private LETS BE FRIENDS // Snowpaw

Nov 14, 2023

Basilpaw had just returned back from his first training session with Spiderwing as he walked behind them. Without any real meaningful words shared between them Spiderwing would part ways with them as she walked on over to join some warriors to chat and share prey with. Meanwhile Basilpaw himself would turn the opposite direction as he started to search for his black pelted brother in hope he had returned back to camp. He really wanted to know how their first day had gone and...honestly he just wanted to spend time with them right now. After having searched in camp after his littermate sprinted of to the apprentice den to take a peek inside there. No luck there either... Basilpaw returned back outside to seat down in his new mission to wait for his brothers return - wondering if this was how things were going to be now. Both going to be too busy to spend time with one another. Another reason why he not had looked forward to become an apprentice. Oh how he wished he could go back to yesterday when he still had been just Basilkit.

He waited and waited and waited until he saw someone return back into camp. At first he was happily expecting it to be Lividpaw but no... turned out to be Scorchedmoon and their apprentice Snowpaw...Not did his disappointment last for long though because Snowpaw was not a bad company in fact he believed they where soon-to-be friends now!. Every single conversation between them had gone smoothly well at least that was what Basilpaw chose to believe. With a new reason to smile the kit jumped up on his paws to rush straight over to the snowy pelted apprentice. " Hey Snowpaw!! welcome back!" he loudly greeted them and made a brake with his claws and he come skiding to a halt right in front of the other apprentices face. " I just come back a little while ago too!, wanna share prey with me?. Oh, how did your day went?. Was it fun training with Scorchedmoon?. Did you catch any cool prey yet?. How about you learning any cool moves?. Can you show me some time?." he rambled without any break or barely even took a pause between his words. At the end he was almost breathless but he quickly recovered after taking in some few couple of breaths.

" Oh sorry, sorry i'm talking too much again. Lividpaw constantly tells me i need to stop sharing everything i have on my mind at once. Did you saw him out there by the way and...." Basilpaw lifted up his paw and placed it over his own mouth to shut himself up. Woops, he had almost done it again!.



You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

Snowpaw broke away from her mentor on tired paws, all they learned today was where the clans situated themselves and the explanation of what he would be teaching her until she was appointed a warrior herself. Luckily for Schorchedmoon, he had gotten a well "behaved" apprentice, which he must feel some fortunate thoughts over. Tired eyes scanned the quiet camp before she knew it, Basilpaw had skittered into her face, not even giving the other apprentice any time to relax and a startled look peered into her gaze. Off he went and began his idle chatter, not even allowing the she-cat to even speak at any given moment until he realized that he was chattering too much, and even brought up his brother.

Annoyance sparked in her eyes, she was fine with chitchat, or talking to another but, once another was mentioned into a conversation she felt irked by it. "Just showed me the territory and pointed out where the clans were" she stated a bit too flatly, her stumpy tail lashing in slight irritation before pausing. "I guess we can share, if you stop bringing up your brother" she grumbled slightly walking towards the fresh-kill pile expecting the other to follow after her.

"But, as far as your brother goes? I believe your father took him out or whatever, I don't know." she stated smoothly. Snowpaw felt bad for Basilpaw, his father paid him no mind but gave Lividpaw all the attention and the other just followed it, and Basilpa was just...left alone to his own will and mind, and that of course made her wonder why he cared so much about the other when he was just...left out. Her eyes narrowed at the thought before looking at the other, "Does it not bother you that your dad never gives you an ounce of his attention?" she questioned, knowing whenever those she had a considerate feeling of 'friend' gave someone else attention she felt...envy so she doesn't understand why Basilpaw was so...okay with it.

Oh she had been shown the territory?!, like all of it?. So she know where every single stone and tree was now!. Basilpaw looked amazed. He wished he could have had a fun first day adventure like that with Spiderwing!. " I bet you had tons of fun exploring every single thing out there!. " and the clans too!. Basilpaw didn't even know how many clans existed beside their own. Snowpaw's obvious irritation didn't seem to effect Basilpaw however her comment about his brother made the kits smile drop in bafflement. Why not ?.The thought that not everyone might find Lividpaw as cool and amazing as he did had never crossed his mind before. Maybe she was just jealous?. That would be a more logical explanation. But he guess if not bringing his brothers name up would get him to share a meal with her then he had no other choice then to cooperate!. " Kay!, i can do that!" he would chirp as he happily trotted after the other apprentice to the freshkill pile, his smile back and stronger then before. I'm sure i can change her mind and get her to see how cool my brother is!.

