lifting me higher and higher | patrol assignments

After several weeks of healing, ThunderClan was finally back in a sense of normality. No longer were several of their warriors and apprentices recovering from injuries sustained in battle. The medicine den was for of course the occasional elder seeking out treatment for another gripe or pain. Flycatcher knew those who were recovering could not help their situation under the circumstances, but it was a great relief to him to finally have all their warriors back fit and healthy so he could assign patrols. Whilst he had managed before, it had been a struggle ensuring the right cats went to the right patrol, and then that those cats were able to rest enough ready to patrol the following day too.

Stepping out of the warrior's den, Flycatcher lifted his head, enjoying the feeling of the warming newleaf sunshine on his face. After having a moment or two to himself, he padded to the centre of the camp. "ThunderClan, please gather for patrol assignments!" His voice rang out across the clearing. As usual, he would wait for cats to emerge before pressing on ahead.

"Raccoonstripe, I would like you to lead the dawn patrol to our border with SkyClan and RiverClan. Take Sunfreckle and Blizzard Fang to accompany you. Also, be mindful of any twoleg activity when passing by SkyClan. The last thing we need is any of our own cats getting taken too."

"Little Wolf, you will be leading the dawn patrol along our ShadowClan and WindClan border. Rabbitnose and Kindleheart will accompany you."

"Stormchaser I want you to handle the dusk patrol along our border with SkyClan and RiverClan. Roeflame and Stumpybounce I want you both to join him. As with the dawn patrol, I advise you to be watchful of any twoleg activity when passing near SkyClan's border."

"Flamewhisker I would like you to lead the dusk patrol along our ShadowClan and WindClan border today. Take Crowflower and Dewfang when you go."

"Berryheart, I have decided to help you today should you need it. I await your guidance in whatever task you have in mind be it herb gathering or sorting through your herbs."

"Sunnyday, Nightbird, I want you both to handle hunting patrols today. Take whichever cats you want. And may I recommend hunting by the Great Sycamore today, one of our recent patrols there was very successful!"

"Howlingstar, if you are feeling up for it would you be open to handling a little training session with our apprentices today?"

Flycatcher would wait for Howlingstar's response before giving a curt nod. "Dismissed," He said, before looking around for Berryheart.

threads to make:
dawn wind: @LITTLE WOLF @Rabbitnose @KINDLEHEART
dusk river: @Stormchaser @Roeflame . @Stumpybounce
dusk shadow: @Flamewhisker @crowflower @Dewfang
herb gathering: @BERRYHEART + fly !
hunting: @Sunnyday @nightbird
training: @HOWLINGSTAR
The sun is warm on her pelt while Crowflower patiently waits to hear the patrol announcements. What a lovely day... Her musings of sunshine and butterflies are cut short when she hears her name called for a dusk patrol. Her heart lurches in excitement at the prospect of patrolling with Flamewhisker. It wasn't often that she got assigned to patrols with cats to whom she was close. Usually she stresses so much over figuring out the right thing to say that she ends up staying silent for a majority of the patrol. Not that she minds silence, of course, but she enjoys Flamewhisker's company. That makes all the difference. Once the announcements are over, Crowflower gets up from her comfortable spot in the sun and nods in acknowledgement to Flycatcher before trotting off to find something to do.​

The leggy tom made his way over to hear the assignments, dipping his head in greeting to both Flycatcher and Crowflower as he did so. Though he merely gave a soft huff as he heard his assignment. Hunting... again. Well, no point in complaining, the clan would always need food of course so he would continue to play his part. Hopefully he wouldn't hear any complaints about hunting at the sycamore this time given that it was the main suggestion from the deputy. Nodding his head he then turned away to gather up others for the hunt.

After healing in the medicine den for a few weeks, freedom had been granted to her once more. She heard her mate call out for the daily patrols, and she would quietly pad over to join the rest of the gathering cats. Part of her wanted to beg him to not send her to the Riverclan border, but she didn't want the others to think she would get special treatment because her mate was the deputy. So, she would remain quiet, and silently replay the words over and over in her head. Please not Riverclan...please not Riverclan... She had been trying her best to remain as far away from there as possible since the battle. The fear of how she would react to seeing the river was strong...she already relived the experience in her dreams every night.

Finally her name was called. Shadowclan. Relief washed over her, her shoulders and throat loosening ever so slightly. She absolutely despised the other clan, but it was better than the other option. The Molly would give her mate a nod, her eyes almost betraying a thank you. She then searched out her two other members, Crowfeather and Dewfang...two sensible cats that she didn't need to worry about holding their tongues.
The tabby lurks close to Flamewhisker, his ears pricked for his assignment. He's still new to leading patrols, but excitement pricks at his paw pads all the same. He relishes the duty given to him. "Right," he confirms Flycatcher's orders with a dip of the head, dark eyes scanning the other cats for his patrol-mates. A fellow lead warrior and a seasoned fighter. He's sure they won't run into any trouble.

[ skyclan dawn patrol link: x ]


Relieved not to be leading his own patrol this time around, Blizzard Fang pads over to Raccoonstripe. He's happy to give the younger cats the reign, of course even more so that they were lead warriors. He dips his head to the tom-cat, Sunfreckle, and any apprentices they tugged along. "Should be easy enough, eh?" They'd just have to hope they wouldn't have to report back to their deputy with news of twoleg stench on their side of the border.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
At her former mentors call, Roeflame comes beckoning, padding over with a glint of interest held steady in her gaze.
When she’s assigned to the dusk patrol, she only gives a nod towards Stormchaser and Stumpybounce. Her feelings evolving to the point where her disappointment of not being assigned to the sap-drenched border were uncontrollable, and a bit discomforting if she was being honest. Luckily, with her spiraling emotions she had grown an excellent poker face, and there was still a chance she would catch a glimpse of him anyhow.
To be frank, what currently sits as longing in her chest was beginning to brew to worry, having not seen her ashen crush since she was still an apprentice.
I just hope Snowpaw is okay.

Roeflame being a warrior now meant that she no longer was going to be on every patrol with him. She would no longer be training by his side, talking to him, having his back, joking about whatever they felt like that day. It's an understatement to say he'll miss her. He had been growing used to having another apprentice to train with. Still, he offers her a small smile, as much as he is able to give while grief threatens to overwhelm him, the news from the gathering still weighing on his shoulders. "Good luck on your patrol Roeflame" he says, making sure to remember to call her by her new warrior name. He flicks her shoulder with his fluffy black tail before turning his attention back to his mentor, wondering if he would be allowed to accompany him on the herb patrol. It would be nice to get to spend some time with his uncle.
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