camp life's a drake video } curious questions


i wish i could stand without stumbling
Aug 31, 2023

tags. ↟↟↟ Pinekit had heard of the swampy bogs beyond the camp. He had heard mentions of the Carrionplace, a heap of Twoleg trash that was dreadfully filled with beady-eyed rats. He had heard brief stories about the Thunderpath and the metal monsters that traveled along it. He had heard of the massive bears that had attacked camp when he was only less than a moon old. More predators than just bears lurked in the woods beyond ShadowClan’s camp too - like foxes and owls. There were many things he’d yet to see with his own eyes – like clan borders and the Fourtrees and the Burnt Sycamore. All he knew was the quiet dim hollow.

Pinekit partly wanted to know more and to explore all the places he had only heard about and then partly he wanted to remain in the safety of ShadowClan’s hollow forever. The outside of camp sounded scary sometimes. Soon, he’d be an apprentice and he would get to find out everything for himself. He just really hoped a bear or the pack rats didn’t eat him!

He knew his clan was busy. The sickness was hurting his clan – that was yet another thing he understood little about. Still, surely some warrior had some time for him? The anxious kit crawled close to the small freshkill pile, not for food but for company. ”Can someone tell me more about what’s outside of camp? I want to know more.” Maybe it could help prepare him for when he was an apprentice. Then he could face the scary outside better.


While not a warrior, the wanderer was willing to hedge her bets that she was one of Shadowclan’s most well-traveled cats (even if she still considered herself a loner). For Wheatpaw, this place was a pitstop on her journey. Did that lack of loyalty make her more or less qualified to speak of the territory? Only the ensuing conversation could provide the answer.

“There was a time when I would attempt to show you, instead of share stories” The Moggy mused while walking forwards, secretly eager for any distraction from the sickness scorching its way through Shadowclan. “Unfortunately, Chilledstar seems to have tamed me in my time here, so we will have to make do with words.” A wheaten tail wrapped itself around autumn paws as the apprentice sat, cocking her head to the side for a moment. Where to start?

“I have seen much, but the carrionplace is something else” The she-cat would grumble while wrinkling her nose, deciding to begin with the worst. “Imagine if the dirtplace was much, much bigger.” The comparison was uncharacteristically uncouth for the elegant apprentice, but Wheatpaw believed it was the only apt equivalent. “And imagine if it was accompanied by two constant noises: the squeak of rats, and the clattering of twoleg trash.” A shudder left the Somali lookalike, and she had a sudden urge to change the subject.

“You have quite an inquisitive spirit” she started, staring at Pinekit with a soft smile. “If you truly want to know more, why not leave? Explore not just the territory, but what lies beyond it.” The usually reserved Wheatpaw felt herself get ever so slightly carried away, and she cleared her throat before adding two important qualifiers. “When you’re old enough, of course. And only if you return safely.” Hopefully that was enough to avoid any possible repercussions for the suggestion.​

Despite not forming an opinion on the brown kit until very recently, Screechkit isn't too fond of Pinekit. His den-mate had won Frostbite's hunting game over Screechkit - a victory that he's still mulling over, one that still brings a sour taste at the memory. Screechkit is supposed to be the best hunter, and yet Pinekit had won.

Still, his question pulls at dark ears, brings his attention forward. Unfortunately.

"The big world's outside of camp," he answers matter-of-factly, as if he knows, as if he's actually stepped past the bramble walls he's been wishing to get past from the moment he'd discovered them, "Obviously."

His answer isn't as helpful as Wheatpaw's. Another cat that leaves a sour taste in his mouth - one that had stopped him from making his escape from the nursery in the middle of the night, despite filling his mind now with descriptions of the world he seeks to explore. One day, he'll be able to go out on his own without Wheatpaw getting in his way. He'll soon be able to step foot where his mother goes, and feel the marshes beneath his paws as he explores their further depths.

