LIFE BURNS FASTER | prompt, hunting

A hunting competition in the middle of leafbare wasn't something the tom would've normally signed up for, but his clanmate had seemed insistent, be it to test his skills or feel better about their own. Eventually, the lilac feline agreed - it was that which took him out to the hunting grounds that day, kinked tail hovering slightly above the ground as they moved. It wasn't easy, the snow seemed adamant on swallowing every pawstep he took and, consequently, prey blood had not yet been tasted on the young warrior's maw. Still, he would try until he could try no more, even if he predicted his opponent would win, it would be unfair to them if he gave up before the match had even begun. As the sun crept ever closer to midday, they pick up the scent of some rodent within the stripped-back brush, their heart thrumming with excitement. Pebblestep edged forwards, closer and closer until, past the weaving brambles and thorns, they spotted a little mouse dancing upon a pile of uncovered seeds.

Distracted. Pebblestep held their breath, then, looked beyond the mouse as a flash of colour appeared opposite to him. His clanmate? There was a moment of hesitation, an understanding that if he caught this mouse, that vitriol and accusations could run awry if the other was not a good sport. Pebblestep didn't think he would feel particularly bad about it, but what would happen if the clanmate missed? Would he truly be good enough to catch it if a true ThunderClanner couldn't? The thought gnawed at him like the rodent gnawed on its seeds, its ribs pinching its skin through the ragged winter coat. 'It's so scrawny... but I have to try.' His clanmate disappearing within the thicket, Pebblestep began to circle the mouse, his tail oscillating in anticipation of the kill. It didn't notice him, it would be perfect... or so he thought. Pebblestep leaped forward, unknowingly, at the same time as his clanmate. The result would be butt heads and a fleeing mouse, and the lilac tom was not fast enough to stop the trajectory he had placed himself upon.

[ While partaking in a friendly hunting competition, Pebblestep finds himself following the same scent trail as an unknowing clanmate, what does he do?

Feel free to play the cat he bumps into!]