let's do some business then | trading


May 3, 2023
I've been trying not to
An assortment of things lay stretched out in neat piles for all to see. Odd shaped leaves and flowers of different colors he collected around camp sat in the first stack. Shiny, glittering rocks of various sizes sat in another and finally he had a single rodent skull that seemed to display an extra incisor than normal. A single dirt covered paw from all his digging for rocks nudged a single flower back into its proper place. A crooked grin split across his maw, forked tail flicking to and fro with budding excitement as he looked up and called out to the first cat wandering past. "Over here stranger! Feast your eyes on these," Las Plagas voiced enthusiastically, waving a dark paw in a sweeping fashion, hoping to make the items look more appealing. Crouching low he looks between the piles and then back up, turquoise eyes growing a fraction wider. "I would be willing to part with one, if you have something to trade." Snapping back up with a swiftness that was almost concerning he leans close. A mere mouse length away from the face of his potential customer. "What do you say?" Las Plagas asks wearing an enticing smile.
Go off the deep end
Round ears perked up from the call of another cat. Cheddar had been ambling about to nowhere in particular, wandering anywhere that seemed of interest. Much of what they were learning about SkyClan had been from observation and brief conversations. This seemed like something new, though, how exciting! Perhaps a SkyClan custom he had not yet learned.

Cheddar greeted Las Plagas with a respectful dip of her head. Her eyes lit up as she realized the objects before the other cat were shining, glittering beautifully in the sunlight. A small gasp of surprise left her lips, and she thought for a few moments. "These art quite lovely, friend. Pray tell, where didst thee findeth these?" Oh she would have loved to have one, but what did she have of equal value?

"Sayeth, instead of item value. what if 't be true mine own trade were of labor?

Little scrap of dirt, toddling around like a tiny beast made of brambles... a funny looking kitten, this one, hailing from the prison that so many Skyclanners had been taken to. Every so often, at the fringes of his moon-wide periphery, Mallowlark had noticed the kit circling the camp, digging about as if trying to uncover something... as far as he was aware, there was no word of anything buried beneath the pines. It was not like Fourtrees, with slumbering skeletons that whispered to the chosen few.

An offer shattered through the bustle; Mallowlark's attention swivelled owlishly, pupils silver-drowned settling upon the ongoing trade. Beckoned by the discussion of a trade, the opportunity for something good, Mallowlark tottered on over, his steps quick and erratic but his head somehow perfectly balanced upright. "Oooh," he hummed, pupils flickering with light-speed to each individual component. Cheddar offered... labour as a trade, but Mallowlark knew he had something better up his sleeve.

Unblinking eyes locked upon the kitten, his grin pushing the boundaries of possibility. "Do you like bones?"
I've been trying not to
His very beck and call prompted a molly to come forth, clearly interested in his assorted stock. Trembling with delight he watches as she coos over his merchandise, appraising it highly with a strange sort of speech he'd never heard before. Regardless, he straightens further, tapered ears flicking as he prepares to answer her with a crooked smirk. "I cannot give away my secret." He vows. Although, truthfully, they were things anyone could have easily picked up around camp. With the exception of the sparkling rocks. She offers labor in exchange for one of his valuables and he pauses for a moment. Lifting a dirt covered paw to tap his chin he looks skyward, contemplating. Perhaps such a trade wouldn't be so bad. "Sure, what did you have in mind?" The kitten asks before tossing his attention in the direction of a moon eyed tom wearing a wide friendly smile. Bones he offers and Las Plagas' own jagged grin stretches further. "I do like bones!" They were fun little toys stuffed inside every meal. The shelter never had anything like that when they poured hard brown kibble into his bowl. "What kinds do you have?" He asks hastily.
Go off the deep end

Mallowlark loomed over the kitten like a great white birch, gigantic eyes of starlight silver burning to keep eye-contact. That was friendliness, wasn't it? Smiles and eye-contact, all smiles and all eyes, ceaseless... and oh, hadn't it worked a charm! He had always had a good rapport with kittens, hadn't he? Silly little thing they were... easily impressed, and yet oh-so funny.