"Why not leave?" Wheatpaw asks, and Screechkit blinks at that. Encouragement to explore the territory that wasn't there when she'd blocked the nursery's exit and made a whole scene of his escape - why did Pinekit get such motivation instead of him?

"Can we really do that?" he asks, ears twitching at the idea of exploring beyond the territory. His kit-sized mind had only stopped at ShadowClan's borders - he hadn't thought about the world beyond that too much, nor the idea of finding himself within different borders. Now, the concept is placed before his paws, ready to change any plans he'd previously had.
They had been fixing their coat from afar but had opened one of their eyes lazily to hear Pinekit beginning to speak and was asking about what was beyond camp, their tongue swipes one last time over their shoulder before they roll it quite satisfied with themselves before listening closely to what Wheatpaw says to the pair of kittens. They can't help but frown in the slightest, not that they ever smiled to begin with, and can't help but feel a little uneasy at the convoluted preaching the the apprentice seems to do. "Why not leave?" Their ears lay flat against their head, Nightswarm could never imagine leaving their home within Shadowclan and its moreso due to the fact that their family is here. Whatever life Wheatpaw had before this one, the warrior cared not for it but the Screechkit began to ask if he could do that. Just leave. The apprentice had mentioned that they could simply leave when they were old enough and returned safely to Shadowclan, an ear flicks and they approach.

"Perhaps but you must take into consideration what lies beyond can be dangerous especially for just one cat." These words slipping smoothly from his jaws and he casts Wheatpaw a quick glance, he doesn't really know how loners could manage such a thing but they seemed capable oftentimes and sometimes would pair up in twos or even a group. That was a better strategy than an individual cat but he's certain that these kits aren't entirely aware of that, he draws in a quick breath "And everyone will be your enemy." It's rather blunt but true, it was survival of the fittest out there just as it was within the clans. Why must Wheatpaw talk about the wonders of travel and leave out the harsh reality? Nightswarm saw no point in sugarcoating life for how it was, cruel and unjust. The brief memory of the Thunderpath lodged in his mind. Unfair...
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tags. ↟↟↟ Pinekit smiled at the ruddy she-cat as she approached. He breathed a breath of well controlled excitement. He plopped his bottom down next to Wheatpaw and perked his ears, ready to absorb whatever she had to tell. He nodded in response to her comment about their leader. Chilledstar had made it clear they he nor any other kit should not leave the camp. Pinekit was content not testing their rules.

He flicked his ears back as he listened to the descriptions of the Carrionplace. It always sounded unpleasant. The comparison to the dirtplace made Pinekit wrinkle his snout. ”Eww,” he hissed hushed.

His eyes shone brightly when she spoke of his spirit and how she believed he could explore not just ShadowClan’s territory but the world beyond it. He unsheathed and resheathed his claws in excitement. ”That would be amazing,” Pinekit cheered. ”Maybe I will.. one day,” he added more level but more serious.

At the approach of Screechkit, Pinekit puffed up his fur. ”I know that much,” he told the darkfurred kitten in response to his obvious statement. He tried to get along with the other kits and while he thought Screechkit was arrogant - he didn’t exactly think the other was completely unjustified in his sentiments. Screechkit was a good hunter - for a kit - and it seemed like he already had the spirit of a warrior - eh well maybe at least the spirit of an apprentice. Pinekit had earned his ire much to his dismay. Dumb luck. He tired to not escalate it by keeping bitterness out of his voice. He could tell Screechkit was just as excited about exploring as he.

Nightswarm’s presence rained on the parade and Pinekit frowned as the warrior mentioned the danger and enemies that existed outside of camp. Some of the sparkle left his eyes and he felt familiar unease worming its way back into his heart. He considered Nightswarm’s comments in silence for a moment. Then he turned to Screechkit and spoke in a voice lower than before, ”If you are okay with a truce,” he ventured aware the other’s easy rivalries, ”then we could go together. That way we’d be safe.” The hypothetical thought of Screechkit along with him while he explored made him feel better. He felt like Screechkit would be able to handle the dangers and Pinekit could help too of course. ”With a clanmate would it be alright to explore?” He asked, turning his head to Nightswarm for clarification. If so, he would just bring as many cats he could beg to come with him once he was old enough to explore. That sounded like a good idea.


