let's go to the garden, you'll find something waiting ~> joiner


The Bard
Aug 1, 2023

[ Sweet like honey on a summer day ]
Arpeggio wasn't quite sure where they were at the moment. They had managed to find themselves stuck outside and ended up wandering around to the point they lost their home. So they just continued to wander, hoping to eventually find their way back but after some time they stumbled across a fence that seemed to lead into a forest. So against their better judgement they slipped past the fence and curiously headed into the forest, wondering what laid ahead.

Their paws carried them along with absolutely no destination in mind and the only thought they had was just how intriguing everything was. After a while they stumbled across the scents of many cats, causing them to stop in their tracks and look around. They didn't see any other felines around so they wondered what was causing this scent to be so strong. They were hesitant to keep going in further, instead opting to settle back on their haunches and wrap their tail around to rest on their paws. Maybe another cat would be along shortly and explain where exactly they were or maybe they could help them get home. Or they at least hoped they could return home, wherever that was.

[ I'll stick with you through the wind and the rain ]
Angry at all the things I can't change
Mint shaded eyes skim over the length of some cat drawing a little too close to skyclan's border. He'd noticed them before. Watching them meander about and at first he assumed they would eventually be on their way. But he was sorely mistaken. When they opted to take a seat and remain, Coyotecrest rose from his crouched position within the pines to leap from the bough supporting him. The cream tabby lands with a hefty thud, flaxen paws drawing him close with skeptical eyes resting upon the stranger. "Drawing awfully close to skyclan's territory there..." He murmurs, tone issuing warning as he stops along the line. Kittypet scent clung to this cat's coat, the indicator sticking out like a sore thumb. "If you're lost twoleg place is back that way." He finishes with a flick of his tail in the general direction of the concrete jungle.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The hulking form of Duskpool stayed, watching the other with a calculative hue, helm cocked, with a swerve of a tattered ear at Coyotecrest’s voice. With a grunt, the obsidian-furred male padded forward, tail flickering as he left the safety of the undergrowth to stand a few lengths from the other, observing the other who sat, tail curled around their paws, looking lost.

“Look a bit lost, there.” He commented, brow raised. His gaze flickered to Coyotecrest for the briefest of moments before returning to the stranger, the stench of kittypet wafting off of them.
thought speech

[ Sweet like honey on a summer day ]
Arpeggio turned towards the voice, noticing the cream tabby that drew close. They pushed themself up onto their paws, tail swaying lazily behind them and head tilting to the side as they noticed the second newcomer. "I'm sorry I don't quite know what this "skyclan" and "twoleg" place is," they hummed, head tilting back to the correct position. They stretched their front paws out in front of them, ears pinning back as their maw split open with a yawn. "I am lost as you both seem to of noticed by now, I happened to get separated from my home and I've been wandering for days and can't seem to find my way back,"they mused.

They righted themself once more, settling back onto their haunches while turning their attention back to the other two felines. Arpeggio was curious about the two in front of him, why were they staying all the way out here?

[ I'll stick with you through the wind and the rain ]

"So you're not a Kittypet and you're not a clan cat," Silversmoke's brows raised as he spoke before crunching downwards in judgment of the stranger's predicament. Prowling across the earth, comfortable in its scent, the Lead Warrior moved to the front of the patrol, snaking to his full height and sinking his claws into the vibrant greenleaf foliage before him. Without a collar or a purpose, Arpeggio would be classed as a rogue, though they lacked the apparent bite to cause a purposeful problem to his home. Most cats would call that a loner, someone who preferred to stay out of the way: he believed the only difference between a loner and a rogue was desperation, and all it took was one bad newleaf to turn that 'innocent' creature into an absolute nightmare. His swooping tail came to a tentative halt behind him, coiled towards the treetops as he gave the chocolate tabby a once-over with mismatched eyes. Silversmoke didn't believe the other had given any indication that he wanted to join SkyClan, but, at the same time... "SkyClan is us, a group of cats dedicated to helping each other and living under a star-touched leader."

Tufted ears twitched - had he just given the stranger more questions? There was a gap in time where Silversmoke hung on with bated breath, waiting to see if he had made a mistake, instead, he decided to cut through the awkward silence before he made a habit out of it. He shook his head, expression guarded, but limbs not carrying the tension of one who was ready to strike the other down. "What does your home look like? Smell like? You can't walk through our territory, but I can point you in the right direction." It was a confident promise, though, not a truthful one. His breathing momentarily stilted with an uncertainty of the lands outside of SkyClan and the Twolegplace, the possibility that this cat lived beyond what his mind could comprehend growing stronger and stronger with each nanosecond Arpeggio didn't answer him. Snorting, the spotted silver tabby impatiently waited for an answer.


"A few days?" came Twitchbolt's incredulous tone, as he joined his Classmates from the undergrowth, messy mahogany head peeking out. Wide olivine eyes settled upon the stranger, studying them intensely- as intensely as he could for a few moments, at least. Tiny pupils, surrounded by green expanse and amber-spot, settled steadfast upon the other despite his shaking. Twitchbolt's wariness was not easily shaken, even when surrounded by a patrol.

Mismatched eyes slid over to the other lead warrior- Twitchbolt nodded along with what Silversmoke said, introducing them as SkyClan. If they didn't know of the Clans... how far away was there home? An ever wandering mind pursued the possibility of them having strode onto another Clan's territory... the very idea of it made him wince visibly.

"Y-you don't want to go anywhere beyond us, trust me..." he muttered, nudging his head in the direction of the other Clans. WindClan especially, that would have been.... disastrous.
penned by pin ✧