
“Let all cats old enough to swim in the river, gather beneath the river rock for a clan meeting.” Sometimes he wonders if it's not too monotonous using the same call, but at this point it was both habit and the best way to ensure the clan knew a meeting was being held so he felt it odd to change it now. Smokestar ascended up onto his perch, his paws having worn some of the rock smooth in their shuffling and fidgeting about over the past several moons; he raises his white dipped limb to examine before setting it back down, head tilted as it fit neatly into the groove upon the stone. Maybe he needed to work off his energy before coming up here or else the river rock would crumble beneath him one day.

“The rogues have been driven out, I am allowing cats back onto the territory in pairs at the minimum now that Petalnose has confirmed they are gone. I still urge you to not wander alone, especially apprentices, our territory is still full of predators and who knows if they may come back but for now we are victorious and have made clear RiverClan is not to be trifled with!”
A surge of pride swells in his chest to bursting, he can still see the scores of wounds and Ravensong’s attempts to cobweb injuries lingering on fur and over limbs; they had all fought tenaciously and with every last ounce of strength they could muster. His lone amber eye flicks over to Snakeblink briefly, he especially had sunk teeth into a throat and nearly died in the process; seeing the usually so combat opposed tom in such a way still stuck to his thoughts and he quietly made a note to talk to him later about it.
"...we've overcome leafbare at last. The first signs of newleaf are appearing and the river is finally warming back up. It was a harsh season, but we perservered despite the losses. I expect things to be...calmer now for the time." It felt like lifetimes ago but it had only been several moons since the yellowcough epidemic, the rogue invasion, losing Cicadastar...losing so many others...the ice melts, life begins anknew and the clan's nursery was already full once more. Which did give him other things to think of.

With Iciclefang in the nursery he was down a lead warrior, Ferngill’s presence was a welcome addition but he lacked the bite his sister had and her ferocity would be missed in the moons she would be raising kits. He’d already discussed this concern with Lichentail in private and they had come to a general consensus that the extra paws to replace her and continue on even after she rejoined the council proper would be beneficial in the long run. Picking a suitable candidate though was not as hard as he thought it would be.
“...Mosspool, you’ve proven yourself a capable warrior since receiving your full name and even before you were one of our most skilled apprentices.” Another of their journey cats, at this rate all of them would be a notable member of his council soon, “Your loyalty, your skills in battle and your dedication to every duty you’ve been assigned are to be commended. Should you choose, I would like to offer you the position of a lead warrior.”

    @lichentail & @RAVENSONG & @Moonpaw & @Snakeblink & @Petalnose & @iciclefang & @FERNGILL
    @Mosspool & @FOXTAIL & @Lilacbird & @SWIFTFIRE @brookstorm & @robinheart & @hazecloud & @DAWNSTORM & @Aspenhaze & @otterpaw & @BEEPAW & @DUCKPAW & @Minkpaw! & @valepaw ➶
    [Activity shoutouts were 10+ this month, if you feel you were overlooked please let me know!]

    This month we are trying out a new thing which is a mini-raffle for some art I will personally be holding each month going forward. The cats listed here will be rolled in the art channel on the discord to see who wins. More information on this can be found HERE.

    Thank you all for making the rogue plot so fun, and special thanks to our rogue players (living & dead) for sticking it out! The HP team will be taking a brief break from plots/events for a bit to recoup and allow more personal RP and other things to develop gradually on their own! We're always open to suggestions for future ideas though!

    And last but not least special congrats to @empyrean with Mosspool joining the lead team! Mosspool has been a delight to watch develop from her days as an apprentice to her efforts on the journey to being a dedicated warrior of RiverClan (who could use a lesson in how to relax a bit tbh!) and we look forward to having them both and seeing where she goes from here!

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

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𓆝 . ° ✦ The battle had been long and hard, but they had done it. The rogues had been driven out for good. Every step that Mosspool took betrayed her exhaustion, but she was also more relaxed than she had been in moons. Riverclan was safe. None of her clanmates would be hunted down on their own territory the way Clayfur had. For the moment, she could rest easy.

Despite how tired she was, she stood at dutiful attention as the meeting was called.

For once, it was a meeting filled with good news. Smokestar announced to the rest of the clan that they had driven off the rogues, and that they had finally made it through leafbare. Sunny, peaceful days were ahead of them.

It was a surprise when the leader spoke her name. She attempted to stand straighter, willing the exhaustion she felt from the battle not to show. As he spoke, she thought for a moment she had merely been singled out for praise, until he offered her the position of lead warrior.

Mosspool could not help but smile proudly. The doubts that other cats may have held did not plague her, she knew she deserved this. Her part in the journey had helped saved the clan, and every moment since her return she had worked hard to make sure that they recovered from the losses that they had suffered at the hands of sickness and rogues. This responsibility was her well-earned reward for the hard work she had put in all her life. Her head was held high as she stepped forward. "I am grateful for this chance to further serve Riverclan and I accept it wholeheartedly."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.
  • Love
Reactions: minnowpaw!
She’s not nursing yet, and when Smokestar’s call rings throughout the air, the tortoiseshell slips from the nursery, her middle swaying slightly to either side. She sits on the periphery of the crowd, still close to her den; exhaustion shadows her eyes, despite the life of relative leisure she’s been living recently. Her conversation with Stormywing still rings in her ears—and she repeats the words to herself sometimes, like a mantra, a prayer. These are RiverClan kits. The more she says it, the more, she thinks, it will be true.

Smokestar begins by telling them that with the rogues gone, cats are allowed again to travel in pairs. Guilt pricks her paw pads. She’d already been doing that and more, and she counts herself lucky none of the rogues had caught her unaware near Sunningrocks. Now that she’s allowed to go out, of course, she won’t be—she’ll have her paws full soon, and every movement is half an uphill battle now as it is. She lets out a low mrrow of triumph as Smokestar decrees their victory over the rogues that had plagued their wetlands for so long.

He speaks of newleaf, of snowmelt raising the river levels and prey returning to their forest. Her tail curls in delight—her kits would be born into warmth, a prey-rich season where cats could swim and dive beneath the rapids to bring back fresh fish. She makes a note to ensure their first bite is of river prey—she’ll be sure to ask Ferngill specially to bring some by when they’re old enough to chew.

Her thoughts are interrupted as Smokestar calls out Mosspool’s name. Iciclefang’s blue gaze darts toward the weary tabby warrior; she’d been invited to join Smokestar’s council. A high honor, to be sure, and one Iciclefang is confident is deserved, despite the she-cat’s youth. Mosspool accepts, and Iciclefang dips her head toward her new co-lead warrior. “Congratulations,” she murmurs. “You’ll be a fine addition to the council.

  • ooc:
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 21 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

He feels shame turning in his belly as he hears Smokestar call for a clan meeting. He would almost rather watch the meeting from the warriors den, but his paws drag him out to gather amongst the crowd. For a moment he wonders if Eelpaw is somewhere in the crowd, but he cannot get himself to find her gaze. I failed her, Foxtail thinks, as he he tries to focus on Smokestar's current announcements, rather than what's upcoming. ...He was just trying to keep her safe, that's all.

On a different note, Foxtail felt relief that the first signs of newleaf have begun to emerge. Leaf-bare is always the toughest season to live through— the climate is freezing & wet, prey is scarce, etc. Soon the snow should be melted completely, and hibernating prey will emerge for the new season. It'll be pleasant to finally have some warmth, too.

His ears prick up as Smokestar announces the addition of a new lead to his council. Mosspool— Foxtail didn't know her very well, but he was certain it was a well deserved promotion. As Smokestar speaks highly of her, she is a warrior that has proven herself time over and over— and he tries to hide his own shame to congratulate the new lead warrior. "Mosspool! Mosspool!"

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to rai for the mini & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    17 moons


Victorious. The truth was loud and proud, and Ferngill grinned like he'd been given a towering feast. There'd be no more unjust deaths at bloodthirsty claws- Shellkit, Pebblekit and Riverkit would be safe to grow in their Clan. He let his purr rumble like thunder at the news- and he hoped that the buzz of approval, the joy of triumph, reached their lost Clanmates in the heavens. Oxbowpaw, Lightningstone... Clayfur. He grinned bright, and hoped that the sunlight that brightened the sky- the sunlight that had wrestled leafbare for victory- was his uncle's doing.

Then- Mosspool. With verdant awe, his solitary eye widened- it slipped toward his journeymate with blinding sun-brightness. Oh! Oh- it was fantastic news, and Ferngill's approval burst like a supernova on his face, clear and obvious. Mosspool was a good friend of his, a cat he could always rely on, someone he held very dear. During the journey he had forged a great bond with her when they were both apprentices- the only apprentices to have taken on the mantle.

Of course, she accepted her role- in the well-put-together manner in which she always spoke. Ferngill glowed with excitement- it was a miracle he didn't explode from glee. "Mosspool! Mosspool!" he cheered, voice glittering with gladness, "Congratulations!"
penned by pin

His tail flicks, expression one quietly pleased as the brown tabby accepts and he turns his head out across the gathered cats crying her name and allows the noise to die down before continuing on.
"Dawnstorm." Perhaps the tom will be surprised he was trusted with an apprentice when his former colony members had RiverClan blood on their claws and were driven out so recently, but despite all of this and what he knew was a struggle, he decided it was worth permitting the warrior an apprentice as a testament to his loyalty. Dawnstorm had chosen RiverClan, he will be treated as a RiverClanner, "You will be mentoring Minnowpaw whose mentor has retired to the elder's den." One of Willowroot's second litter, a rambuncious bunch he knew would benefit from the guidance of more kinder and gentler paws than most.
"This meeting is dismissed."
He enjoys the briefness of it, knowing full well he will be punished within the next several moons as the nursery bursts with kittens and the current apprentices are eventually made into warriors. The shorter meetings where he had to talk less were a blessing he did not disregard.

  • @DAWNSTORM mentoring @minnowpaw!

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.