Apr 11, 2023


— younger siblings to Riverpaw, Pebblepaw & Shellpaw
— nieces / nephews to Rosewater, Ripplesnap & Ravensong
— cousins to Foxglare
— grandchildren to Dappleleaf

THEIR STORY: A tidal relationship that has ebbed and flowed through hardships, Lichentail and Hazecloud have had a long and strenous past at times. Originally both members of the Marsh Colony, they met as wild-hearted teenagers with ideas of grandeur, of community and a desperation to prove themselves as capable individuals. That was almost two years ago.

They found each other beacons of all they aspired towards, grew close and for a time, everything was perfect. Except for the part where... their relationship was a secret. Lichentail pressed to go public, to not have to hide twined tails, a shared nest but fearful of the ire of her parents, Hazecloud refused... and her love could not be forced to wilt in the shadows to wait.

Broken up just before the Great Battle, they had isolated themselves from the one who supported them most and were forced to bear the weight of their respective traumas alone. Friendship was difficult, Lichentail couldn't let go of who Hazecloud had chosen to prioritize (her family over her future) and so the two remained at odds into the founding of RiverClan.

The last several seasons have been spent in awkward contempt and yearning, coming together like an old habit when things grow confusing, tiring. It always circled back... they'd bicker and snipe at each other, digging at emotional wounds that refused to heal despite how much they wanted to reconnect. Hazecloud found comfort in the arms of others, ones that her family might better approve of while her heart's desire stood an unwilling captive, waiting.

Trials and tribulations sent them on different paths and after over a moon spent apart, across the world from one another, they each came to the same conclusion. Their futures had been staring at them the whole time and they'd both been too stubborn to help it to grow. Hazecloud's return from the journey is one marked by relief, finding Lichentail in a field of flowers where they'd spent hours talking time and again, the little safe haven they always returned to. Fearful that death might catch them sooner, made to be aware of their mortality, Hazecloud declares her affections all but unwavering and no one would remain to stand between them.

While not so keen on the dangers of the coming winter, Lichentail could not dare to say no to a smile as bright as sunshine, a light she'd been hoping would shine on her again. They wouldn't waste any more time... They'd be a family. They'd create one.

— This is a real-time worm litter! Since development is slow the first two months, our activity requirements listed do not apply during this time.
— If using a plot name, you are consenting to the plot point associated with them. feel free to dm either of us for clarification!
— Activity level is important to us, we expect a high-level casual or active player as their parents are very involved in RiverClan [ 10 post / month minimum ]
— Failure to maintain activity/communicate hiatuses will result in rehoming

— Applications are free-for-all and are expected to include basic information. Appearances must follow the genetics listed
— Applications will close on 12/18 and announced on 12/19. Kittens will be born 12/25!!
Due to the investment of family art, we are asking that the design of this rehome be kept to a BLUE POINT of some kind and that is the only requirement we ask at this time.
The options from our name list are still available of course if you do not wish to use Twinklepaw, though it is preferred, we are focusing on the quality of the application and how they will fit into our family over name preferences!
They are currently 8 months, aging on the 25th of every month


☆ bird themed ... crowkit , thrushkit , swankit , featherkit
☆ for her ... honeykit , tenderkit , halfkit [better half] , flamekit , fog/gykit , mist/ykit , sunshinekit
☆ ripplesnap ... wavekit , bubblekit , drizzlekit , twinkit [clone exclusive]
☆ brookpaw ... creek-kit , rumblekit , babblingkit , fiercekit
☆ dipperpaw ... warblerkit* , frostkit , duck-kit , sanguinekit, dropletkit*
☆ legacy ... fringekit , furzekit , algaekit* , nettlekit , kink-kit [broken-tail exclusive]
☆ literal ... bluekit , graykit* , sootykit , nightkit , hissingkit

☆ their special place ... tulipkit , cloverkit , laurelkit , peonykit , sagekit , reedkit , brackenkit
☆ favored words ... flickerkit , spark-kit , finkit , pricklekit
☆ to inspire success ... fisherkit , quick-kit , bravekit , stonekit , diverkit
☆ riverclan ... scalekit , streamkit* , springkit , dewkit , shorekit , pebblekit*
☆ for the departed .. dreamkit , yellowkit

☆ plot names ... crescentkit , starlingkit , howlkit , butterflykit
☆ twin names ... dream & wish , drizzle & droplet , diver & fisher , moonlight & sunshine

