private let's get down to business


forever a wide eyed fool
Mar 27, 2023
After the meeting, Crowflower had approached Howlingstar and asked if the leader could help her improve her fighting techniques. She had felt silly standing before Howlingstar, asking for help with not a scratch on her while the older molly was still recovering from the battle at Sunningrocks. Crow probably would have lost confidence and scampered away without ever saying a word if Howlingstar had not caught sight of her before she could manage an escape. A spar with Stumpybounce had been arranged shortly after and everything was set in motion. Crowflower desperately wanted to challenge herself to be better. Deep down, she knew she could never be as ferocious or brave as some of her clanmates, but she didn't want to feel useless anymore. At the very least, she wanted to make sure she could protect her sister and the kits from danger. A mixture of trepidation and anticipation culminated in a heavy lump of nausea that settled in Crowflower's gut. Rising before dawn, she had stared down the pile of freshkill early that morning but was unable to bring herself to eat. Although her expression appeared calm, she twitched at every sound as she anxiously counted down the seconds until the training time took place. Tufts of black fur stuck up at odd angles where Crowflower couldn't reach, but the rest was surprisingly clean. She suspected that she would soon be thoroughly humbled and she disliked the idea of embarassing herself in front of Howlingstar and looking like a rabid skunk at the same time.

// @HOWLINGSTAR @Stumpybounce
When Crowflower asked her for help polishing her fighting technique, Howlingstar had been admittedly impressed. The warrior had shown initiative in asking for help; it reveals a good work ethic and a desire to improve, which the woman always likes to see in a warrior. So of course, she'd agreed and now she stands in the clearing just outside of camp, favoring her shoulder that should be resting and is the reason they couldn't venture to the sandy hollow to train.

She nods to the two warriors before her, mewing, "Thank you, Stumpybounce, for agreeing to be here to spar with Crowflower. Now, I want you two to square up on opposite sides. Crowflower, you're fast and agile - remember to use that against your opponent. Go ahead and begin." Patiently, she watches to see how the spar begins, prepared to inject advice and tips to help her clanmate.
Crowflower did her best to resist the urge to shift nervously under Howlingstar's gaze. I asked for this, she reminded herself, trying to overcome the urge to run away and hide. Giving up was something she was very good at. "Um, okay," she said, trying to sound confident. Stumpybounce wasn't much larger than she was, which made her feel a little better. Crow sunk into a fighting stance and began to circle her opponent, keen eyes searching for an advantage. Fast and agile, fast and agile. That meant that she should probably avoid trying to take Stumpybounce on directly. That was the problem: Crow didn't want to take anyone on. Not really. But she wanted to be better, even if the idea made her feel queasy. At a loss for where to start, Crowflower decided to take the simple approach and test his reactions by feigning an attack to Stumpybounce's left shoulder before springing backward, hopefully out of his reach.
six feet tall and super strong ✧°.☀ ———————————— Stumpybounce was often ready to give his assistance when asked, he liked to think he was a multi-faceted tool in that way. He was adaptable and tried to be dependable. He was more than happy to nod his head in acknowledgment at Howlingstar's thanks. To be fair he also would much rather be doing this than pretty much any other warrior duty, sparring was one of his favorite activities.

Howlingstar told them to square up and he did. He watched his opponent with battle trained eyes, watching her slink into a battle position and start circling him. He mimicked. His heavy set paws already betraying his own fighting style. With big paws and a stocky body his best battles were done up-close and personal. The good thing was that he would be giving Crowflower a good chance to dodge and weave. He would give her a chance to see how quick she really was after the attempt at his shoulder he did what he does and as the molly hops back Stumpybounce advances quickly, trying to knock her to the ground with his body weight. He hoped she would be quick enough to jump out of the way.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we'd always get along
Howlingstar's attention shifts swiftly from Crowflower to Stumpybounce as the battle commences. She paces, ears pricked up as the she-cat fakes a swift attack only to double back. She likely hadn't expected her opponent to chase after her, throwing his weight at her. "Don't take your eyes off him. Move quick!" She calls, tail flicking back and forth. A smaller cat needs to be able to evade a larger enemy; a powerful blow can end a fight swiftly. "Try to latch onto his back. A small cat has an advantage there, where he can't reach you!"
Crowflower is quick enough to scramble out of the way, but she is so focused on listening to Howlingstar's instructions that she lands badly on her hind paw. Wincing almost imperceptibly, she takes advantage of Stumpybounce's forward momentum to leap onto his back. Her grip on his pelt is not strong enough to latch very deeply--she dislikes the idea of accidentally hurting him despite suggesting the spar herself. Crowflower could work on technique all she wanted, but she knows what the real issue is. Even so, she feels a touch of pride that she successfully managed this maneuver. Eaglestump had struggled to teach her any of the more advanced skills. It's why she was held back several moons before receiving her warrior name. Among other things.​