carawaykit did not like this strange camp. even after the dust had settled and she had time to enjoy whatever finer aspects it had, it wasn't home. that wrenched her heart. it was far too quiet, even swelled with double the amount of cats. there was no background noise of trickling water or swaying willows, the only songs sung in the pine forest were those of birds. she was beginning to find them incredibly annoying.

and to top it all off, all of her belongings were left back at home. stars knew what those monsters would do with her beautiful, fragile, tiny collection. it was growing though, she was working hard to make sure of that. and yeah, she could probably start a new one here but it wasn't the same. her shiny shell was missing, probably trampled beyond recognition, the bundle of flowers beepaw had gifted her probably suffered the same fate. sure, they already had one leaf out the door, one strong breeze away from crumbling, but she wanted to be there to offer her support when they finally fell all the way apart.

it was silly, warriors didn't care about this, anything they had left behind was probably in the very back corner of their minds, but everything had made her quite sad. everything a constant reminder that she didn't know when she would see home again, on top of that her apprentice ceremony was now indefinite. she was so close to doing everything her paws itched for, but the rogues had to come along and snuff it all out.

drearily with heavy paws, carawaykit wandered into camp with a forlorn gaze, one that caught something nestled next to an unfamiliar den. curiously, she padded forward to sniff it out, only to find a rock as dull as she felt. it was jagged, untouched by the river's soothing current, and such a deplorable shade of brown it made her lips roll back in disgust. this certainly was awful. in all of her anger, the kit lifted a black paw to send it flying uncoordinatedly. she didn't really care where it landed, just as long as it was away from her.

  • IMG_0077.png
  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, three moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Tripping, falling, stumbling. Nettlekit did not know the SkyClan camp. Everywhere he seemed to turn, there was something to trip over, fall into, or smash his nose against. He's angry. Irritable. Seething. He wants nothing more than to sink his claws into one of those rogues, even if the only thing he could reach was their legs. I'd bite their toes off, he thinks bitterly, not recognizing any humor in such a thought. In his wanderings, he tries to memorize the walls of the camp, the location of the dens, the fresh-kill pile (as meager as it was), the scents and sounds of SkyClan's residents. As he does so, he finds himself suddenly blindsided. Struck in the shoulder. A jagged stone rockets through the air and crashes against skin and bone. The boy yelps, snaps his jaws together to bare his teeth. The pained noise transforms into a tensed snarl.

A moment later, and he's launching himself, claws out, toward the general direction of wherever the stone had come from. In his mind, it was done on purpose. He had been targeted. Of course, he doesn't initially recognize Carawaykit, or he'd have probably given the situation more thought. No, in a blind fury, he attacks the apparent source with frost-green eyes that glow with rage.

  • ooc : — ​

  • download20230902223302.png

    nettlekit . nettlepaw . nettle?

    — kit of riverclan
    — tom, he/him; unknown sexuality
    — two moons; ages realistically
    — born blind in both eyes
    npc x npc, sibling to bristlekit

    large in size, his paws are, perhaps, a bit too big for his sleek form. creamy fur coats his frame, marred by muddy hued stripes and milky eyes of leafy green. white splashes the tip of his tail, and each paw seems dipped in cotton.
    ↳ lynx mink with low white & green eyes

    ( + ) intelligent, determined ( / ) ambitious ( - ) callous, manipulative
    — will start fights | will end fights | will flee | will not show mercy
    — peaceful powerplay permitted

  • Wow
Reactions: carawaysong
And as folks walk by, you see with your eye​
He doesn't like SkyClans' camp, but it's better then no camp at all. Unfamiliar scents and strangers looking at him with expressions that range from pity to confusion, none of which make him feel any better. At least he's alive, Swanpaw tells himself. At least the clan is okay. He tried not to think about Cicadastar, or the trampled remains of what used to be their home, or the pain that grips his heart when he realizes nothing will be the same again. At least some things never change, he supposed. Swanpaw shuffled into the camp, head hung low as he tried to avoid eye contact with anyone with low enough standards to give him even a once over, and watched as Carawaykit kicked a rock straight into Nettlekits' shoulder. Eyes widening, the tom hurried forward— still keeping his distance— to try and prevent a fight from breaking out.

"Ah! Nettlekit! I'm sure that was an accident!" He stuttered out, paw hovering outstretched slightly. At least, he hoped it was an accident. Emotions run high in the camps, so he supposes lashing out isn't beyond some of the clan members, especially some of the younger ones. Mouth dry with perpetual nervousness, Swanpaw looked at Carawaykit with a frown.
"What's wrong?" He asked, tail nervously flicking behind him.
"Hold me" is repeatedly given​
  • ooc - SORRY FOR THE DOUBLE NOTIF i replied on the wrong acc
  • info -
    Swanpw riverclan apprentice he/him bisexual npc x npc sibling of bubblepaw penned by catburger
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Reactions: carawaysong

carawaykit's ears pricked when the rock yelped, had she lost her mind? eyes now bright and alert, she discovered that it was not that a rock had suddenly gained speaking abilities, but that she had hit nettlekit square in the shoulder. whoops. her gaze began swimming with concern for her denmate, ears tilted in an apologetic manner of which he could not see. "oh, nettlekit i-"

his teeth were bared, a sharp display of aggression soon followed by a snarl tearing through his throat. her expression changed to one of surprise, shock that a clanmate would treat her this way after what they have all been through. it morphs to one of anger as soon as he is leaping her way with outstretched claws.

she liked nettlekit, he was a little grumpy sure, but it usually didn't bother her. they had hung out before, tussled in a friendly spar. this was not friendly. carawaykit stumbled out of the way, chest fluttering with a sudden spike of adrenaline. silverpaw appeared from the sidelines, trying to reason with an airborne paw that marked an imaginary line. "what's wrong?" he asked, but the soft tone did nothing to calm the fire now lit within her.

"he attacked me, that's what's wrong!" she spat, neat silver fur now all up in arms. her gaze wasn't looking at the apprentice as she spoke, too busy locked in on nettlekit with an increasing heat. in another moment, perhaps she would have treated this situation with a little more sensitivity, but she was worked up over her displacement, over the violence witnessed in her home, kitten claws aimed straight for her face.

"you can't do that." carawaykit launched forward, claws sheathed but forelegs open wide enough to engulf nettlekit in an attempt to bowl him over. she didn't want to hurt him, even amidst all these new feelings she was careful not to cause serious harm to one of her own, but maybe a good hit would knock him back into his senses.

  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, three moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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Reactions: Sheogorath


An accident? Focus shifts toward Swanpaw, giving the child a brief pause, only to find himself expelling a large, forceful breath as Carawaykit retaliated, sending him sprawling against the dirt. He grunts, takes a moment to catch his breath, fur still bristling and tail lashing. By this point, he realizes he must have gotten the situation wrong. He recognizes the voice and scent of Carawaykit, and she didn't seem the type to fling stones for no good reason. That, alongside Swanpaw's insistence that it must have been an accident.

Still, the boy is too stubborn, too prideful, to apologize. "You hit me with a rock!" Nettlekit lets out a hiss, though the rage in his sightless eyes seemed to be fading, burning out like a pair of frosty green embers. Stumbling back to his paws, the child gives his chest fur a few calming licks, fur still fluffed out and tangled with bits of dirt and forest debris. He also grooms at his bruised shoulder with a bitter expression. At least now that he's recognized Carawaykit and realized it must have been an accident, he doesn't seem to show an interest in attacking again.

XXXXXBlazestar, father of five—seven, if you counted the kits he had no paw in raising—is well-acquainted with the rowdiness of kits. Displaced and forced to witness bloodshed and atrocity, the SkyClan leader is sympathetic to a point. He watches a tiny silver tabby she-kit smack a stone with despondent force, only for it to accidentally smack into the fierce little tomkit he remembers from before. The squabble happens in an instant—and though one of the apprentices tries to calm the two of them down, it’s to no avail.

XXXXXThe Ragdoll strides forward, his voice booming: “Enough!” He hopes the sheer size of him and the baritone of his words will be enough to calm the spitting kittens. “You are Clanmates,” he says, his tone softer, a touch of warmth bleeding into it. “Warriors don’t fight one another, and I know you both want to be big, strong RiverClan warriors someday.” He sits, blue gaze fixing first on the little she-kit, and then the brown tabby. “What are your names, little ones?” He half-expects more trouble, especially from that little tomkit, but he’s experienced enough to handle it.


