It is always a pleasant surprise when a kit takes so naturally to climbing—privately, Doeblaze considers it doubly so when said kit's birthplace is not within the pines. A former outsider herself, while she can endlessly appreciate SkyClan's acceptance, there are always a few bad eggs waiting to spoil the clutch. Cats who weigh every failure of one not Clanborn in double, and wait with bated breath for those cats to inevitably stumble—and so she will cheer their successes twice as loud, if need be, though thankfully even the more set - in - their - ways cats have found some flexibility as of late.

Oleanderkit's startling success in her little training exercise had been unexpected, but lovely. No wonder Orangestar had made a practice of it herself so long ago—for a then - deputy, it'd surely been educational in who might make an especially promising climber in the future. The art of walking on the trees like solid ground had not come with the blossom of youth to Doeblaze, but she had felt a pleasant indulgence of instinct when her claws locked in the bark for the first time. So, naturally, why not encourage @Oleanderkit to pursue that skill, too?

" Oleanderkit, " she mrrows, blinking her lone eye in what's hopefully an inviting manner. She would never think to beckon a young kit towards a real tree, never, but there's a sapling pushing stubbornly up from under the broken trunk near the nursery—she has to keep a wince off her face at the memory of howling wind and Snowpath's cries—now just tall enough for her endeavour, no more than a couple tail - lengths but looking sturdy enough to support the frail girl's weight.

" Do you want to try some more climbing? " the warrior asks hopefully, torn ears twitching. Kits are often easily enticed by the promise of super - special lessons, and though Oleanderkit is a bit of an odd duckling, hopefully she isn't immune to the same. Doeblaze nods to the budding tree, half - tail swishing behind her, adding brightly, " You did so well the other day, after all. "

Oleander had, admittedly, not thought much of her victory at the tree stump. She remembers passing Budkit, wailing and stuck, and then she had hauled herself atop the flat round and looked for her mother. Lovage had smiled at her, she thought. Or maybe she hadn't? She can't remember now, memory misty with fever. After the rainstorm she'd stuck herself in, Oleander's illness had worsened, but at least Fireflyglow was good at taking care of her.

Still, she fights to play, and to explore, and now to climb. Doeblaze invites her outside of the nursery, and Oleander eagerly obliges. The wooly molly has been nothing but kind and motherly to her so far, and she finds herself attached to her in true. At the warrior's call, she draws her knobby limbs beneath her willowed frame, staring attentively. Did she want to climb some more? She certainly likes climbing more than mossball. She tilts her head, glacial gaze flicking upwards in her oh-so-deep pondering.

She hooks her neck back to the sapling, appraising it for a breath, and then returns to Doeblaze. "Okay." The praise is nice, she must admit. She really did do well. Better than Budkit, anyway. Budkit had needed help, and Oleander had done everything herself — that was the better way to do things, wasn't it? By herself? She thinks so.

The kitten approaches the sapling, tossing a glance back to Doeblaze before she begins as if to catch her in a trick. But sure enough, a set of fishbone claws hook into the young bark, and Oleanderkit is climbing.

"Do I climb good?" she asks, halfway up the stalk. She has no clue where this talent comes from. Is it strange to excel at this so early? Is it exciting? Doeblaze seems excited by it, anyway, but Oleander does not fully understand why. She doesn't know SkyClan's culture surrounding the trees that encompass them; she doesn't know why she should be able to climb well when she had never done it before. Oh, gods, is it okay that she can do this?

Oversized ears pin backwards on her small head. Oleander scrambles a pawstep further up the bark. "Is it... um... is it okay? Am I okay?" Perhaps it is a confusing question.

  • ooc.
  • OLEANDERKIT —— kit of skyclan . lovage x laurel . littermate to birchkit and mercurykit ✦ penned by meghan

    a willowy silver blue ticked torbie with low white and seafoam eyes. lonerborn, oleander struggles to learn the ropes of clan life while coping with anxiety and past trauma. may seem strange, and has unconventional hobbies.
    girl / she her pronouns / undiscovered sexuality / 02 moons & ages every 20th
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— will not start fights / will flee / will show mercy. a mere kitten, she cannot defend herself in battle.

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse