Florabreeze is a she-cat of restraint. One who kept boundaries clear, well as clear as she could. Despite being indulgent in some aspects she was ultimately taught about daylighters not eating the prey they bring into camp. She's keenly aware of this being a grand rebuttal when other clans sneer at them. It's all she can truly think about as the celebration is called, of course she is present for it. This is something grand, exciting, stars she had a paw in catching some of this prey so of course she would be here to witness the fruits of her labour.

Though she can't bring herself to eat any, a boundary she seldom breaks. No matter how indulgent one may be, it's a matter of pride at this point. It makes when she does indulge special, though what isn't special about this celebration? The jarring voice of Bloody Mary is enough to deter her from whatever moral battle she has over the simple act of eating. It carries the same tonal pleasantries as claws scraping against the metal fences, her teeth grit initially. Though, in her own weird way it seemed that the she-wolf is experiencing her own moral delimma. Against her better judgement she willingly draws closer to the white beast.

"This would be a nice experience for your first taste of prey" she's assuming that's what she means. The daylighter has found it better to not look beyond the surface level of her cryptic speech. "I could walk you home if you want to get away from the…" she glances towards the prey gathered and eaten. "Temptation. I don't mind" despite the last time they were alone together ending in bloodshed. This is an olive branch, a showing of concern for a cat that she normally doesn't.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 37 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
  • Love
Reactions: BLOODBIRD
A celebration! The best of tales always ended with one, friends and family alike coming together to celebrate the fall of the villain, the rise of the king, etcetera, etcetera... Though Newleaf may be far away from them still, it certainly feels like a moment of triumph, this blessed moment of clear skies... Though the sun may not quite warm him, it lights him up all the same, painting his face with a brand of fire. The lack of bitter cold is enough to coax from him a sigh of relief. Yes, he was certain Blazestar looked upon them all kindly, today...

Rather naturally, he is drawn to Fluffypaw, the familiar tortoiseshell pelt caught up in chatter with Sangriapaw. With a mouse swinging from pale jaws, he approaches. " It's a fine day we've been sent, " he remarks. A sunny smile is angled toward Sangriapaw, then left to linger on that of his dearest friend. " StarClan knows we have much to celebrate! " Fluffypaw's first catch keen in his mind, he offers her a friendly bump at the shoulder, whiskers twitching.
It felt too premature to celebrate, as if one day of respite would not be enough to quell the half-moon of misfortune the weather had wrought upon the health of his clanmates. Somewhere within the depths of the Twolegplace, a chimera rested, free from hunger and cold, bundles at his belly ready to grow into fine warriors. As he took a piece of food he himself had helped hunt earlier in the day, the spotted tabby's thoughts remained with them. For now, he would have to be content watching the horizon from a tree, watching each light go out afar, wondering which one contained those whom he wanted nothing more than to bond with.

Butterflytuft lingers near the edges of the gathered clan, her delicate frame blending into the backdrop easily, never one for the spotlight. Orangestar's announcement is a welcome relief against the frostbitten days, and the celebratory mood begins to ripple through the assembled cats. She smiles faintly, her heart swelling with gratitude toward the patrols who had braved the cold to fill the fresh-kill pile. For her, her kits, and all who she cared for within the nursery walls.

As she shifts her weight, the queen's yellow eyes land on Fawnkit. The little tom sits apart from the jubilant energy, his expression weighed down by something, clearly. She hesitates for a moment, but maternal instinct wins out. Padding quietly toward him, she lowers herself to his level, her voice soft and warm as she asks, "Fawnkit, is something on your mind?" She tilts her head and curls her tail neatly around her paws as she sits.

// talking to @Fawnkit~
  • Love
Reactions: Fawnpaw~
Well, at least the wind has died a little. Doeblaze finds herself a little too jaded to fully surrender to a night of celebration—she has half a mind to think the biting cold will be right back on track by tomorrow—but it's nice to see the Clan in such good spirits. Even Orangestar looks more casual as she waits atop the Highbranch, and the leader's clear voice is imbued with an uncommon warmth. Cats are already diffusing into little clumps by the time she dismisses them, and though she can see Candorpaw chatting with Fluffypaw (it's nice they're friends, she thinks), she finds herself throwing in with a couple of the daylighters. More specifically, Florabreeze, who is a competent and trustworthy colleague, and Bloody Mary, who is none of the above.

