Feb 4, 2023

Rainecho had been disappointed when she had heard that the patrol to Thunder Clan had been attacked, not because the attack itself bothered her but the fact she had not been there. She had missed all the action, all the fun! And would you believe it, it had been Roosterstrut's patrol that had been attacked. Of all the cats she knew, he was the last cat she expected to get into a fight. Ever since they had been kits he had been a but, well, spineless. She just had to hear the story of how it had all gone down and who better to hear it from than the man himself?

She makes her way into the warrior's den to find his resting form and without saying anything plops herself down into his nest, pushing her way into occupying a little more than half of it. "I heard about the patrol! How come ya didn't come tell me you're a war hero now?" she asks, forcing the corners of her mouth into a practiced pout, pretending to be hurt by the fact he hadn't come and regaled her immediately. "So tell me about it! What happened? How many ThunderClan asses did ya kick?" while she speaks, she presses herself closer against the orange toms pale tabby fur. He should be used to her lack of boundaries by now though, having grown up with her and everything.


The warrior hasn't done much resting, as much as his stationary form may suggest otherwise. He just figured that pretending to rest would be much easier than meeting the disappointed, judgmental stares of his clanmates watching him around camp.

Roosterstrut's eyes are sunken, boring into his face and seeming to be fixed onto the wall of the den in front of him. He doesn't flinch when the familiar voice of Rainecho addresses him, nor when her form presses close to his side in an amiable manner. It's almost as if he doesn't even register the other warrior being there, though he flicks an ear as Rainecho calls him a 'war hero' and manages a brief glance in her direction. "War hero? I... wouldn't really say that." He almost wants to laugh. More like a coward. More like the chicken that everyone knew from kithood. Roosterstrut couldn't even bring himself to fight for the mouse he'd caught. What would Rainecho say then, had she been there? What would Chilledgaze and Pitchstar have said?

Rainecho's next giddy inquiries only sting Roosterstrut's pride even more. The tom wonders if rumors have started to spread already, scoffs of the patrol leader merely standing around and negotiating while his fellow warriors leaped into battle. They had earned fresh wounds, even risked their lives for their catches, while Roosterstrut returned him with nothing more than a couple of bite marks and some bruises. The guilt was overwhelming, eating him alive moment by moment, reminding him of how much of a coward he really was. "More like how many asses did ThunderClan kick." He mutters. "This was just a bad idea from the start. Now we're under ThunderClan's watch, a target on our backs that we don't need." The tabby shakes his head. It doesn't feel great to disagree with his leader's plan, but admittedly, it had all been more trouble than it was worth. Now what would ShadowClan do?

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. sixteen moons old. warrior of shadowclan.
    —— laid-back young adult who utilizes humor and fun in order to distract from serious matters. he is a decent warrior, though he hesitates to take risks.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    roosterstrut is a vibrant orange tabby tom with pale green eyes. he stands at a height ever so slightly above the average. his fur is long and whispy and his tail is especially reminiscent of a rooster's. he sports a signature, goofy smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye.