pafp level one // sharing

Jul 9, 2024
Everyone had their meal, and either was playing or resting from a full stomach. Nevertheless, she hadn't witnessed one person eating (unless they ate elsewhere). A plush ivory tail sweeps side-to-side as she observes the clearing in search of the silver and black striped child of Raccoonstripe and Nightbird. It takes a moment before she spots the younger child off to the side, resting in the shade of the bountiful shade of the canopies. Myrtlekit raises on tiny multicolored paws and moves forward with in tow a squirrel fit enough for both her and Twilightkit. ”Would you like to share with me, Twilightkit?” She inquires softly, with a tilt of her head and a subtle fluttering of ivory eyelashes. There hadn't been much interaction between her and the other kit besides noting that Twilightkit had a fiery spirit similar to Bayingkit without the extremities. Her dark brown eyes shift towards the squirrel and she wonders if the other would share with her, or if would she have to see if the elders still had room to share with her. It would be a waste to not finish it and have it go bad. It was someone's hard work and the blessing from Starclan.

// wait for @TWILIGHTKIT ⋆ !
Twilightkit does not find himself the best at making friends. Perhaps in time, the nuances of companionship will find the kitten with ease, but in his youth he finds himself... not wanting for much. He has too many siblings, though he loves each of them so similarly. And Myrtlekit is among the many other kittens around that he tolerates. He doesn't need the title of friend to share around - everyone exists equally to him (aside from his mother and father, and his grandmother somehow above them.)

His posture shifts immediately as Myrtlekit finds him, a paw pressed into the dirt underfoot to bring him from resting to sitting in an instant. Golden eyes watch the multicolored kitten as she drags closer a meal, and even he cannot deny the rumbling in his stomach. Myrtlekit was... nice. A bit too defensive of kittens in the nursery, but Twilightkit does much of the same for his siblings, so can he really blame her? After a long, drawn out moment, he nods. "Yeah," he says, "I like squirrel," he adds shortly after. He reclines again, beckoning Myrtlekit to join him in the shade.​