let's go shopping | sleeping




Truly he had one job. One simple task and honestly maybe it would have been better if he let someone else do it. But no, oh no, he has to keep up his reputation. Keep pushing. Work harder. Be vigilant. Yet this is not being vigilant. He is supposed to be keeping watch of the camp during the wee hours of the waning moon. Supposed to be making sure there are no mishaps, no suspicious activity going on while his clanmates were sleeping. Yet his eyes have grown heavy, he has tried walking around but even that doesn't seem to help and with his vision continously blurring it is hard for him to see anything at all. Clenching his jaw he lets out a nervous breath before he suddenly sits down, back pressed against a tree. His eyes droop and the tabby marked tom struggled. It's all because he went out the night before, then came back and went straight to work during the day. No sleep for him and now it's showing it's ass. Quickly he lifts a paw to run at this faintly blue eyes of his before a soft yawn pulls from his muzzle.

"Mm...I did it.. to myself..." He mutters out those half lucid words before his body droops and he sudden has the side of his face pressed up against the trunk of the tree. Light snores leave him as he catches up with his sleep but really he should have asked to be replaced. To have someone actually full of vigor at the moment instead sleep deprived Cardinal.
"Keep pushing, work harder!" Blah, blah, blah — those were all things his brother Hecatomb loved to say, too. Back then, anyway. Kittypet life sure had been exhausting! And he's glad that life was gone for good; although, he did miss the busy streets full of um... too many noises and too many colors. Despite having to pull his weight around here and whatever—since he'd only been apart of this 'Skyclan' for so long—Abby was thrilled to be out and about in the world, seeing new sights and meeting new people. One such person—such an unaware one—happened to be Cardinal, even if the other was oblivious to Abattoir's presence.

The small black feline catches sight of Cardinal's old droopy self, amber eyes fixing to his body, void of emotion. However there was definitely some pep in his step as he trotted up to the tree, poking his face quite close to the other tom's. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! THE CAMP'S ON FIRE! EVERYONE'S BURNING, IT'S SO AWFUL!" Abattoir stifles a giggle, rounded gaze still transfixed on Cardinal, awaiting his (hopefully) startled reaction. Of course the camp wasn't on fire, but he couldn't help himself. It was a hilarious idea! In spite of his own glee, he kept himself still, flicking the tip of his tail back and forth and resisting the urge to bounce on the tips of his paws. He'll love it!

    —— amab, uses he / him pronouns. 6 moons old. apprentice of skyclan.
    —— an amiable, but strange young boy who ventures to find what it means to truly be alive.
    —— @ on discord for plots!

    Abby is a plain, pitch black short-fur feline with deep copper eyes. He is by no means exceptional in his appearance, nor is he any less — just a normal kitty. He has an average build, slightly leaning on the underweight side, and a semi-fluffy tail. The only thing slightly remarkable about him is the faded scar on the right side of his face, just circling his eye; there are three long marks, each a light pink as a reminder of an older, sweeter time.



The marmalade she-cat had went to the dirt place, or something, because otherwise she would not be up at this hour. Her eyes glowed with tired tears and persisted yawns roared out of her mouth as she ambles back to camp half asleep. She too just so happened to pass by Cardinalshine, who had fallen asleep… wasn’t he on watch? Awkwardly she stands still, confused on what to do. Should she wake him…?

Well, Abattoir was less indecisive as her clearly. He makes the call to wake him up In possibly the worst manner Figpaw could think of. Wake up! The camps on fire! Everyone is burning, it’s so awful! Huh?! She swears… some of these cats from outside of SkyClan were so… so… weird! Ill-mannered!

”Hey!” She scolds, marching up and attempting to cuff the younger apprentice on the ear, as if she was an angered queen. ”The camp isn’t burning Cardinalshine! It’s not awful; everything is fine!” Figpaw tries to assure the potentially alarmed warrior and diffuse the situation before any bombs went off. Figpaw doesn’t know if Abby realized how clan life works yet… but apprentices cannot don’t prank warriors! Did he want to get in trouble?!


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 9 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

His dreams were an endless see of darkness. Most likely because he is too tired to actually dream of anything at the current moment. Yet as soon as Abattoir shouts in his ear his mind turns on so quickly. He jerks up with a sudden inhale and his muddled mind clings to those horrible words. Everyone is burning. His wild eyes looks around as he suddenly starts shouting. "SOMEONE HELP THE ELDERS! GRAB THE KITS! LEAD THE QUEENS TO SAFETY!!" His heart is pounding on his chest so hard he feels like he can hear it in his ears. His claws are scrambling against the ground as he moves from the tree only to hear Figpaw a moment later. It takes him just a moment longer to realize after he processes her words that everything is quiet. There is no smell of anything burning and he pulls his ears back against his skull.

"Ah...that wasn't the best way to wake someone up..." He can feel his legs shaking, that sudden jolt of adrenaline still moving through him. Taking a deep breath in to try and settle himself he looks at the two apprentices, rather appreciative of one of them more than the other. "What are the both of yo–," The tom's words are cut off by a sudden yawn before he shakes his head. "What are you two doing up so late?" Maybe he should be angry but he is just too exhausted and well that energy he just used has definitely depleted him.
( 𓆣 ) Termitepaw is not asleep, insomnia drawing her paws just out of the apprentice den, careful not to wake anyone, to gaze up at the sky. It's cloudy tonight, they like the clouds. Stars make Termitepaw nervous, it always feels like their starry-pelted ancestors are watching her, specifically, judging her every actions. The clouds make it harder to see, but it's more peaceful as well. It's nice, on a night like this, to sit alone with no disturbances, no one asking anything of her, away from the chaos of clan life.

And then a shout rips its way through the camp, speaking of a disastrous fire.

Termitepaw's fur stands on end, instantly spooked. She whips her head around -- fire? Where? She can't smell smoke... Can she? Oh no, oh no... Of course it couldn't last. Termitepaw clumsily stands, panicked, and skitters towards the source of the call, Cardinalshine's words ringing out shortly after. Should she get the elders, the queens, the kits? She's so scared, she can't even figure out who to grab first. But then she comes upon a small gathering of cats, catching the tail end of the voice that called for action, asking why the other two are up so late. Well, it's because of the fire, obviously. But... No one's moving.

"What's burning? Who's burning? Whe-ere's the fire???" asks Termitepaw frantically, glancing between the three cats in confusion. They seem far too calm about this.
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