private lets just take it slow - dust

Aug 14, 2023

"Hey... are you... here?"

Her words are hushed, mottled face looking over a fluffy shoulder before pushing through dead bushes, ice formations falling off, and some clinging to lilac fur.

Cerulean gaze looked alarm, so far from her territory- yet this place was safe. Safe from prying eyes.

She'd set down a grey and black rock, Marbled colors upon stone. A breath exhales of frost, and her eyes lighten up just a little in thought of him accepting her gift.

They met a while ago, and she really did care deeply about him. Perhaps, this was the start of something exciting, and perhaps one day, she could show him off to her friends and family back in riverclan.

fighting side by side, raising kits together- they Had few and far interactions... but she really did care deeply for the tom, and hoped the tom would return the affection she would give tonight.

perhaps she could finally have a family again.

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Dust hates himself for this. He’s reminded of how much his mother would talk about his father that left, hated him before he was even born. But even so, he fell in love so easily. Maybe he was desperate for the doting that his mother used to give him before Pebble left, but the way the she showed her love so easily made him feel a way he never did before. He felt…good, for once.

He meets up with her again at their designated spot, happy to see a friendly face that he knew he could rely on. Being amongst rogues was always a gamble, but he was sure he could trust her. “I’m here,” Dust says coolly as his face is revealed from the cover. “It’s so good to see you again, Lilac.”

All her anxiety seemed to flood away from her, a bright smile meeting lively eyes as the vrown coated loner pushed from his own spot to greet her. A small giggle of a nervous laughter still escaped her, before pushing forward in an attempt to rub herself against the tom.

"Oh! I got you something.." She purred, turning to grab the rock and set it before him. "I... wanted t-to see, if... maybe.."

She swallowed, it wasn't as easy as practiced, rehearsing it almost the entire way. But as she stood where she was before him, her words escaped her and that gnawing anxiety was slowly clawing its way back in.

This is wrong... she was loyal to riverclan, yet loved a loner...

But if...

"Id.. really love .. if you wanted... t-to maybe be.. mates..?" She finally managed with a shaky breath.

She knew she'd have to ask the other question one day, but right now? Today was not that day.

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Dust allows her to rub up against him, returning the favor by running his head over her back. A nice gesture before the floodgates open. He stares at the rock she brought him, and he does truly appreciate what she’s trying to do. But when asked if he wants to be her mate, his body freezes. It was going to come at some point, but it being so soon…

“…Thank you,” Dust starts. “I truly do appreciate what you’re trying to do. And you’re so, so lovely, really. But I don’t think… I don’t think I’m ready to be your mate, not yet. I have… a lot of work I need to do before I take you as my mate.” The stings of childhood still surround his entire being. He only fell in love because of the thrill of it, nothing more. “Don’t let that stop you from seeing me, though. We can still have something. Something more…intimate?”
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for a moment, silence fell upon her. her head dropped a little, but she listened to him. she took the moment to let the bubbling anxiety process, to let the words sink in. and the girl would nod, lift her head and smile.

she would take that time to understand. it was yet, still, so soon. she was only rushing things. and he left it in the air for the future. "I will wait for you... whenever youre ready," she purred. "I am sorry to just... d-drop it on you like that. I understand." She said, keeping a level gaze just under his own green gaze.

she cared more than she wanted to admit. in such a short time, her dependency and desire to see him, to talk to him, increased every time they met up.

and to her, it could only get better.

she just had to be patient.

"b-but yeah! we can... do something more,.." she said, a gentle look in her gaze. her words trailed off, but it didn't mean she was any less eager to spend any time she could with the male.

Dust is genuinely happy when Lilac seems to take his restraint well, worried she wouldn’t understand. That things would end right here and now. But she does, and he loves her all the more for it. His thoughts are filled with sadness at what could be if he accepted now, but he has so much more work to do. He’ll get there though, for that smile.

He wraps his tail around her in a loving manner. “You’re fine. Thank you for understanding, and thank you for waiting for me.” Dust’s eyes close momentarily as he takes in her smell, and he starts rumbling. “I’m thrilled you agree. Let’s try and make this moment last as long as we can.”
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