Conflicts arise and things get stressful but he never thought that things would get this stressful. His brother in a conflict with Carawaykit and Swanpaw says it's an accident. His maw parts but no words arise from his throat and instead a booming one enters the ordeal. He sinks back because it's the leader of Skyclan. His muzzle becomes a grim line as he stares at the larger cat. He isn't afraid, he is more grim, more agitated then anything. Do they have to listen to another leader now that Cicadastar is dead? Does Skyclan see them as weak now? He looks away and decides to keep his words to himself. It isn't worth it he supposes and one can get into an argument with a leader anyway. Instead he just wants his brother and Carawaykit to stop fighting so he hopes that is what happens now that someone of authority is here now.

Wiggling a little he just watches on from near the nursery, hoping things work out for the better. Afterall Riverclan does need to pull it together.

  • ooc : — ​

  • bristlekit - tom / 2 moons old / riverclan kit / aspiring warrior

The sound of pained yelp that transformed to snarl caused Ratpaw's attention to turn from her new nest right outside the apprentice's den to the squabbling of two of her own clanmates and ears quickly pinned to her head as she quickly made her way over. She saw Nettlekit begin to calm with the help of Swanpaw and Carawaykit's own explanation and the white apprentice soon found herself calming down, maw opening as she was about to say something to the two kits - they needed to not fight, not in SkyClan camp especially - but found the only noise that came from her was a small squeak of surprise as Blazestar came over, the sudden authoritative voice causing the apprentice's fur to bristle from surprise.

"I don't think Caraway would hit you with a rock on purpose." Usually energetic voice turned quiet, Ratpaw would speak to Nettlekit, head tilting slightly in thought. She hadn't seen what had happened, but Carawaykit didn't seem the type to purposefully injure another clanmate - especially not a kitten she had shared a den with for so long - accident, maybe, but accidents happened and they were normal for kits. She would have said more but Blazestar was asking for their names and despite him not being her leader he was still a leader - and one that technically responsible for two clans now - so she instead stayed quiet, eyes glancing over to the large ragdoll as she tried instead to figure out how such a cat could sneak up on her like that.
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki


He jumps as the booming voice rattles through his mind. Nettlekit crouches low, ears back and fur bristling. It takes him a moment to realize that the voice belonged to none other than Blazestar, SkyClan's leader. Though his eyes see only a blurred shadow, his mind is alight with imagination. He thinks that Blazestar must be huge, with loud paws and the voice of a lion. Perhaps he is a lion. But he's not my leader, Nettlekit realizes bitterly. What right did Blazestar have to tell him what to do? SkyClan were just a bunch of kittypets anyways, even if their leader was a lion. The boy catches a brief whiff of his own brother, and then his ears twitch as Ratpaw speaks up. Of course, Nettlekit believes her. Now that he had recognized Carawaykit, he had realized he must have made a mistake in logic.

"I realize that now." The boy responds sharply to Ratpaw. It was, perhaps, the closest thing that poor Carawaykit would get to an apology. An open recognition of the fact that Nettlekit had made a mistake in assuming the rock throwing had been purposeful. But, tense as he was after the rogue invasion, bitter, traumatized, and very much angry, he can't find the maturity to soothe himself, to speak calmly. No, his sightless eyes return to Blazestar. "You're not my leader." Nettlekit lifts his chin, speaking boldly, despite the idea that he now faced a lion. "Cicadastar is coming back soon." Assurance, more-so to himself than Blazestar, but spoken coldly regardless, as if it were meant as a warning. Surely Cicadastar wouldn't let SkyClan have authority over RiverClan, right? Even if they were allies. They were still just a bunch of kittypets.
And as folks walk by, you see with your eye​
His jaw parted with surprise at Carawaykit's temperament; distress crawled through his body as he then watched her jump forward. Swanpaw was no mediator; he was just a babbling pushover, so when Blazestar appeared to break the fight, he felt himself sigh with relief. She was a leader. A strong, noble leader that held more confidence in her left paw than the tom did in his entire body.

She's a leader, he thought more frantically and straightened his posture. She was protecting them from the rogues; he needed to show respect. He nodded hastily to Ratpaw with a hasty grin and looked back at Blazestar. The tom nodded respectfully and nudged his head towards the rest of the RiverClanners nearby.

"T-That's Carawaykit, Nettlekit, and-" He paused briefly, wondering how rude it is to introduce people on behalf of themselves. He was already halfway done with the names, so he pressed on awkwardly. "Ratpaw... a-and I'm Swanpaw. "

Swanpaw quickly looks to Nettlekit with even wider eyes, an astonished garble of noises escaping his paw at the kits words. He lowered his head to whisper-hiss at the kit.
"Nettlekit! P-Please don't be mean to her!"