She snorts in private amusement at this last. The two seem to be chatting amicably enough, though Bloody Mary is staring at the prey with an obvious hunger—ah, and that's the very topic of conversation in this particular corner. " I'm sure you'll be making your first catch any day, " Doeblaze cuts in, too tired—her various old injuries are forming a choir of fierce cold-aches—to be terribly polite. There's a subdued contentment settling into her getting-old bones, though, and she plops down with a quiet oof. " You started in at a poor time of year for it, anyways. The cold makes hunting difficult for even the finest of warriors. "


It's an ounce of good in a consistent stretch of bad, and Greeneyes can't help but to be grateful for it as he approaches the Highbranch under Orangestar's call. After all that's been lost, all that's changed, it's a nice break for SkyClan, this. And it's worthy of a celebration — anything good is. At the leader's dismissal, his gaze flickers to his apprentice, who's already wandered off in her own group with Sangriapaw and Candorpaw — he's glad she has them — before searching for a pointed face in the crowd.

A smile forms when he finds him, and, after a meal is found upon the kill pile, he brings it towards his mate, a small smile — one that's grown more rare — settled upon his face. A nudge in greeting is made, the prey set at @Fireflyglow 's paws.

" Share it with me? " he asks softly.​
Fireflyglow was previously paws deep in a pile of wet moss, wiping off herb leftovers from his paws with a frown. When he finished, he stepped out of his den in time to hear Orangestar's call for a celebration. His eyes squint then, scuffing his damp paw into the cold earth below. He was about to turn back around and avoid this 'party' overall, but instead the adoringly familiar voice of Greeneyes catches his attention.

He nearly melts into his mate the moment he's nudged, and barely stops himself from sinking to his haunches in eager surrender to his beloved. He nudges into the orange and white tom's cheek, brushing his face across his own and bumping his forehead against Greenie's own. A warmth fills him, starved of the attention he craved from his beloved mate. They had both been so busy.

His stomach growls, the scent of prey causing his mouth to water. He gestures for Greenie to take the first bite, before he wraps his tail protectively over the other tom's spine. Letting the others celebrate, share tongues, he would let himself bask in this momentary time of love with his Minty.​

A social butterfly left behind. Budkit glances for a familiar face; a friendly clanmate to spend this special time with. Her mother has drifted to Fawnkit. Ramkit and Lambkit wrestle near enough that one of them bumps into her, earning the twins an annoyed huff from the older kit as she stalks a few tail lengths away. Fluffypaw speaks with her friends. Greeneyes and Fireflyglow curl up together to share a meal. Doeblaze speaks with the big cat who has multiple toes just like Budkit.

It seems most everyone she knows well or is part of her family is occupied. The excitement of the celebration dwindles slightly in the seal point's chest, though she won't let that light go out entirely. Maybe she just needs to look a little harder. Maybe… she can find Oleanderkit? Her close friend would be a delight to spend time with.

// looking for @Oleanderkit but overall appearing a bit lost
[ penned by kerms ]

The sight of his Clanmates mingling together makes his heart ache; Flamefeather's warmth at his side is sorely missed. Kits play underpaw (a reminder of what could have been), friends sit together and catch up on gossip (a reminder of what he could have, were he more than just Flamefeather's shadow with no body left to cast it), mates cuddle into each other's sides and share prey (a reminder, once again, of a warm body at his flank and the most beautiful flame-blue eyes he's ever seen). He wants so desperately to join them, to be seen as himself and not as the lingering corpse-stench of a cat moons dead, but he can't see any openings to slot himself into.

Reluctantly, he claims a bird too small to share and retreats to the fringes once more. His traitorous brain summons to mind a gray and black pelt and discerning blue eyes - ice blue, not the blue of the hottest flames - and he wishes he were here to share his company and conversation once more. How tragic is that? Death has stained him so deeply that he must seek connection outside of his own Clan, otherwise he'll be looked straight through, with Flamefeather's burning specter waiting on the other side to greet the looker.

