pafp LIFES ALRIGHT IN DEVIL TOWN [ ✦ ] queen talk

Starlingheart had not bothered to hide her apprehensions about having so many cats at their doorstep, four clans worth of cats all standing at their border desperate and hungry. She hopes that if ShadowClan were ever in such a state the others would respond in kind but after her clans display she is not certain that she can say with upmost confidence that they would. Seeing their queens and their kits in such a state was earth shattering to her, however, and she is transported back in time to when her own were still toddling around her legs. If they were displaced in such a way she would hope for kindness and compassion, so that is exactly what she intends to show now.

There is a queen laying just outside the nursery, her plush tortoiseshell fur unable to hide her belly that swells with kits, and Starlingheart finds herself making her way over to her, a mouthful of soaked moss clutched in her jaws. When she draws close, she deposits it in front of her then steps back, bowing her head in a respectful greeting. "He-here, for you" she says "My name is Starlingheart, I-I'm ShadowClan's medicine cat but-but yuh-you probably-probably already knew that" she had been in the position for some time now, it would be rare for a cat to not know who she was at least in passing, though she had not formally met many she knows that her face is a familiar one at gatherings. "You're from-from SkyClan right? the yellow bandana and the scent was clear enough indication but the black and white she cat wanted to make polite conversation, it was the decent thing to do after all.

// please wait for @butterflytuft to post

It's no secret that Butterflytuft is well out of her comfort zone here. The skittish she-cat spends all of her time hiding in the nursery or staying close to Howlfire, discontent without any of her kin or mate by her side. None of them have been allowed inside ShadowClan's camp, and she wishes she could just go to the Burnt Sycamore herself to stay with them. But she knows that's not right nor safe, not when her unborn kits rely on her. So she makes do, keeping her maw shut and her eyes peeled for danger.

Today, however, one of the other queens has been able to convince her to rest outside of the nursery so she can get some sun. She had gone off to find some fresh-kill, so the tortoiseshell queen is left alone outside of the thorny den, trying her very best to relax. She does not notice the tuxedo she-cat that approaches, moss in tow, not until she stops right in front of her. She jumps slightly, a small squeak escaping her before wide yellow eyes lock onto the medicine cat. Her gaze follows the wet moss to the ground, the kind gesture enough to allow her tense muscles to relax. "Th-Thank you," She stammers softly, her shyness obvious as she ducks her head to lap at the moss with ears pinned to her skull. She looks back up at Starlingheart and murmurs, " name's Butterflytuft." She manages a small smile, as it's evident this cat is no threat. "It's nice to meet you."