private LIGHT ON THE CITYSCAPE [ wagtail ]

( ) it has been moons since she's given a proper tour of the territory. stars, she last time she remembers doing this had been when steepsnout and ashpaw had been new apprentices, just learning the ins and outs of clan life. now, as she watches her new charge trot along, willowroot can't help but reminisce. she can almost see a flicker of flame in the black and white coat, an eager voice shouting out observations about the world. she can see a mischievous amber glare in wagtailpaw's goldens, and has to blink a few times to clear her head. wagtailpaw deserves the best training, and she cannot be stuck in the past. she'd promised cicadastar she'd been ready, and she is.

"alright, wagtailpaw," she'll speak, offering the boy a smile. "welcome out of camp, young one. now, as your mentor, it is my responsibility to make you the best warrior you can be. i will try my best to teach you everything i know, and i trust that you will be a great learner." padding further along, she gestures for the patched apprentice to follow. making their way down to the river, the duo's paws crunch over pebbles until finally, they stand by the shore. "now, i know you're familiar with what apprentices, but i'd like to get an idea of what you are interested in learning. i want to get to know you, so we can be the best team." hopefully the boy will have a few things he's eager to learn about, otherwise, she'll make it up as she goes. "i would love to start off with swimming, so how comfortable are you in the water?"


"Wow! I've never been outside of the territory before. I bet it's like, two times bigger than the camp." Wagtailpaw's infectious smile permeated rounded features, like a rivulet pushing through soft sands, a gentle hand combing through gentler fronds. Expressions of felicity rested easy on the boy's countenance, only matched by general demeanors of dumbfoundedness. Truly a simple lad, one could remark. The tom wiped one moppy strand of hair from his face, though it slowly fell into its place again, in a futile attempt that was not bested even by his own mother. Still, a brilliant gaze peeled through the untamed mane, as though the first thoughts of a rising sun, the tender flush of the tangerine hues. It was one of curiosity, of unbrindled cherubim. Pebbles crunched and moved underneath heavyset paws, as the duly apprentice followed his toiling mentor, careful not to trip upon his own pelage. He glanced at Willowroot's paws, watching how they would traverse the stream's flank with grace, as if she had been imbued with it since birth. Wagtail could never claim to be agile or airy - he was much too awkward for that.

"Ooh... I wanna swim." Golden gaze perched upon Willowroot's sturdier and larger body, fluttering upon the scars that wracked their face, then to the rippling pelt that they wore. A lamblike jealously stole at him for a moment, and he hoped he would grow up to be like that when he was older. They reminded him of Apricotflower, in how they both carried about the world as though it lie at their paws. Eyes then rested on the riffles of water, like they spoke to him in their own prattling language, though it was one he couldn't understand. Wagtail heard the rivers whisper many times before, though he could never place a name on the fear that he felt of it. His reflection flashed upon the choppy waves, which amazed the simple-minded boy to no end, that what they drank and what they bathed in could also contain his likeness. "I like swimming! But I don't like when the river gets angry. Will it get angry now?" The apprentice had heard of the waters at their most virile fury, and he didn't want to get caught in that...