  • "speech here"
  • WOLFGRIN he/him, warrior of skyclan, thirty-seven moons
    a tall, disheveled chocolate smoke tortoiseshell with orange eyes. he displays oddly dog-like qualities, even smelling faintly like a dog after growing up with them on a farm. his smug, careless, smooth-talking outer persona masks a heart of gold. though the safety of a clan serves his interests well, he is more inclined to loyalty to individuals rather than clans. after the death of his mate, flamefeather, he's begun to privately question starclan.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by solaire@funeralscythe on discord, feel free to ping for plots.

𓆩✦𓆪 — Blazingheart finds a grin on his maw when Orangestar announces that the hunters had brought back plenty of prey for them to feast today and that's enough for the red tabby to grab onto something for himself. His green eyes searching for the silver pelt of his friend and he walks forward when he manages to spot her, there's a slight skip to his step as he makes a beeline in Magnolia's direction "Share this moment with me, loquita." The young warrior says teasingly perhaps even a tinge affectionately as he places the squirrel between the both of them and both of his ears perk forward to look at her, there would surely be harder days but today there wasn't any time to worry about that possibility.

"May we be able to celebrate to a better future together." He says after a moment of thinking and he nudges the prey closer to her only to curl his bottlebrush tail around his paws to keep them warm despite the cold. Surely, when he had said together it would be to their friendship and the two of them training together... A part of him hopes that he's doing well in his teachings but only time would tell. "And to the day, you become a full warrior of Skyclan someday soon." It would be a hard mountain to scale but he knows that the blue molly would succeed especially with him helping her at every turn.


  • ooc — speaking to @MAGNOLIA
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ CLIMBING
  • qCOxhoF.png
    a large, longhaired red tabby feline with green eyes
    blazingheart's a sharp tongued warrior that can oftentimes come off as insensitive or uncaring even if it isn't necessarily his intent upon first meeting. she tends to come off awkward during small conversations so she will dismiss herself if she finds the situation tense. she's rather prickly due to several events in her life and seen tense for the most part but she's trying to improve, all of her opinions are IC only.
    16 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    asexual biromantic; currently interested in no one
    child of coyotecrest and howlfire
    sibling to wolfpaw and hawkspine
    currently mentoring ... n/a
    hard to befriend due to how standoffish she comes off as ; oftentimes quick to anger ; very reckless
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] Through the bustling crowd of celebration, and chatter and the gathering of clan-mates alike, it would seem Fawnkit's despondency caught the attention of Butterflytuft. The queen who had watched over him and many other kits alike for the past moons, after all it had been her duty and rank amongst the clanmates. Which was probably no easy feat, of course.

Bi-color eyes lingered on the other gently before his tail swished slightly and he look to the crowd of celebrating clanmates, even the other kits were playing amongst each other. Though Budkit looked lost within the flood of cats before his attention refocused onto the tortoiseshell queen before him. "Everyone is celebrating due to how hard our warriors have worked and... I just hope when I become an apprentice I can also work hard to provide for Skyclan... you guys did so much for me, and.. I am just worried I wouldn't be able to do that when I've become an apprentice" he expressed to the queen. After all, he had been just a meek tiny kit when the clan first found him and now he's all grown up, and it wouldn't be long before he too is trained to hunt and fight for the clan, why wouldn't he be nervous about not doing good at those?
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fawnkit 𓆩✧𓆪 He/Him, Kit of Skyclan, 5 moons.
    Fluffy Fawn with low white with bi-colored eyes (Blue and Yellow)
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Interacting with @butterflytuft <3)
  • Love
Reactions: butterflytuft
— Brightkit sticks close to Oddgleam's side only to hear something about celebrating but what were they going to celebrate and she glances over to Morningkit who says the word, the mismatched molly nods in agreement only to see Crowsight approach them does she perk up immediately "Baabaaa!" She singsongs sweetly to him and he mentions about him being there to play with them all day, its enough for her to perk up with excitement. "Me! Me! Meeeeee!" The two-toned kitten continues with a little bounce in her small paws and hopes that it will be enough to grab the attention of Crowsight as she spins in a clumsy circle and giggles.

