pafp LIGHT SHOWER // windclan apprentices

"And... here!"

Cottonpaw pauses a few steps from the border, looking over her shoulder at Sunflowerpaw with a wide grin. It's odd, to be out and about so soon after the hawk incident, but - she prefers it this way. She'd rather not be babied, and frankly not thinking about it is part of her 'healing process' (if it can be considered healing at all.) Watchful eyes would note that her gaze flicks upwards every minute or so, still, and that she's found most comfort standing close to other felines in the patrol. She says nothing of note with regards to her personal life, however - instead, she guides her friend with unimaginable amounts of knowledge (unimaginable to her, at least.)

"This is ThunderClan! Well, the border, at least," she wonders if Sunflowerpaw got to see much of anything before getting caught in that twoleg mess. She doesn't ask, however, figuring that her friend wouldn't have issue with refreshers. "And those are trees - we've got a couple more on other borders, but none of them are like these ones." Cottonpaw neglects to mention how these ones frighten her just a little. Their towering stances, the way their leaves rustle with wind and wildlife. She swallows thickly. "One of the ThunderClan apprentices told me that they lose all of that green sometimes and look freakier than they do now," she decides to finish up on.

[ pls wait for @sunflowerpaw ! also obligatory mentor tags in @icebreath and @WOLFSONG but dw abt waiting for them! ]​
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A pale shadow trails after Cottonpaw, the lilac apprentice moving more slowly than their eager friend, but still sticking close. They hadn't missed her frequent glances skyward, drawing their own steps a bit closer to hers in concern. But there's a wide smile on her face now, as she turns to face them, so they put it out of mind.

This is the farthest out that Sunflowerpaw has been since their injury, and it boldens them to realize that there's only a slight twinge in their paw from the journey. They don't mention it, not wanting anyone to think that they cant' handle this. It's exciting, they haven't been this close to ThunderClan before, barely getting time to train before the twoleg trap left them nest-bound. All the sights Sunflowerpaw takes in with wonder, with wide and curious eyes standing out against their otherwise neutral face. They listen well to Cottonpaw's words -- she is the expert after all. That's why she's the one who brought them here.

The trees -- she seems particularly concerned with them -- loom tall over the two apprentices, sharp branches adorned with a new coat of leaves. Cottonpaw's right, it's nothing they've seen on the moorlands. But unlike her, Sunflowerpaw doesn't fear them. They look to the towering canopy with intrigue -- the world is always so much bigger than they think it is, so much stranger. Cottonpaw calls them freaky, and they don't quite get it. But they picture them without all the leaves, and... well, okay, yeah, that would probably look pretty spooky. All skeletal and twisting. Are the ThunderClanners scared of them too, they wonder? Their eyes are cast skyward, lost in thought.


  • //
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 5 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.
    — mild limp due to a poorly healed injury to their front paw.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled121_20230316165404.png
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the scent of windclan fluttered along a gentle breeze, reaching a patrol on the opposite side. nightbird craned her head, peeking around bush and bark until she finally got a look at the others. her tail lifted to tap duskpaw on the shoulder before she moves out closer to the divide. the windclan patrol was small in size, it would be a good and hopefully relaxed learning opportunity for the young apprentice at her side.

confident posture held firm as she approached, stopping at a far enough distance to avoid raising any unnecessary alarms. the warrior would flick her ear, a neutral gesture of recognition, before turning to duskpaw. "windclan, they live on the moor," her nose tilted to point in the direction of the outstretched land before them. "quick enough to chase down rabbits," it may have sounded like nightbird was singing their praises, but an underlying message was left to her apprentice to decipher. it was important to know your enemy, and if they were to meet windclan's claws one day, acknowledging their swiftness could be vital.

[ ☾✩ ]

Raccoonstripe isn't far behind Nightbird and Duskpaw, his own two tortoiseshell-marked apprentices likely trailing behind him. The tabby wrinkles his nose bridge at the assaulting scent of wind-blown fur and rabbit-stink. He parts the undergrowth with his nose and powerful neck, eyes lighting upon the two curious WindClan apprentices teetering about the border. Young, hardly out of the nursery, though one looks familiar with her soft gray pelt.

He steps into view, twitching his tail to indicate Moonpaw and Wildpaw should pad forward. Nightbird teaches young Duskpaw about WindClan, but Raccoonstripe's two attendees are much older and more experienced; he doesn't have to explain who the moorland cats are to them. "Don't they have trees out on the moor?" He asks the young WindClan cats with some amusement.

// @Moonpaw @WILDPAW



"Clearly not, otherwise they wouldn't be gawking like open mouthed squabs." Wildpaw remarked with a slight snorted laugh. He didn't have much patience for WindClanners in truth, but he wasn't actively going to seek trouble either. Though from what he had seen of Sootstar at the meetings he knew that the clan was at the mercy of a bat-shit crazy leader. "They should take a few leaves home as proof that they've seen real live trees. But the kits would love it."
Basilpaw knew very, very little about the surrounding Clans aside from stereotypes and rumors that flittered between gossiping tongues. The apprentice was still grounding his knowledge of ThunderClan and their customs, and the patrols he participated in rarely overlapped with ThunderClan's neighbors. Perhaps he should be more intrigued, having the opportunity to learn more, but truthfully he would prefer their absence. The way they ogled into the forest made him feel defensive, even if it was just innocent curiosity.

"They must be quick, if they're always this loud..." Basilpaw stated after nightbird's comment. He watched as Raccoonstripe and Wildpaw approached closer toward the apprentices, apprehensively remaining by Nightbird and her apprentice.