Wheatpaw frowned slightly at Screechkit’s sarcastic remark, autumn ears perking at the feigned knowledge. ‘Obviously.’ It didn’t sit right with her. A cat causing grief for their clanmate over something the two knew equally little about, it was lucky Screechkit was still tiny. If any grown cat had taken that tone, it would be enough for the ruddy she-cat to resolve to never speak to them again, petty as she was. Unfortunately, kits were her weakness, and the wanderer couldn’t stay upset for long.

“Only when you are old enough.” Wheatpaw repeats a little louder than necessary when she spots Nightswarm’s approach. “I do not wish for another of Chilledstar’s lectures.” The she-cat shivers slightly at the thought.

Unfortunately it seemed Nightswarm was filling in for the anti-fun police today, and autumn features drooped at the other’s droning voice. He had a point, she had to concede, but did life really need to be so dreary all the time? “If these kits are not smart enough to know that now, then they will surely be aware by the time they come of age.” She retorted, already deciding that the warrior was on her bad side. However, she felt the need to correct him on one area. Almost everyone will be your enemy. I met you all on my travels, and that worked out well, did it not?”

Autumn features soften the second Pinekit speaks up, and the aloof apprentice can’t help but find his diplomacy adorable. “Calling for a truce is a sign of maturity. I am sure some of your clanmates could learn this lesson.” Amber eyes flicked to Screechkit for a moment before returning. “It is dangerous, but there are few things that cannot be overcome by simply keeping your wits about you.”

Only when you’re old enough, Wheatpaw clarifies, and it feels like the apprentice is blocking his escape all over again. How boring, having to wait!

Luckily, he’ll be becoming an apprentice soon, and then he’ll get to go wherever he wants, whenever he wants. Screechkit can’t wait for that day, can’t wait to be able to see the big world and all it has to offer - ShadowClan and the clans outside of his home.

But Nightswarm arrives to speak their peace, something about it being dangerous to be out alone. That sounds boring too, having to make sure that he has someone to come with him. Who would he even take? Briarkit? Sweetkit? His future mentor, whoever that was going to be? None of them sound too fun to have around while exploring, really. Maybe Sweetkit - definitely not Briarkit.

Screechkit doesn’t think he wants to explore with anyone, though a new option provides itself in the form of a… truce… with Pinekit. Safety, the kit unfortunately promises in hushed tones. He supposes it’s better than any of the choices he’d originally thought of.

Pinekit is a little younger than him - Screechkit doesn’t think the brown and white tom will be moving out of the nursery at the same time as him. Perhaps by the time Pinekit becomes Pinepaw, the sour taste he currently holds will have long washed away by the ceasefire hung over them.

Okay,” he says after a moment of thinking, “A truce then. And then… when you become an apprentice, I can show you all the cool places I’ll have already found!” ​

tags. ↟↟↟ Pinekit stared up at Wheatpaw’s amber eyes and nodded. “-there are few things that cannot be overcome by simply keeping your wits about you.” He would hold onto that advice. He didn’t know exactly what keeping your wits about you meant or translated to in the event of danger, but perhaps if he could unravel that meaning then Wheatpaw’s advice would have a twofold increase of value. The ginger apprentice seemed to possess some knowledge of exploring and if Pinekit wanted to do the same it was best to listen.

He was surprised by the relief he felt when Screechkit accepted a truce to work together. Maybe one day they could make good on it.. It was a little disappointing for Screechkit to point out that he’d have wait in camp another whole moon while Schreechkit and his siblings got to explore. Pinekit flicked his ears back once. ”Aww, alright. You better..” Maybe someone with Scrrechkit’s spirit would make a good explorer. Maybe the black and red tabby would find some sights for him to see in a moon’s time.