"Me, baba! Me!" She continues to say with a high pitched squeal following and she slips forward to trip over his dark paw, he perks up at the sight of him only to smile wide in his direction. This is definitely something worth celebrating especially since her other two parents were normally quite busy to play and outside of camp, her head tilts to the side wondering what games she could think of them to play together.


  • ooc
  • jzQh261.png
    a vibrant, curly furred blue torbie with high white and olive-green eyes
    much like her name given to her by her parents, she's a bright individual with an overly imaginative mind that comes into play ever day in her life. she's very childish and has a very colorful vocabulary, brightkit can oftentimes come off as quite blunt or sharp-tongued later on in life. all opinions are IC only
    ages realistically; born 10.12.24
    sexuality unknown; too young to consider love
    child of oddgleam, owlheart, and crowsight
    sister to pearlkit, morningkit, cuckookit, and ravenkit
    relatively easy to befriend and make your enemy ; will start fights always
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Chrysaliswing's clan had survived the blizzard, and perhaps the younger him would have indulged his leader in her mawkish festivities. Now, he only saw it as a hindrance. Perhaps it was appropriate for the true warriors to celebrate, but not for the daylight warriors that would surely gobble up an unfair share of the kills while they could easily get their fill from Twoleg-slop. As for the rest of the forest-born ilk... many of them had stooped so low as to steal from other clans, pry away prey that did not belong to them. And they scorn me for my words! Hah, what a bunch of hypocrites. He had thought once, when the snow obscured even the star-scarce sky. Though, even the soot-stained warrior could not bring himself to voice his disdain, for his chords had been run dry and taut, as though the winter had stripped him of his expression.

The chimaeric warrior slunk through the meager shadows of the evening's death, as though he reveled in the unseen rather than what the wintry light revealed to them, saccharine tastes of celebration lost upon a battered pelt. Instead of plowing through the masses of gathered bodies and tangled conversations, he took care to avoid any prying eyes or keen noses. Still did slivers of the light purl against his own, defying what effort he put into avoiding it in the first place. What did they have to celebrate about, anyhow? Early leaf-bare's chill still sheared through his bones, slobber of sloppy season's fits still caught within his roiling gut, and dripping out through leaky nostrils and maw. He still felt horrible, and it extended farther than any exhaustion or fatigue that he had ever experienced. He grabbed at a plump partridge, the gaiety no more than an infestation of terribly annoying insects than anything to benefit him, wassailing and triumphs much too sweet for him. The longhaired tomcat quickly trotted through the entrance of the camp, so that he could enjoy his meal - of which had become a rarity nowadays - in peace.

  • OOC: Out!
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 32 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring Weaselpaw / Father of Weaselpaw, Adderpaw and Daffodilpaw
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

the dog that weeps after it kills is no better than the dog that doesn't. my guilt will not purify me.
A time for celebration, eh? Duskpool watched his clanmates with weary hues, tiredness seepin' from weary, achin' bones that throbbed and pulsed no matter the position. He heaved a tired grunt, closest to the elder's den where Palemoon resided, the older tom found no other reason to join the celebration but to observe.

He couldn't help the inklin' of dread from coursin' through scarred tissue, ripplin' like angry waves beneath a ragged obsidian pelt. Always the pessimistic, ain't ya, Duskpool? He thought wearily, drawin' a half-hearted grunt from the warrior.

He hummed, shiftin' to glance at Palemoon's figure beneath the warm glow of celebration when a pang of somethin' familiar sparked to life.
  • ooc —— xxx
  • 79e7ea600f49a325f113a03a1d56a56b1c609e9a.gifv

    release me from my promise to you.

    don't make me do this anymore. don't make me go on without you​
  • duskpool he/him
    a massive scarred obsidian-smoked ghost mackerel tabby maine coon / norwegian forest mix and a molten copper eye with low-white
    ♡ warrior of skyclan
    ♡ sixty-one moons; ages on the 1st of every month
    speech thought attack
    ♡ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted

    penned by blueblossomtea

Saturnkit doesn't quite know what's going on or why there's a need to celebrate with food, really, but his stomach can't help but growl at the idea of having a mouse or… a bird, maybe? They ate before they left for camp: dry kibble that only seems to get worse the more he gets a taste of SkyClan's food, but another meal wouldn't hurt, would it?