"Oh, I have lots," he chimed, tone a dissonant song as he puffed his chest out in pride. There were of course some aspects of his collection he would not give away... a skull offered on a night so-very special came to mind, a skinned snake's head, picked clean. That sang of too special a night to let a kitten smash to pieces with clumsy, too-big paws. "I have some mouse-ribs, somewhere... I'll give em to you if you promise not to choke to death." His tone was instructional, night dipped paw motioning toward him. He could not let that happen, no! Little grinning scrap- it wouldn't do to let that smile fix upon a cadaver, would it?
Image Scorchedpaw would happen upon the scene of a grey tom displaying his assortment of items. The tom's functional eye would narrow in perplexion, although it seemed his clanmates didn't share any confusion in the activity. Switching his gaze to the spotted orange tabby and then to the primarily white tom he'd find no resolve. Mallowlark making it no better as it seemed the feline had his own stash of items."I'm not following.." He'd utter in a low tone. "What do you do with these items?" The flame point would inquire. — tags
Fireflypaw wants to eagerly rid himself of the butterfly wing that withered behind his ear, though it felt wrong to do so- it was a gift, after all. Though as he pulls it out from behind his ear, he finds himself comforted by the fact that he had grown out of it. Perhaps another, much younger than he, would find more use for the beautiful thing. When Las Plagas announces a trade, Fireflypaw makes his way over and gently sets the delicate wing down onto the ground to display.

"What could I trade you for this?" He asks softly, sheepishly- though he hears Scorchedpaw's confusion and lifts his head to peer towards the apprentice. "Some find comfort in material items, I suppose. Some like to decorate their nests with these items." He shrugs, finding that was the best way to explain things. He scoots the butterfly wing forward with a paw, smiling. ​

It isn't all that long ago that Greeneyes was sat in the midst of camp with his own collection of items to give out to his clanmates. So much has changed between then and now, as he observes the odd-looking kit with his own assortment of trinkets.

Though this one doesn't seek to give these out for free, as Greeneyes had. This one seeks a trade.

The warrior approaches after Fireflypaw has - just in time to see the medicine apprentice remove the butterfly wing Greeneyes had grown used to seeing adorn his friend's pelt and offer it up to the kit. He watches quietly, and can't help the twinge of sadness he feels at seeing the item on the ground, wilted and placed in trade. Perhaps it was time change, once more.

"You know, I collected some items to give out too. Just like you, but before you came here," he hums, "They aren't as cool as what you've got here, but I still have a few in my nest. Feathers and things, mostly. But, I can get them for you to look at, if you want?" He needs to clear out the extra gifts anyway - he'd only collected them with the intention of giving them away, after all.

"And, hey, if you don't want to keep them, maybe you can find someone to trade them away to."
I've been trying not to
Mouse ribs were offered leaving the boy to nod his head rapidly. "A worthy trade!" Las Plagas declared. He could add the little sun bleached things to his growing collection. Gesturing toward the pile he compels Mallowlark to take his pick of the assorted items. "Go ahead, grab something." In the midst of his speech another approaches his piles with an air of confusion. His maw parts to explain but Fireflypaw beats him to it. Choosing instead to remain silent, his attention hones in on a single withered butterfly wing boasting vibrant blues. Turquoise eyes grow wide as he leans close to inspect the wing further, whispering. "This is really pretty..." Beautiful and delicate. The kitten felt as if it would snap underneath the sheer weight of his stare.

"What could I trade you for this?" Those same blue green eyes flicker back up to rest upon the fluffy cream tom. What could he trade for such a thing? Wide eyes dart back to his assorted piles. Ebony paw poking and prodding through his things with his brow kinked with seriousness. "Nope, nah, definitely not..." He mumbles to himself whilst pushing things aside until finally he grabs something. "Ah, there!" An oblong shaped, slate blue rock with lumpy ridges. Nudging it toward the apprentice's paw he pipes back up. "How about that?" Whilst awaiting Fireflypaw's response he turns to Greeneyes, nodding. "Yeah, I want to see your collection." Hopefully the warrior had something he wanted.
Go off the deep end