camp LIE LIKE A DEAD DEER ↷ [ brooding ]

Just shy of two moons ago, curtains fell over the journey's final act. Claw, fang, and spirit waged battle against the elements to ensure the lungwort's retrieval and return to the swamp, thus safeguarding ShadowClan's continued existence, as was foretold in promises and woe-bidden prayers alike.

It was supposed to be a spectacular occasion, an emotional release of the most cathartic calibre. No corner within Starlingheart's cave would go untouched by life-saving herbs, nor would those suffering inside sense the nearness of death's shadow any longer. Hopeless tides were meant to recede, and carry with them the blight they'd all known so intimately for far too long. The journey's end should have spelt a turning point towards healing and renewal. Towards growth.

As it happens in this rotten corner of the woods, though, fate simply mocks the best-laid plans. The expected script was rewritten with its complete opposite—loved ones left an empty space in newfound voids, clanmates whom he'd watched grow from kithood were unmasked as murderous spectres, all while warriors and apprentices upheld the perpetual pattern of dying young. That's just how it is here, in this stars'-forsaken mud pit. A legacy of grief renewed upon every new sunrise. His folly lies in ever expecting anything different.

The days post-journey were coloured through a jade filter, and the deputy has all but lapsed into a regimen of routine indifference.

The resolve to visit his mate's final resting place yet eludes him, while those rare occasions that he strays near it find him wrung thin of any feeling he has to offer.

The warmth in his gaze varies towards his young ones, being more pronounced for his older litter than for Halfpaw, Laurelpaw, and Thornpaw. Halfshade's passing has chipped away at his once-unconditional parental affection. In them, he is too consistently reminded about her loss and how it weighs like stones upon the hollow pit in his core.

On an opposing, extreme end of the spectrum, Smogmaw harbours no lingering resentment towards Granitepelt and Siltcloud. Their lives would be forfeit should they step into his sight, but there is no rage that sizzles beneath his skin to singe fur and char flesh. They're as good as dead, and the dead are not worth the wasted thought.

He's merely treading water beneath a moonless sky until he isn't anymore, detached and dispassionate in a hollow mimicry of survival. And who can he turn to for support? For a listening ear? For a helpful paw? For a shoulder to lean on?

No one. Because he is Smogmaw. He's done it to himself, he knows. That's just how it is in this stars'-forsaken mud pit.

Footfalls herald a path paved with thorns and buried bones. He found it easier to walk when Halfshade was with him. But his paws hurt now. His heart, even moreso.

Tail rests idly atop front paws, resting on snow made solid, glazed over by ice. Half-lidded eyes stare listlessly ahead at drooping pine trees burdened by icicles, hanging low, swaying gently in bitter winds. At the hollow's mouth he sits, haunches sunk into frozen white, in solitude that does little to numb an interior ache. He doesn't know what to do anymore.


"You'll freeze." It is a quietly uttered warning in the form of a breathless whisper, his words spilling like smoke from a fire but lacked any of the warmth of it - he watched the cloud breath drift upward until it disapated and his eyes narrowed in thought as to how the clouds in the sky could remain yet the ones he made when the air chilled did not.
Smogmaw and he had never really been close, the deputy thought him a nuisance he felt and would occasionally make barbed comments on his strangeness that he mostly ignored. Even the journey had not really given them much room to bond, too focused on survival and his duties as the sole medicine cat present had left little room for much time with his own clanmates during. He and Sharpshadow had gotten close in the sort of way a moth would move to flame, a natural extension of brief talks though he remained withdrawn for fear of being burned. Needledrift was another clanmate he had made no truly meaningful connection with on that distant trek. The two he had were absent. Honeyjaw abandoned them and something in Clearheart's eyes told him he had also done so, at least his heart had - his body remained in ShadowClan going through the motions.
The point being, he had no idea how to interact with Smogmaw. Especially now. His mate died before they could return, he had new kits she had never gotten to tell him about before he left, those kits had been taken and returned revealing Granitepelt's treachery. He was probably suffering almost as badly as Starlingheart was. It was strange, he felt only pain and sorrow via empathy rather than his own feelings. That was not to say he did not mourn the losses of his clanmates nor the betrayal of trust, but it felt more like he was acting as a conduit of them rather than letting them sink into himself fully on his own.

The black and white apprentice ambled forward with a wobble before sitting down clumsily, a leg extended and his crooked tail folded over around him to cover his front paws to keep them warm. He doesn't know why he's trying, its not a sense of duty as he only deals in wounds that he can see generally, and he feels strangely dettached from his clan still in a way he can't fully understand. But maybe a part of him wants to stop feeling so distant. Maybe he wants to feel the warmth that he'd uncovered on the journey here. He thinks of Hailstorm and Littlewolf, Iciclefang and Ferngill...Stormywing and so many others. He wants it here. He wants that feeling of purpose in ShadowClan, that sense of belonging.
" you want to talk?"

  • OOC can go here.

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)


"Just keep going."

Red strings of fate strung through them like haphazard bullets- they pierce skin, flesh, soul, incapable of choosing mercy or remorse. Sometimes you could read its intent in the shape of leaves, the ripples of the water, the signs sent from skyward stars. He couldn't believe that it was as simple or limited as belonging to a tiny few... Magpiepaw, Starlingheart, Chilledstar. What even made them so special to interpret such fine, delicate twine?

His ears swivel to hear a conversation starting... He hadn't realized he was impeding on some sort of private location of self-reflection, therapy, sob-story-sharing, whatever it was... Turning to the victim of his nagging encouragement to keep walking, he is oblivious to the relevance of his chiding to the nagging thoughts of a heart-tired deputy. "Sorry, little medicine man and company," he continues with a not-so-apologetic insertion as leaves part to reveal an obnoxious intruder.

"Just passing through..." Any chance at a heart-to-heart is surely dampened by a tone-deaf smile.

// anyone is free to assume he was talking to them (sorry smogmaw)​

Breath warbles out between yellowed teeth, another wispy cloud hanging momentarily, then being swallowed into the frigid mist. He is quickly cognizant to Magpiepaw's imminence, unbidden, though not unwelcome. Only an offhand glance does he offer over a slumped shoulder, tailtip curled in nonverbal acknowledgement that, while unexpected, the intrusion is tolerated. "That'd be funny, wouldn't it," mumbles out the deputy. A singular, dried-out, mirthless chuckle punctuates the commentary. "Turn into a big ol' Smogmaw-cicle," he continues, "you could hang me over the medicine cat's den as decoration."

An ear twitches inwards, soon followed by its counterpart, before he captures the wobbly feline in a more intent gaze. Latent concern briefly tweaks down his whiskered muzzle—it eludes him the last time Magpiepaw had sought him out on his own volition, much less to simply converse. That should inspire some alarm, surely, though his emotive well appears just as barren as everything else around here.

With a rustling sigh, he presses upward in order to shift and face him fully. 'Do you want to talk?', he had asked. "About..?" counters the older tom. About what, indeed. Any words about the glaring obvious should only serve as a shallow imitation of the grievances mouthed ceaselessly amongst his Clanmates as of recent. What else would remain to discuss in his malaise?

The emergence of Skunk-spawn effectively halves his focus, and for a fleeting second, he promptly pivots onto Pipit—the crease midway his brows tightens, and he fixes him with a reproachful leer—only for it to diffuse through a blink. "Be on your way then, squirt," Smogmaw huffs, swatting inoffensively towards the newcomer, and gesturing off yonder with a head-dip.

Returning to the healer, his attention resumes. To Pipit's credit, he'd proved sufficient a distraction that the frosted-over wall of apathy had gotten nudged at its foundation; not enough for his ice to thaw, but more such a crevice was wedged. "Talking doesn't really work with me, not in the way I've seen it work for clanmates 'n other cats." Starlingheart and Scalejaw had found themselves on the receiving end of grief-motivated, explosive diatribe more times than they deserved. He wasn't about to add Magpiepaw unto an otherwise undeserving audience. "This is the second time I've lost something real important to me, so I know if I just...—I dunno. It'll go away eventually."

———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
It'll go away eventually was not what she had wanted to hear from Smogmaw. Eyebrow twitched as she cast her gaze over from where she sat, watching the camp in quiet indifference. Her eye followed the twitched, and the molliie stood. Her body forced a stretch upon her, and she padded over, vision pinned towards Smogmaw and Magpiepaw- Pipit was not someone she wanted to particularly interact with, after Ferndance's punishment.

Scalejaw turned, slowly sinking onto her haunches and sitting near the pair of them. Scalejaw had a funny way of quietly putting herself in other's ways, though given Smogmaw's outburst to her in the woods a moon or so ago, she considered herself allowed. "You and I both know that it isn't just going to 'go away'." She chastises. Her voice isn't as soft as it could have been, but then again, she found Smogmaw didn't do so well with soft notions, anyways.

If it hadn't gone away since they had talked last, it wasn't going to simply fade. Then again, there wasn't anything to do but live with it, like a shattered mirror without glue to put it back together. Even if you did have the glue, the cracks never left.

Scalejaw's eye turned towards him, glowing coal amongst the stark cold of leaf-bare. Studying Smogmaw's hunched form for a long moment, she turned her vision away a moment later. It's not too obvious about what went on in her brain in the moments she stared at him, but it was far from pity. "... I bet you would make good decoration, though." She stated in quiet indifference, as if her statement meant anything more then him being frozen and hung like a prize pig would be anything but.

[penned by dallas].