Hunched down beside Jupiterpaw and Mercurykit, the boy waits for his older sibling to move toward the fresh kill pile, to follow suit in the festivities that Jupiterpaw must know all the proper etiquette to. But his older sister doesn't move, and he blinks in confusion.

" Are we… Are you not eating..? " he asks. Maybe she isn't hungry? Maybe he should just go forward without her?
Last edited:
She felt likened to a flower, with the way striped, fuzzy things float toward her so seamlessly! Only, her brain wasn't mush enough to think herself pretty. A fluke of some sort, yeah... She was more the corpse to attract a maggot, than the bloom to lure a bee... Florabreeze was no maggot though. She had one too many legs... Was a notch too big... A millipede, maybe? A thousand legs sticking between her teeth... She could manage it, maybe. Head heavy with the thought, she pivots toward a skull-face, eyes flared wide in bloody sockets.

Disagreement creases pale lids; has a dog's sigh gust from a red-pink nose. She'd be put to sleep, in a place like this... Drift off into dreams with jaws still dripping preyblood. Whatever shag laid atop her catch would not then be hers. Unfit assimilation. She's not killed enough, not prayed they way they did... She wasn't yet dog in the way they wanted... This name of hers is a bell in their ears, rotten, unripe...

Oh, she's jostled by an offer, some stupor killed where it stands, then. Walk you home. Hound's ears perk. Temptation... Huh, an idle word smoothed over. She's stupid when she says it, really... Bloodied ears flick rearward. The rasp of wine vocals delights. For her, she bleats encouragement! Bloody Mary needed none. Greedily, she takes it still. Joints seem to ache when the fawn squints. Moon-pupils are pinpricks, now. Wounded as she was, could she run if someone wanted a chunk of her gone...? " Difficult's good, " she rumbles. " Keeps me interested. " Bloodless eyes are keen on her prey, then.

Overgrown ears swivel for Flora... Caught between two slabs of meat, that's her... Not too kind of 'em, in her opinion... " Mm... Heard somethin' real compelling, not too long ago... " She comes to a stand. Intent eyes keep on the fawn, begging for a chase. Her legs are all Flora's though. At least, for now... Grey seeks green through the corners. A wedge head hardly moves. The flick of a rabbit's tail reads clearly.

  • OOC. Chatting to Doeblaze and then Florabreeze... Sighs deeply.
  • ectPk8F.png
    A dog-like woman. Large, with bulk in some places, and only lean muscle in others. Elegant at some angles, acutely strange looking at others. Has a longer, wolfish muzzle and gleaming dog teeth near-always on display due to an overbite. Skull presses insistent against her skin. Eyes are almost too - large, and not all sunken in her skull. Has large, tufted ears. Polydactyl, with a curved spine and recently-chopped tail.

Butterflytuft's gaze softens as she listens to Fawnkit's words, her heart aching gently at the earnestness in his voice. She leans in slightly, her warm yellow eyes locking onto his bi-color ones, radiating reassurance. "Oh, Fawnkit," She murmurs, her voice as light as the leaf-bare breeze ruffling their fur. "You already give so much to SkyClan, even if it's not in the way our warriors do. Your kindness, your thoughtfulness…those are things that make our clan stronger, too. Being a good warrior isn't just about catching prey or fighting battles. It's about the heart you bring to it. And you, little one, have such a big heart."

She tilts her head, a soft smile curving her muzzle. She understands why he feels nervous. Every kit does before they take that step. But she knows he will have his mentor and clanmates to guide him, just like the ones who helped build up the fresh-kill pile today. And if he ever stumbles, he'll always have Butterflytuft and the rest of the clan to help him get back up. Her tail curls around his small form gently, a shield against the bustle of the crowd. "You're already more than enough. When the time comes, I know you'll make us proud."

// talking to @Fawnkit~
  • Love
Reactions: Fawnpaw~