✧ bad suggestion ... lichenkit , juniperkit , cloudedkit , insect-related names , ghost-related names , storm-related names , wind-related names


her favorite things ̗̀➛ iriskit , violetkit , purplekit , pink-kit , eveningkit* , crescentkit
dearest little brother ̗̀➛ songkit , jackdawkit , poplarkit
an undying love ̗̀➛ daffodilkit , flamekit , firekit , spark-kit , twinkle/twinklingkit , sweetkit , velvetkit , skipkit (heart skips) , sunshinekit , lightkit
to old memories ̗̀➛ chanterellekit , dewykit , morelkit , flykit , kestrelkit , stonekit , antlerkit , asterkit , avocetkit , coldkit , needlekit , batkit , cloverkit , birchkit , dusk-kit , buckthornkit , sunsetkit
love for my country ̗̀➛ cormorantkit , tidekit , pearlkit , minnowkit* , splashkit* , puddlekit , reedkit* , sapkit , flashkit , lotuskit
best selection ̗̀➛ whisperkit , doekit , hushkit , pouncekit , lynxkit , fennelkit , snowflakekit* , opalkit , barleykit , butterflykit , fleckedkit , pricklekit , ivorykit

lets... try again 𓆩⟡𓆪 pikekit , dapplekit , shadekit , leafkit , rosekit , cloud/edkit , smokekit , spot/tedkit , mottledkit (nothing that reminds her of her parents, detests legacy names)

that won't work 𓆩⟡𓆪 houndkit , dogkit , wolfkit , howlkit , barkkit , hawk-kit , eaglekit , falconkit , kitekit , rookkit , crowkit (dogs and birds of prey are off the table)

do you have something better? 𓆩⟡𓆪 mudkit , eelkit , mirekit , lampreykit , pigeonkit , shrewkit (little things she finds gross)

— Eveningpaw
— Horizonpaw
— Snowflakekit
— who knows? :3c
crescentkit [ named after the moon and, in part, starclan's connection to it ]
starlingkit [ starlings represent unity - they are expected to be a shining star ]
howlkit [ a mistake, you can change your name but you can't change your fate ]
butterflykit [ pressed to be friendly but maybe too much, at a personal cost ]
batkit [ a mirror reflection of a forest friend's family ]
snowflakekit [ fragile like snow, the cold of leaf-bare nearly breaks them ]
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tracking.... list of prefixes i'm considering: babbling, sanguine, hissing, fisher, dream, chanterelle
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Reactions: beatae


Still, even when false, legends can be most informative.
Twinklekit . Twinklepaw

↳ for an undying love
— Apprentice of RiverClan
— AFAB transman, he/him, homosexual, monogamous
Lichenstar x Hazecloud, littermate to Eveningpaw, Horizonpaw, Snowflakekit

SH BLUE LYNX POINT. A slender tom built for swimming. He has neat, short hair with a wreath of bangs not dissimilar to Lichenstar's. He has a very pale pelt with a centering of gray melted onto his nose and face, and has darker markings under and above his eyes, on his legs, and on his tail - he has a darker tipped tail. His ears are also darker. His almost-droopy eyes are a deep blue rounded by a lighter blue, giving him the appearance of carrying with him an evil eye.
↳ carrying longhair, cinnamon


A lover of stories through and through. Ever since he was able to speak and comprehend the legends his elders were telling him, he's searched for the truth in those tales - were there really grand beasts such as lions and tigers, and what happened to them? How did the stars come together to form Silverpelt, and what kind of a society is StarClan, where everyone coexists? He has an abundance of questions and a taste for getting answers. What sets him apart from all the others is that he doesn't just let things go. He grabs onto what others would let go of, and doesn't let go.

He tends to get into dirt and debris whenever he's out, going to lengths it seems to come back to camp dirty. What his Clanmates don't know is that he's searching for something - even he might not know what he's looking for. He's following an instinct to dig and dig, and this all ties back into his love for the legends of old - maybe one day he'll realize that what he's digging for is evidence, like an excavating archaeologist. He subconsciously wants to find something to prove those tales true, whether that be giant lion or tiger bones or moon rocks.
mannerisms: x
— will not start fights | will not end fights | will flee | will show mercy
excels at


— plot


Bonus Information:
— Voice claim would be
— Human AU name would be Twain
— Inspirations:

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Reactions: beatae
tempted track....
starlingkit --> starlingpaw
- she/they, undetermined sexuality, 8 moons, apprentice of riverclan, lichenstar xx hazecloud
- treacle sweet and saccharine, so friendly it hurts; the more cynical (or more perceptive...) might be wary of her unwavering brightness, suspecting it to be a facade. a quieter companion to her sister eveningpaw, but not quite so introverted as horizonpaw; she's not necessarily shy, but she'll never be the burning - bright ball of joyous energy that is eveningpaw (no, why would she be bitter about that? nobody likes a loudmouth, anyways).
- she's a paragon, she's a shining star, a role model -- she is everything that riverclan is meant to be, and she wears her mothers' expectations like a pair of lead wings. she has to be the best at everything and anything else just - well, it just cannot be permitted. or it shouldn't be, anyways, but it seems like the stars have damned her; maybe it'd be a little easier to be the best if she could just catch her breath, or if she could just stay out of the medicine den for more than a moon . . . she doesn't understand it, why her? she was the best kit in the nursery when they were younger, jumped the highest, swam the fastest - but ever since that scrap with that rogue, she can't seem to keep away from moonbeam's den. what's wrong with her? even shellpaw's not sick as often as she is . . .
- contracted FIV from a bite wound during a scuffle with a rogue shortly after leaving the nursery. frequently sick and always shuffling in and out of the med den, occasionally bedridden despite her unwavering efforts to work through her illnesses.
- privately, resents her siblings, her mothers, her clanmates. she resents them because they do the things that she should be able to do so effortlessly, with all the careless joy she can't have. why does her own body insist on betraying her? what's wrong with her that isn't wrong with everyone else? feels something of a subsequent kinship to her elder (and sickly) sister, shellpaw. privately, also feels a kinship to snowflakekit, even though they never met. surely he'd understand, for he's like her - he's not made for this world. fears to broach the topic with anyone, so she nurses this " bond " in the privacy of her heart.
- bitter and judgemental beneath a genuine sweetheartedness she's overblown into sugary sweetness. quietly revels in the failures of others, even as she degrades herself for her own, often working herself into the ground despite her ailments. she can't fail, she just can't - and it's this raw pain that keeps her from the ego and brattiness that often plagues the children of leaders, perhaps the sole shining star that she can see here. has passed out on patrols several times; still hasn't made a first catch, has had several attempted ones foiled by symptoms striking at the worst times.
- was once a clingy and adoring child, but has withdrawn from her mothers ever since her illnesses began. if she lets them see her, she lets them see her fail - because failure feels like it's literally built into her. it's better she just avoids them . . .
- viciously ambitious and hyper independent, sets high standards and strives to meet them. doesn't actually fail nearly as often as she thinks she does, and works the hardest she can. starlingpaw is much, much more than her illness, to her clanmates and likely to her family - but to herself, she is defined by her limitations. really, she's someone worth being proud of, but she refuses to recognize that; for starlingpaw, it's perfection or nothing.
- probably would have an arc centered around learning to see herself as more than her illness, and then as more than her parentage, until she's finally just starlingpaw.
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Reactions: beatae
squints i think this is done
" A falling star fell from your heart and landed in my eyes "


Twinklepaw has a constant slouch in stature, their head is either in the clouds or examining the ground. They almost never look anyone in the eye due to believing that's too confrontational for them. She has very loose movements, that flexibility and freedom of movement that she carries when swimming. It is an active performance to keep that loose flow to her gait and as such can be seen frowning in concentration whenever they let their ever pleasant mask of a smile slip.

There is a glossy sheen to her blue point fur as which is common for RiverClan, despite this being regarded as a common thing they carry that with pride. Their fur is sleek with longer tufts at the joints of their legs and cheeks, her blue pointed face is a mixture between being too sharp and soft around the edges. They had assumed it would all sharpen with time but it seems that kitten fluff wasn't the culprit behind the weird line that her structure tows. Twinklepaw's eyes are a bright blue, reflecting the river on perfect days where the sky is clear of clouds.

Personality. Above all else, Twinklepaw prides themself on being approachable and nonchalant. As a kitten they had a very easy going 'go with the flow' type of mentality and personality, as they grow into adulthood throughout their apprenticeship they desperately try to cling onto that. As far as she's concerned being an all around agreeable person is what makes her friends and community like her. They hold a lot of stock in being able to play all sides, the ultimate fence sitter she will drag her feet over making a firm stance over anything.

She has a rather mischievous streak to her, nothing that comes close to breaking any rules unless the group she's with drags them into it. Loves to tell jokes and being rather excitable it is easy to pull her in on a plan or just for a prank. Twinklepaw as a result of this is a perpetual yes man and is very gullible. Seeing the good in everyone and everything, known for waxing poetics about the world around her and often is distracted by a beautiful display of nature.

Despite the fact that she keeps up a casual and easy-going personality she is quite prone to stress. Stressing about herself, her peers and her family. That has manifested in several ways as their personality develops in apprenticeship, one way is through shying away from achievements. This links to their rather non-confrontational lifestyle, while she is competent and a good warrior they desperately try to only appear as average. Much preferring to cheer others on rather than basking in her own glory. Of course, Twinklepaw is still a child and a result of that is that she has bouts of jealousy when the spotlight does appear on others. Those emotions are far and fleeting because she works very hard to keep that under wraps.

An uglier side to her is how critical she is of others, in her mind she tries to frame it in a rather toxic positivity mindset. Believing that picking apart those around her is actually going to help them, after all how can she help her clanmates if she doesn't know what makes them tick? Twinklepaw doesn't believe that this is her jealousy manifesting in other ways, rather that she is keeping up appearances of being a happy go-lucky kid who is quite agreeable and always happy to help.

  • Twinklepaw sprains her foot one day and can't swim for a period of time. Her gait has to change and she's forced to take a better look at how she presents herself.
  • Accidentally ruins someone else's achievement through a back handed compliment, has to confront her more bitter feelings.
  • They actually let themself relish in an achievement rather than brushing it off, believes that this has made her develop an ego and is extremely distressed about it.

  • The cool girl trope
  • Surfer dude trope
  • Valley girls
  • All this and heaven too - Florence and the Machine (song)
  • Bridgette - Total Drama Island (character)
  • Ty Lee - Avatar The Last Airbender (character)
  • Jester Lavorre - Critical Role (character)

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  • Love
Reactions: beatae