"Hold me" is repeatedly given​
  • ooc -
  • info -
    Swanpw riverclan apprentice he/him bisexual npc x npc sibling of bubblepaw penned by catburger
( ) there is a frantic energy that undertones every one of willowroot's actions throughout the few days they have lived in skyclan. all she can see in her dreams is the crimson of her friend as he bleeds out, the rat-like movements of the rogues as they crawl over him, burying his body alive under tooth and claw. exhaustion has not left her side, nor has anxiety, but she tries to hide them best she can from her charges. hustling out of the skyclan nursery as she hears tiny voices spitting at each other, the smoke femme mutters under her breath for only herself to hear. "oh stars, i told you to be good, no squabbling darlings." carawaykit and nettlekit face off, both looking grumpy and put out. swanpaw and ratpaw attempt a mediation and, starclan, blazestar himself stands amongst the young cats, gaze soft but stern. willowroot's heart leaps to her throat. as she arrives, nettlekit spits at the golden frame of skyclan's leader and tufted ears flatten. "blazestar, i apologize for the commotion," she addresses the tom, voice uncommonly nervous. "nettlekit, we must show respect for skyclan. cicadastar will come home, but blazestar has been so kind as to offer his camp to us."

she smooths a lick across the spitting boy's head, well aware he will protest. beckoning carawaykit towards her, the queen folds her daughter into her tail, nuzzling her with sympathy.

carawaykit steps away after her attack had landed, convinced she showed him good enough of a lesson. but a silver and black tail is still double it's size, lashing away behind her. although the physical assaults had seemed to cease, nettlekit lets out a hiss to air his grievances one more time. his lack of effort to even pretend to be sorry has her reeling all again. "yeah? and i'll do it again if you don't-"

her threat dies in her throat as a booming voice echoes in her ears. carawaykit turns a wide, unblinking gaze to skyclan's leader, nodding fervently at his sentiments and only looking away to throw a sideways glare to nettlekit. she was going to be the biggest, strongest warrior yet! a name renowned all throughout the forest, not even pesky nettlekit could stop her.

she begins to introduce herself, silver tinged jaws parted but promptly snapped shut again at nettlekit's words. her nose crinkles disdainfully and by the time it is unwound swanpaw had introduced them all. "he's right, i'm carawaykit," the kitten states proudly. she wanted to introduce herself to another clan's leader, how many other kits got that chance!

willowroot shows up at some point during the commotion, she smells the queens familiar approach. gently, she chastises the quarrelsome kittens, carawaykit's features drag down at the thought that she may have been a disappointment here. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean for it to happen," she mutters, to her parent before turning back to blazestar. "i'm sorry to you too, blazestar, for causing trouble in your camp. i'll make it up to you!" how, she, a kitten, was supposed to make it up to a leader had yet to be figure out. but willowroot beckoned her, and although nettlekit was close she still moved to lean into the smoky queen's side.

  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, three moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Reactions: Sheogorath

XXXXXAn apprentice with snow-bright fur joins the gray feline’s attempts to mediate between the kits, earning a smile from the Ragdoll. RiverClan is as tightly-knit as his own Clan, and though he knows this must be true of all five Clans in the forest—even twisted, war-driven WindClan—it is refreshing to see. Nettlekit blusters some more, to which Blazestar only raises an eyebrow. The RiverClan queen in charge—smoke-furred Willowroot, a respectable warrior who’d once served dutifully on Cicadastar’s council—comes to admonish him immediately.

XXXXXNothing to worry about, Willowroot. I raised five kits of my own, after all.” He’d raised them to four moons, at least, before losing three of them—but he does not acknowledge this. It is neither the time nor the place. He turns to the silver tabby she-kit, the one who’d launched the rock at the little tomkit, and he smiles indulgently at her exuberance. “I know how you can make it up to me—by being the best warrior RiverClan has ever seen.” He purrs, remembering when his own were as small as Carawaykit and Nettlekit, or even Ratpaw and Swanpaw’s age.

XXXXXTime flies, he thinks idly, brushing his tail against the earth. “You’re right, though. I’m sure Cicadastar will be ready for you to come home once it’s safe, and he’ll want you all to be nice to one another when that happens.
