private LETTER TO AN OLD POET [ bat ]


Apr 25, 2024
( ) even with the protection and kindness of her clanmates, stormpaw still can't seem to get herself over the incident of a few days ago. with tension diffused as best as it could be, and the kind offer from lionpaw to get away from the incident, she hadn't had the opportunity to seek out bat again. she doesn't know if he's been avoiding her either, or if it's coincidence that they haven't crossed paths. somehow she doubts that she's still on his mind, busy and rambling as the tomcat is, but she herself can't stop thinking about the brief spat. his anger had seemed to come from a place of fear rather than pure hatred. she's not one to analyze a cat's past, but bat intrigues her in a way. despite his bitter words and heavy accent, he's lonely, she thinks.

as the blue tabby girl crouches near the camp wall, odd eyes staring out across camp with a far off expression, she vaguely wonders if she should approach the scrawny tomcat and apologize again. she thinks about asking ricepaw about it, but she guesses her answer would be an adamant no - her sister is not the forgiving type. lionpaw's been touchy lately, spurred to protectiveness by the grief of his mother and his own interactions with his half-sibling. she doubts his answer would be any different to ricepaw's. she can picture his words, professing you did nothing wrong!

her mind turns over the words bat had spit into her face, about not belonging, about how come leaf-bare, she'd be starving and a hindrance to her clan. she wonders if it's true, wonders if most apprentices her age have already caught something. maybe in riverclan they don't learn fishing until later. maybe in shadowclan the frogs are hard to grab. it's not much comfort.

  • // mwah mwah @Bat sorry this is a short intro i'll yap later hehe "#758ba4"
  • 85862893_x1kRh0Q0Manhp5f.png

    blue tabby with low white and blue/green heterochromia a long-furred blue feline with darker blue curling stripes that splash across her chest, flanks and tail. white floods the fur around her neck, the tip of her tail, stomach, and paws. dual hued eyes of sky and forest make her pretty in an innocent way, and her body is small and lithe, although her fluffy fur makes her look larger.
Bat made his way across SkyClan's camp in his typical hunched and reserved fashion, his head held at a lowered angle with a sightless gaze as he made his way over to the fresh-kill pile to discard his catch for the day- a thrush and two mice. He didn't place them down with very much care- in fact, it was without any care at all- simply allowing his jaws to slacken and hang agape so that everything fell to the ground below with a light thump, shutting his jaws once more with an audible snap of yellow tinted teeth. He knew whatever he caught would most likely go to anybody else except for him, and so he saw no benefit in treating anything he killed with any form of respect. Not that he really ate much anyways, something plainly shown upon his frame made up primarily of taught skin over a boney outline, his thick fur being the only thing to fill out whatever it was he lacked.

As he turned to observe his surroundings, his dead-eyed gaze sharpened with recognition, and then interest, as they took account of Stormpaws presence some ways away at the other end of camp. Truthfully, he had more or less forgotten about her in the coming days since their initial squabble- or rather, Bat's overreaction that accumulated into a fury unleashed unjustly onto one much more fragile than himself. It was not in his nature to care for those around him, his previous lifestyle condemning it in favor of a selfish and greedy means of survival- and yet, he could not help but notice how defeated she appeared, how despondent her demeanor was. Was it even possible to hold onto something so trivial for such an extended amount of time? He figured it may be nothing more than a child being what a child was known to be- sensitive and cursed with the misfortune of taking everything that anyone their senior said towards them to heart.

His body began to move before his mind could catch up with it, his paws carrying him at a wary pace straight towards the pathetic little creature. She was alone now, as was he- there was nothing stopping him from doing as he pleased, nobody to skin his flesh with their barbed tongued criticism. He could have easily blamed her for it, if she had not cost them their initial hunt, he would not have had any reason to be so angry, and she would have been spared, resulting in...absolutely nothing. They would have returned home laden with prey, and her spirit would not have been broken. He could have blamed her, for blaming anyone other than yourself for any wrongdoing, even if outside of your control, is so much easier than admitting to yourself that whatever misfortune to befall you is of your own doing. He could have blamed her just because he could, and yet-

"Oi." He hailed her with that gravelly accent, like sandpaper rubbed against bare ears. He moved as close as he felt comfortable, which wasn't very close at all- some tail lengths in front of her, just close enough so that his voice would carry without straining his vocals. There was a moment of drawn on silence, the realization dawning on Bat that he didn't really know what he had intended to say- he simply felt a pull that ushered him forward, telling him he needed to do something more than what he normally would have. "...How was yer lil' rendezvous with...Uh-" His brow furrowed and his optics flitted away momentarily, seemingly in concentration. What's that lil' bugger called? The shadowed top lids that weighed heavily against his viridian eyes moved just slightly upwards- the expression wasn't much of a change, and yet it was still a much more prominent display of emotion than what was typical for him. "...Lionpaw." The name was a sour taste upon his tongue, the sound of it unnatural when he spoke it aloud, a scrunched nose displaying his obvious disdain.​