwind all alone. They already lost Tempest, they can't lose her too.

In an instant, her mind is clear and all pain leaves her body. Daring to open her eyes, she's shocked to find that the walls of the medicine den are nowhere in view. Instead, they're replaced with a wide open starry sky and a meadow. Is this what it was like for Tempest? For Graystorm? At least she can be with them now.

As soon as she thinks of him, she sees him. Her baby brother, the one she lost a few short moons ago. "Graystorm!" His name is a scream as she runs to him as fast as her legs will carry her. Lily brushes against him, pressing her head against his shoulder. She stays there as long as he allows before finally pulling back and sitting on the soft grass. "Am I... Am I dead?" It's a stupid question. She just woke up in StarClan after being sick for who knows how long. Of course she's dead.

[ earth girl ]
Graystorm, as brazen and bull-headed as he'd been up until his last breath, did not accept death so easily. He'd paced the starlit forest, tail lashing and ears pinned, demanding to go back. He couldn't die yet, he'd insisted. His mother, his siblings, his nieces and nephews… He couldn't put them through that grief again, after the abrupt loss of Morningpaw.

But in the back of his mind, Graystorm knew he could not return. His body had been ravaged by the boar, and he was no leader. He didn't have nine lives. All he had was his stupid pride and a severe lack of judgment.

Graystorm watched his family grieve him with a bitter taste on his tongue. It was his fault, wasn't it? If he had been wiser, less rash… If he'd listened to Kindleheart, and steered clear of the boars…

He'd only wanted to help, but instead, he'd hurt the ones he loved most.

And Graystorm wants to apologize to everyone… but he didn't want it to be so soon that another of his family walked among the stars. His ears perk at the familiar voice calling to him, moments before Lily Pad brushes against him. Despite the circumstances of their reunion, Graystorm lets out a rusty purr. His head butts against his older sister's in return, his eyes gleaming with unshed tears that he blinks away. He's watched over his living relatives every day since he'd joined the stars. But there has been an ache in his heart, having to remain so far away, where they could not see him.

Great StarClan, Graystorm wishes this reunion could have been under happier circumstances. Not because his older sister lays withering away in the medicine den, ill without a cure. At the very least, she’s not dead yet… and Graystorm wants nothing more than for it to stay that way. His family's already lost so many in such a short span of time. But he knows, better than anyone now, how quickly life could be taken away.

He wouldn't let it show, but he fears for his sister. For all of ThunderClan.

"Long time, no see, huh?" Graystorm laughs, trying to dispel the guilt and concern gnawing away at him from the inside.

When Lily Pad eventually pulls away, she asks the obvious; is she dead? Graystorm shakes his head with a sad smile. "No… and you'd better keep it that way!" He speaks as if he's warning a misbehaving child, despite being the youngest of the two.

Graystorm's smile falters. "You're just dreamin'. Don't completely understand it myself… But you're able to be here 'cause you're almost dead." As blunt as ever, it seems even death could not dull Graystorm's tongue. Though, it's a double-edged sword, clearly cutting its wielder as it reminds him that Lily Pad could very well die any day now.