lifting me higher | in love


Sep 23, 2022

Since his last meeting with Echolight it was fair to say that Elmbreeze was on cloud nine. Although he had been careful to hide the WindClan scent this time, it was no secret that he had a veritable spring in his step in recent days. When he didn't have something to occupy himself with, he often seemed lost in thought, unable to think of anything but her and of the feelings they shared. If he could, he would stay in that moment forever. And it seemed he was that morning, for he was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't hear the questions of a nearby clanmate until they practically had to shout in his ear to get some attention. "Sorry," Elmbreeze said, turning to them with a sheepish expression. "What did you say?"

// takes place after this thread
there's a clear mark of annoyance as buck realizes that she isn't being listened to, she shouldn't be surprised, truly. elmbreeze had been as his name suggests, breezy. almost in a dream-like state, and he needs to snap out of it. an agitated huff escapes the earthen molly, she's tempted to just tell him to forget it and walk away. but there must be something more expected of her, she should act as if she has some dignity and grace left to her.

"i was asking why you looked so happy...but now i'm sure i don't want to hear it." she couldn't handle his lovesick gaze or his gentle sighs. whoever the molly he was so infatuated with, buck hopes that she is aware of the trouble she's causing. especially to buck, who actually has to deal with it unlike the two buffoons.
❝  Hound's grown far too comfortable with lovestruck fools. Something about them just pulled him through the worst loop of feelings anyone could ask for. Flavored bitter and cold, tasting an awful lot like– jealousy. Oh but he knows that sort of love. How wholly it takes you in, how you'd drown in it. Drown for it, if that certain soul just asked you kindly. Looking at Elmbreeze now...he swallows hard, and finds himself lost in another lifetime he'd do most anything to bury a small bit deeper. Lounged nearby, practicing with weaving reeds, he looks at his work and promptly bats it aside. "Stars above," Houndsnarl laughs, the sound near deranged though still joyful in its manic leanings. "You're no better'n an apprentice, Elm. Who's got your mind all tied up?"

  • hound_outline.png
  • ──── houndsnarl. trans male, he/him pronouns.
    ──── approximately 30 moons old, or 2.5 years.
    ──── bisexual with firm male preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"

Fernpaw supposed he was a little young for love- anything other than the familial sense, anyway. But it seemed great, from what he'd heard! Everyone that was in love in RiverClan always seemed so happy. Not that Fernpaw was not happy- but it seemed a different sort of happiness, persisting and- well, dopey. He was already having enough trouble with his apprenticeship; perhaps it was a good thing love's arrow had not struck him, if only so he had no distractions...

Speaking of distraction, there came complaint-filled voices, peppered with teasing humour. Someone had gotten Elmbreeze's... mind tied up? It seemed a violent and noticeable sight if it was true, and when Fernpaw spotted no gore leaking from the warrior's head he noted that what Houndsnarl had said was one of those expressionistic phrases that meant something else. Eager to get to the bottom of the meaning, he toddled up beside the warrior, letting free his eager desire to know. "Yeah, who's twisting your mind up 'n stuff?" Asked in thrilled excitement, Fernpaw was sure he'd pulled off asking a question he knew not the deeper meaning of.
( penned by pin )
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Elmbreeze. Iciclepaw sits beside her brother, attempting and failing to hide her amusement at the tom getting the rough side of Buckgait's tongue. Houndsnarl implies there's a who to the warrior's incompetence, but she isn't so sure. She's seen Elmbreeze act like this before. Surely love can't have one so foolish all the time? She lightly elbows Fernpaw, murmuring just loud enough for all present to hear, "I think his mind is just like that."

- ,,

It would be his luck that the cat he ignored was none other than the recently named deputy herself. As the realisation set in he could feel himself cringing with embarrassment, chiding himself for how much of a fool he was making himself look. His embarrassment only deepens when he realises more cats are watching them now.

"Sorry I was thinking about E-" But he stops himself from saying any more, realising he was about to yell Echolight's name out in front of everyone. Even if they didn't know she was WindClan, they would know she wasn't from RiverClan at least. "I was thinking about a juicy fish I ate yesterday," He lied, hoping he sounded convincing enough that the others wouldn't pry too much further. "It was really big...and tasty." At Fernpaw and Iciclepaw's comments about his mind, he managed a small laugh. "You'd be surprised how often I've heard that," He said to Iciclepaw.

voices quickly drew honeypaw away from what she was doing. the golden molly bounced over, round eyes taking in everyone that had gathered around elmbreeze who seemed to be in a daze. she hadn't known why, but he had looked happy these past few days. even though she didn't know the warrior, it made her happy to see others happy.

she sat with the group with an eager blue gaze. if she could find out why elmbreeze was so content all of a sudden, maybe she could give everyone what he got. that way everyone in riverclan could prosper. when he said it was only a fish that was making him act like this, she lit up, fully believing his lie. his hopes that there would be no prying went to waste. she was now determined to find more fish just like it and give everyone a bite. honey was willing to force feed them if she had to.

"where did you find it? are there more?" she inquired hopefully.