Snowpaw confirmed that she had seen Lividpaw leave camp with their father...something that really suprised him to hear. Why would Lividpaw follow his father out on his very first day as an apprentice and not his mentor?. It didn't make sense because it was the mentors who took their apprentices out right? they where always suppose to be together, but if Snowpaw had seen them leave camp together it most be true. There was no reason why he would think Snowpaw would lie to him after all. " Oh, well i bet they have tons of fun out there together. Lividpaw is gonna have to tell me all about it when he comes back!!" Basilpaw stared down at the freshkill pile as he looked after something to eat. He wonderd what Snowpaw would like to eat?. Would a bird work?, or maybe a mouse would be better?. Frog?.

He had been about to ask her what she wanted to eat but no she asked him directly about his relationship with his father. Basilpaw's eyes went wide as he turned his head around to stare at her. Oh she was serious, wasn't she?. Basilpaw started to giggle. " W-what are you talking about Snowpaw?. Father gives me attention all of the time!. He is the one who taught me how to play with a mossball, and we have watched the stars together almost every single night!. He tells me stories about his adventures before the clans even existed. He comforts me when i'm sad and...well my father spoil me with attention!." He rambled on with a smile. It was true that his father had high expectations from Lividpaw but that didn't mean he had forgotten all about him!. Basilpaw spends time with his father all of the time.

Basilpaw stared back down at the freshkill pile again still with a smile on his maw. " So what do you wanna eat?. i personally like birds but i'm fine with eating whatever you wanna eat!." Not everything were black and white just like how lies could be somebody elses truths.


[ ༻❄༺ ] Yellow eyes kept trained in front of her as they came to a halt near the freshkill pile, eyes shifting to examine through what was in front of them. Basilpaw seemed surprise to hear that his own brother had gone out with their father and she flicked her gaze onto the other newly appointed apprentice with a calm look on her face. Seeing how nonchalant Basilpaw was after hearing that she had seen the other leave with their brother, and hoping they would have fun together, yet for Snowpaw, if her sibling was the one being taken out by her parents- of course that would be in theoretical sense since her parents were gone; she woule be envious, mad even yet Basilpaw paid no mind.

He even went as far to say that his father does give him attention, and plenty of it but doubt played on her face. Basilpaw was blind to it all she supposed but, it would not be her place to question such things and she just shrugged it off "if you say so..." she remarked softly before focusing her attention back onto the freshkill pile, Basilpaw asking what she wanted which led her to softly hum and began to paw out a decently sized crow.

"This should be good, yeah? Also what did your mentor go over with you?"[ she would ask, trying to get off the subjects of family and such before Basilpaw dare began his sproutings of his dear brother once more. Might as well anyways if Basilpaw was going to pester her while she tried to relax due to Lividpaw being out, which...granted, irked her that she was 'second-choice' because the other's sibling had been out.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 4 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Basilpaw shine up when Snowpaw actually decided to pick a crow for them to share!. " Yes! yes! yes! i love crows! they have very tasty legs to chew on and it's good for the teeth too!. " He had no clue if Snowpaw had picked the crow for his sake or not but he decided it had to be because she liked to eat them too because that would mean they shared something in common!. That was normal for friends to do, right?. To share like-minded minds!. Happily he would spin his head around to look for a spot for them seat at while sharing their delicious crow!. " Hmh?, my mentor...she and i well..." he started but seemed to lose the words for a moment there. He tried to think back on what they actually had been doing. Spiderwing for sure had have alot to say that was for sure.

" We didn't do anything as fun and adventures like you and Scorchedmoon!. It was uhm, pretty boring actually..She introduced herself and brought me to the carrion place and...yeah that was pretty much it!. Just talking - oh! I found a spot for us! " Basilpaw picked up the crow from the pile before dashing of to hurry himself to claim the spot for them before anyone else could!. Basilpaw would happily hum as he placed the crow down at the ground and then sat down and excitedly waited for Snowpaw to catch up with him.

" I'll let you take the first bite because a tom always let the molly eat first!." just like a true gentleman! or something like that. Basilpaw had heard a elder mention that to him once and since he really wanted to win Snowpaw over to be his friend figured he should play by the book!.