Lets sing a gay little spring song || Flower crowns, open

She had been out all afternoon picking flowers of all sorts. She loved flowers, they were such pretty little gifts from nature. She was eager to share them with her clanmates, everyone was on edge and it would do no good for anyone to snap from the panic. She hopped from garden to garden, picking all sorts of blooms but never too much from one garden. It wouldn't do for the twolegs to get upset at her!

Even as she hopped over the fence into the pine forest, she picked any flower she came across on her way to camp. Her mouth was full of stems now, she couldn't possibly fit anymore. With a full bouquet, she trotted joyfully to camp with her tail high in the air and the best smile her face could manage. Setting them down a little out of the way, she started weaving some together. Her paws met a pink flower and she tucked it into the fur on her head before she continued weaving.

She hoped these flowers would bring joy to her clanmates, if only for a little bit.

The flower crown she was weaving would go to the first cat she sees. It didn't matter who it was, she just wanted her clan to smile again.
The tension in the air was palpable, Drizzlepaw notes to himself as he walks around the camp a little aimlessly to shake off his anxiety. He hadn't been around that long, and undoubtedly joined at a bad time, although he doesn't regret his decision. But it did make him a little worried, at least more than normal. Taking a tiny stroll was one of his most surefire methods to help calm himself down if it was needed.

He then notices his clanmate playing with something colorful, and goes over to her to see what she was doing. When he saw that it was flowers, a tiny grin crawls onto his lips. "Hello there, Sweetybee. Those flowers are all super pretty! What are you doing with them?" he asks, smiling even wider when he spots the flower she put in her fur.​
Angry at all the things I can't change
It might have been selfish for him to think this way. But he was almost glad to have the tension surrounding himself as an individual off of his shoulders for once. The clan was too busy fretting over missing cats than to concern themselves with the "traitorous former windclanner". Selfish perhaps, but it was a much needed breather. Green eyes swept over a pile of fragrant blossoms as Sweetybee's paws worked tirelessly to weave them together. Drizzlepaw's inquiry was his own, brow pinching together in silent contemplation as he drew closer. Flowers were nice to look at he supposed, although he would never take it upon himself to gather them for his own enjoyment. "Do you have a favorite flower?" Coyotepaw questions as he takes a seat nearby.
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
) So much had happened as of late and it was hard to keep spirits high. Even Bearheart was beginning to feel the weight of it all pressing down upon his broad back, and he didn't know what to do in order to fix any of it. So when Sweetybee presented the colourful joy of flowers it offered up a reprieve, even if it were just a small one, from the stress of life.

The large tom made his way over to admire the work on the flower crown and he couldn't help but ponder who the lucky recipient would be. "Wow! That's looking really awesome, but tricky to make. How do you make those?" He queried as he sat himself down to watch her work. Maybe he could learn a thing or two.

With everything going on and his namesake's curse creeping up on the pine forest, Greenpaw finds himself still trying to find happiness wherever he can. Brightness in the midst of dark days - a distraction from the ever-present dread that only seems to rise with each disappearance, with each day that passes without a successful search party.

He wonders if Sweetybee is seeking out the same, as the daylight warrior comes into view. Flowers, the calico carries - just as colorful as her own pelt, perhaps even more so. And it's a curious gaze he has set upon the daylight warrior as she gets to work, weaving flowers together with one another. A crown!

Just like a few of his clanmates, Greenpaw finds idle paws moving towards Sweetybee to inspect the scene further.

"Woah!" Greenpaw chirps as he gazes upon the crown she weaves. "That's really cool! How do you do that? Can you make me one?" He thinks it might go well, paired with the feather and clover already adorning his fur. A distraction successfully found, the apprentice watches on as Sweetypaw continues to work.
He admires the way that his clanmates can persevere in hard times, from the way his father keeps his head high despite his fear all the way to the way the younger apprentices continue to make gifts for everyone to cheer them up. Sweetybee is one of those cats, so bright and thoughtful- she's making flower crowns, from the smell of florals that drift on Her winds. Fireflypaw makes his way over, head gently bumping against Greenpaw's shoulder in greeting before he seats himself.

Everyone's asking for one of those crowns, but Fireflypaw can't see himself wearing one of them- maybe Greenpaw, who'd look so pretty with a ring of clovers on his head. Or Bananapaw, who'd look gorgeous with poppies adorning hers. Or even Quillstrike and Twitchbolt, whom would look good with prickly-thorned roses upon their heads. His dad would look good with a brilliant daisy crown, and Howie hydrangeas. His pelt shakes out as he settles, lowering himself into a tightly tucked loaf.

For now, he remained silent, but despite his eyes being shut, it was obvious he was listening intently to the conversation. His ears swiveled, turning and shifting this way and that as more cats begin to speak and babble. He liked listening in, after all.
Much like Fireflypaw, Orangeblossom doesn't have much interest in a flower crown of her own. She simply doesn't have the attitude for it - seriously, could you imagine the scowling deputy decked out in blooms? The eagerness of her Clanmates, however, draws the white-and-ginger molly over to listen and loom in the background of the little congregation that gathers around Sweetybee- eagerly starting to tug stems together to try and fit them around her Clanmates. There's skill in the young molly's work, Orangeblossom notes with a small hum of thought. She knows who she'll be asking for help with den repairs soon ... StarClan knew their nursery needs it.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3