lets go fly a kite | kite

When she was a young cat, Howlfire had been strangely fascinated by two-legs. Her father had once been a kittypet before he had been bestowed the mantle of leading SkyClan. She knew to be wary but knowing her father had more firsthand experience than some cats she knew, she had often pressed him for information. Wanting to know all about his life and his former two-legs. Her capture and subsequent time in the Shelter had dampened her curiosity considerably, but there was still much about two-legs that she was curious to know about.

The hunting patrol had been going well enough so far, albeit with no prey caught. Howlfire wasn't too disheartened though, the patrol had only just begun, and there was still plenty of time to catch something good before they returned to camp. Howlfire had pulled away a bit, bunching herself into a hunters crouch as she followed a scent trail. All of a sudden, a small rattling sound above her caught her attention and she straightens and looks upwards, eyes falling upon a strange red object tangled in a low hanging branch. It was a curious, diamond-shaped thing, with a string attached to it that dangled close to the ground. "What is that?" Howlfire asked, turning to the nearest cat to her, almost as if looking to make sure they could see this object too. "Do you think it's safe?"

Living among twolegs gave Fantastream experience that she was learning a few cats in the clan did not have. She was well versed in the ways of the strange creatures that walked on their hind legs and whenever she could she was more than willing to offer her council or answer any questions coming from the mouths of curious kittens.

She is glad to be on a patrol with Howlfire. She had been one of the cats locked in the shelter and thus was a familiar face. That and today was a great day for hunting in her opinion. The sunlight filtered through the trees and warmed her light-colored pelt, making her feel good in a way that only came from spending time outdoors. Finally, she felt purpose in her life. It was not a feeling she would let go of readily.

She is idly chatting with the rest of the patrol when suddenly she notices that the chocolate colored molly has stopped, her eyes trained on a strange object that Fantastream had never seen before. Curious, the daylight warrior comes to stand next to her to examine it. She tilts her head upwards and draws in a breath. "Whatever it is it smells like twoleg" she says, a hint of suspicion in her voice "it doesn't look dangerous" she observes, but she knows that some cats are still wary from the traps they had found themselves caught in. She herself had never been caught in such a trap, instead she had found some twolegs and gone right up to them, expecting them to return them to her nest but instead they had taken her to that strange place with the others.


Though Twitchbolt had lived in close proximity to Twolegs all his life- had gotten a bit too close to them for comfort when he was in the Shelter, in fact- he had never been particularly comfortable getting close to them. Or any of their stuff. One of his earliest experiences as an apprentice had been watching one of their monsters carelessly back over Blazestar, treading him into the concrete... he shuddered whenever he recalled that memory, its aftershocks not yet overcome. He'd be surprised if he ever bleached that sight from his mind.

A flash of colour amongst pine-needles- a colour that decidedly shouldn't have been there- dredged Twitchbolt from the focus he held upon his tracking, the small buzz of conversation between Howlfire and Fantastream guiding his gaze upward to catch the shape. It did have a considerable... Twoleg aura. And it was... odd-looking in make, another of those strange materials Twolegs seemed to use that were seen nowhere within the forest. He swallowed, nervousness creeping through his throat. He- couldn't let anything happen, not to Blazestar's daughter... not to anyone, because what would everyone think?

Still- Fantastream was right. It didn't look dangerous- or lethal, or alive. Still... "Should we try and- and pull it down? Not- not from above, 'cos... looks easy to get tangled in. And we don't know... why it's in the tree..." It was caution in his tone, the smallest wobble of fear- but he wasn't prepared to turn tail unless it really seemed to do something dangerous. It didn't smell the same as a trap... didn't look the same either. It looked as paper-thin, as prisoner-to-the-breeze as a butterfly wing.
penned by pin ✧

⭒✧ He still wasn't proficient at hunting like his clanmates, the mice at the Learningplace significantly slower and fatter than those in the forest. Additionally, any missed catches were supplemented by offerings from the twoleg kits so Chalk had taken the opportunity to hone his mind rather than his paw-eye coordination. An oversight, he now realised, with no prey to offer the clan this far into the hunt. The flare of fabric in the wind and distant voices put a stop to his deliberations however, and as always the tom sought out the curiosity.

Howlfire's distant silhouette directed him to the mystery, her mottled nose a pointer. Colours crunched above the patrol, material not quite taut against it's skeleton. "The shape... It looks made to catch the air. Perhaps the twolegs pilot it with the string?" Emboldened by Fantastream's diagnosis, not dangerous, and his own inquisition, Chalk slipped closer.

He was tempted to climb up and pull it down as Twitchbolt suggested. The lead warrior in question appeared distressed and it gave him pause. Should he be as worried? Potentially, although... "They normally make things colourful so they can be seen, so I don't suspect subterfuge." Mirth made his mouth slant. "If we do knock it down, it will likely flutter away."
⭒ ———————————— ✧⭒

The general consensus seemed to be that the strange object was from the twolegs. Howlfire herself was inclined to agree with that statement, it certainly had the stench of something that had touched. As to whether it was safe or not, the patrol seemed more undecided on that front. As Fantastream noted, it didn't really look particularly dangerous, in fact, it looked harmless to Howlfire's eyes even if the colours were a bit garrish. Given the situation she and Twitchbolt endured, she supposed he was entitled to feel wary of the object and what its motives were.

Despite her own wariness, and that of Twitchbolt, Howlfire approaches the base of the tree the object is in slowly. She doubts it will harm her but even so she hesitates a moment before fully committing, stretching a paw up, and tugging at the string. It takes a moment for a claw to catch the string sufficiently and then takes more time to get it to come out of the tree. Howlfire jumps back when the object tumbles to the ground but steps closer when it just sits there lifelessly, only just lifting when a breeze hits. "How weird..." Howlfire mused, still mystified by this strange object.
Angry at all the things I can't change
Dappled sunlight casts warm patches across his cream colored coat as Coyotecrest draws closer. Tossing his attention skyward he frowns a bit at the odd twoleg item tangled within the boughs above. He agreed silently with Fantastream. The strange crimson object did not appear to be harmful in any sort of way. But the noise it created could most certainly cause more harm than good. "If the wind keeps rattling it around like that it might scare all the prey away." Who knew, that could have been the very reason why they were having such a hard time locating any prey on this patrol. His tail whisks from side to side whilst edging closer. "I think we should knock it down somehow." The young warrior proposes, turning to look back at his clanmates to gauge their reactions.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith