LIFE IS A HIGHWAY // hunting patrol


Sep 24, 2022
) "There it is, Tall Pine itself! Wish I was good enough at climbing in order to see the top." Alas, he would never be capable of achieving such a feat. Bearheart blinked sadly at the tree for a moment before he shook off the negative thoughts and replaced them with much more positive ones. Turning to his hunting patrol he offered a grin as he puffed out his chest. "Alright, the clan's countin' on us to bring in a decent haul of prey, so lets fan out and catch as much as we can! I believe in all of ya!" Pep talk done, he then turned around and bounced off into the direction of the few bushes that sprinkled the sparse pine forest.

//Anyone can join, and apprentice tag @Briarpaw



The wind was far from gentle as it ruffled fur of ink and bone, but Somas sturdy frame was hardly bothered otherwise. He moved along behind Bearheart as quietly as his large frame would allow for, eager to be along but never keen on having the spotlight on him. Yellow-green eyes rested on Tallpine for the first time, widening in surprise at the sheer size of the thing. He'd never seen one so tall in twoleg place before, and it was certainly the largest in the forest he'd come across.

"Whoa.." he muttered, the rumble of his own voice vibrating his chest.

Nodding at the patrol leaders words, Soma broke off to begin his hunt. He knew he wasn't the best tracker, but when he did manage to find something, it was usually pretty easy for him to catch. Today only proved that, when he stumbled across a mouse and managed to make the kill. It was sloppy since he was still getting used tot he whole forest thing -plus he hadn't had to hunt live prey in months after falling into the shelter system- but none the less he went trotting away with a mouse in his jaws.

LONER - male - 12 months - single - a tall, muscular tomcat with asymmetrical tuxedo markings and electric green eyes.
"The view is lovely from up there." Dovetail purrs warmly from Soma's side, sage eyes turned upwards towards the boughs of Tallpine. Were it not for their mission today, she'd likely be cradled among the branches already, trying to get more than halfway up - but they've got hunting to do, and the lilac molly's claws work in and out of the earth. Maybe they'd luck out and she'd get to race a bird today.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Dovetail lets the greenleaf breeze ruffle her fur. The horrible winds had died down after felling a tree (and a warrior, poor Snowpath) in their camp, leaving a warm, sweet zephyr in place which feels much more fitting for the season. Parting her jaws, she scents the air- a thrill of excitement runs through her shoulders at the faint scent of mouse, and with a small mrrp of excitement she turns towards the source.

Tracking has always been her second favourite part of a hunt. Her mind often wanders, getting sidetracked and causing her to crack sticks underpaw or knock rocks loudly to the side. However, today, Dovetail's focus is honed. She's prepared. Practically gifted by whatever force controlled fate and luck, the mouse falls right into her paws without a change in wind, and she dispatches it with a swift killing bite. It's a decent one, too, sure to feed a couple of her Clanmates.

Content, the tabby pads back to Tallpine with her catch in tow and a pep in her step.

Discussion settles upon climbing, a common hobby among Skyclanners. Mallowlark could not deny the concept sounded thrilling- hauling yourself up something so vertical, claws digging into bark-flesh, all without displeasing nature? And- well, he could fathom the view only when he sat his mind back to tottering upon Outlook Rock, coughing his lungs out. The fire was cleaner here, sweeter... if ailment ever touched him again, healing paws were much, much closer.

Moon-wide eyes fought the bite of the air as they looked unblinkingly up at the tree. Tall Pine indeed! Massive, stretching- grasping thing, reaching into the atmosphere as if it was trying to capture the sky itself. Grinning at the tangle of needles, Mallowlark's head lolled a little to the side as he walked forward, balanced perfectly despite how much it looked as if he shouldn't be. "Bet you can see half the world," he sang, enamoured just from imagining it. One day he'd get there.

As they split off, it did not take him very long to scent something; even without the buffet (or benefit) of moorland winds, Mallowlark had not lost his talent for tracking. Stealth, even, was a strong suit... it was merely his ungainly size that impeded his ability, particularly with birds. Flapping, flighty things- their beady eyes seemed to see in all directions, as if they had more embedded in their brittle skulls! And misfortune had it that he spotted bright feathers in the greenery, rather than a russet streak of squirrel fur.

When he leapt for the prey, inky paws made purchase; but not quite perfectly. The bird didn't succumb under his strike- no, no, it flapped and scrambled, beating away his killing bite with its wings. He'd never had prey that fought like a warrior before- and as the flurry of feathers barraged his sight, he felt the bird slip from his grip and scatter pine-needles as it escaped.

He muffled his snort of laughter in an attempt not to ruin the successful hunts around him- but oh, bested by a bird in a spar! Life-or-death for the avian... he was sure it'd tell stories!