camp light glimmers in a flower | nursery cleaning

He had shooed the kits out of the den, set them all off to go play amongst themselves of with Little Wolf's litter of increasingly energetic furballs as well. The two of them combined had singlehandedly doubled the clans population and he hoped ThunderClan appreciated it because he was surely not going back in that nursery a second time anytime soon. If Rabbitnose even breathed the word 'kits' near him he was going to bury the spotted tom under the bedding he was currently ripping out of the nursery and leaving in piles near the edge of it be taken out later. The apprentices had brought them new bracken and moss that he would shred up a little more to make the nesting softer and more comfortable for both his kits and the dark queen's, but right now he had his paws (or rather paw) full dragging out the old mess and giving the den's entire a good sweep with his brush of a tail.
"Spark-kit, don't bite your sisters!" His voice rose up, eyes not even moving to look proper as a tiny red blur streaked past him out into the middle of camp and he knew the gait of a troublemaker when he saw it. The kits could jump and pounce around the old bedding as long as they didn't scatter it, because he didn't want to go cleaning the entire camp like poor Nightbird had done the other day and thus ruining her work with the leaves; everything looked so nice and orderly he despaired at the idea of distrupting it. Giving an abrupt sneeze, Sunfreckle stepped out of the now barren den with a shake of his head to remove the remnants of old nest and dust from his pelt before moving over to start kneading the moss and tearing it up nice with his one set of claws, his white dipped paw rising and falling in a soothing rhythmic motion while he also kept an idle eye out on the ambulatory little puffballs that were his children.

Tagging, but not a PAFP - @Rabbitnose & @DEWKIT ! & @mossykit & @Flickerkit & @Spark-kit
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He wasn't biting his sisters......... Because Sunfreckle caught him before he did! He was just about to chomp on one of his sisters when he was caught.


And so the menace turned his mischievous gaze to Sunfreckle. He would get him instead.


So he did! He ran and pounced on Sunfreckle and nibbled on him. Sure, all he got was fluff. But he was just playing, so it was fine.

How crowded this place had suddenly become.... Berryheart found that he did not mind it, however. To many of the kits in the nursery he was an uncle, and to the rest he was an unknown face, but regardless it was heartening to see light seeping in through the darker moments that had been experienced before. As he passed near the nursery, the flame-flecked tom could not help but overhear the conversation... overhear mischief. Attention momentarily seized, the lean tom made his way over, head slightly tilted. Nifty, frazzled, with his energetic son attached by the fangs to his leg... well, that was a sight.

"Cleaning again?" Perhaps a useless inquiry, but Berryheart could not understand the appeal. He enjoyed keeping things orderly of course, but it seemed all Nifty did at the moment was clean. What limits the camp's walls put on your opportunities! How glad he was that the idea of his own kits was so wholly unappealing... he would surely have gone stir-crazy, cabin-feverish with the suffocation. He imagined Nifty might never come back once he was at last permitted to leave.
( ) When the kits were unleashed into the camp, it was hard to not trip over them. Now that she thought about it, they were growing rather quickly. Their apprentice ceremonies would surely be soon, and she was certain Sunfreckle and Little Wolf were ready. She had seen them both watch wishfully as patrols left, just like she had. Although, two weeks was definitely a lot different than several moons. Her own paws were still stir crazy, and she had been allowed to return to duties a day or so ago.

There was still quite a bit of time she had to kill before her patrol was due to set off, so she padded over to the nursery. Carefully, she tiptoed around the kits, who practically going feral. She dipped her head in greeting to Berryheart, before speaking to the red tom. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

He sat back on his haunches as Spark-kit came running toward him to nip at his foreleg and he folded it around the kit in an impromptu headlock to yank him into his long plush form; practically smothering the child in the white fur of his underbelly. "You little biter, knock that off or I'm gonna squish you good!" Letting the tiny red tom go he glanced over to their new medicine cat walking onto the scene and giving his mess a knowing look, Sunfreckle smiled in return and rolled his shoulder's nonchalantly, "I've not much else to do..."
He could clean elsewhere in the clan but most the warriors didn't like their nests being touched by anyone but them, the elder's den was already cleaned due to helpful apprentices and the apprentice reminded him of his kits growing up and made him sadly lethargic at the thought of it all. As much as he wanted to be free to go about his duties, he didn't want to give them up.
Green eyes honed in on Flamewhisker's approaching greeting and offer to help and he shook his head slowly, "The company is nice if you've the time, but it's mostly making bedding. I'll take the old nesting out later. How are things on patrols lately?"


Shallow had realised very quickly how busy this queen was to look out after his kits. He had watched from the sidelines there he had laid obediently in his own nest as the red-furred mother, or father... depanding on what they prefered to be called took care of their kits with much love, despite how much troublesome some of them seemed to be...especially that loud one who never seemed to give Sunfreckle a break. It looked tiresome just watching them. Was this normal for a mother to be?. Act so caring while fondly taking care of thier kits no matter how much trouble they caused?.

While Sunfreckle had been busy cleaning the nest, the kit had sneaked out from the nursery to head on outside. He was heading towards the freshkill pile, and for some time he stared into it, thinking carefully over his decision. Eventually he picked a mouse from the pile, realising that was the only thing he had the strenght enough to carry. Returning back to the nursery the three-legged kit approached the queen and placed the mouse in front of them before backing away. I brought you food." he would glance up at them with his indifferent gaze, thinking he might be hungry after working so hard with the nest and everything. That was the only way he could think of anyway, to show his gratitude to this queen for sharing his nest with him in the middle of the cold night when they already had so many kits to look out after. There was not much he could do but at least he could do this much.