pafp LIGHTHOUSE ON THE SEA - small gifts

Every day that Moonpaw was not in the camp was a day of distraction for the apprentice, a day of gathering things that she could not find near camp which included more than just the herbs that she needed to continue her journey as the clan's healer but flowers that held a deeper meaning to them as well. She knew that not everyone within the clan knew what the flowers would mean nor did she expect everyone to actually care for the traditions that had been passed down for a few short generations now. Even if cats didn't know meanings, that daffodils were good for more than bee stings or that iris' were more than just a pretty flower she still wanted to share this in her own way. Which was why only a few short moons ago she had gathered the help from the then-kittens in the clan to help her gather shells.

Carefully the white moggie had put together her own little bundles of flower petals and feathers within the largest shells that they had helped her find, moving them carefully to the apprentice's den only to quickly peak her head inside to make sure the cats she was looking for were there. "Pebblepaw, Riverpaw." She'd quickly call to them when she noticed their pelts, motioning for the two newly named apprentices to meet her outside the apprentice's den before ducking back out once more, the two shells hiding behind her for the time-being. She thought of Shellkit then, of how their sister wasn't an apprentice when she should be but with her stuck in the medicine den Moonpaw wasn't sure when that would be, but hopefully it would be soon so that she, too, could receive the gift Moonpaw wanted to give to the newer apprentices in the clan.

When the two came out she offered them a small smile, "I know your nests are probably a little bare after leaving the nursery," she'd begin, tail-tip flicking back and forth slightly as she did so, "So if you'll take them, I made you both small gifts... something to start your nest decoration with." The elders would decorate their pelts when they became warriors, ready to stand guard when it was time for their vigil so why couldn't Moonpaw give them their own things to decorate their nests with, things they had helped her gather as well?

It was then she moved out of the way to move the shells towards the duo. If they didn't want them then it was no fur off her hide, it just meant she had more things to decorate her own nests with now that she was in charge of so many. If they were to take the gifts, the two would notice a matching set of shells - with a third tucked away hidden from Shellkit's sight so that she would be able to match her siblings - with down feathers and various colored petals within them. Nothing to fully decorate a nest with, but a small start so that their new sleeping spots within the apprentice's den wouldn't feel so empty.

  • --please wait for @RIVERPAW and @PEBBLEPAW to post before posting!
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    11 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝   It felt like a forever goodbye. Because it was, in a way. Never again would he curl up with his littermates in the nursery and listen to Hazecloud's breathing, or wake up bleary-eyed to Lichentail's comforting silhouette. He was leaving Shellkit behind. It was. . . lonesome, and scary. He finds that he has no idea how to be an apprentice, and even if he'd wanted it so, so very long ago– even now, so old, he's still unprepared. His nest is bland, the paws kicking out around him too unfamiliar. He doesn't even hesitate to follow Moonpaw's call because there's nothing for him to reluctantly leave. His shoulder nudges Pebblepaw.

"Moonpaw?" Was their sister getting worse? Something horrible must have happened, except she stands there with a smile, and. . . a gift. His throat quite suddenly feels stuffy. Breath catches in his throat. "Oh." He pulls one of the shells towards himself, studying the small wisps of softness that quiver within on a brush of wind. It brings about comforting scents. Soft, quiet. "Thank you. What else do apprentices decorate their nests with? Would fish scales hurt?"

  • ooc:
  • "speech"
    ——  a messy blue tabby with low white. his fur thick and lush with a steady diet of fish and milk, riverpaw is healthy and well-prepared to take on life as an apprentice of his clan. he's dutiful and quick to learn, but rarely pushes himself past that initial level of acceptable. part of him is truly feeling a bit. . . sulky.

Watching Pebblepaw and Riverpaw gain their apprentice status had been a far more emotional event than Hazecloud had anticipated. It felt far too little ago the toms had just arrived, pelts frozen while she desperately worked to warm them up. She hadn't anticipated becoming so close with them the way she had. Originally she had thought it would be similar to how she interacted with Ravensong, or Wavepaw. Cats she had been a familial figure to since their kithood, but careful not to overstep the line of a mother.

But that line had been leapt across without much regard before long. They had become her own, in a way different than the younger three, but all hers just the same. It was hard to let them go now after so much time spent in the nursery together. She could tell it was the same for the boys, too, even if they did try to hide it. To look strong and ready to embrace what they had wanted for so long.

Hazecloud had been seated quietly outside the apprentices den to oversee them choose their nests. To be a judge of whether or not the bedding was fitting and comfortable, as this would be the very first time they would select their own nest entirely. No more would they be taken care of by the other apprentices and warriors.

Moonpaw has extended a kindness to them, to start their new nests with something nice entwined. Shells, carefully picked for a pretty aesthetic.

"You two are so independent now." Hazecloud giggled as she said it. They would be catching their own prey, cleaning their own den, and now hers and their younger siblings until the time came for them to leave too. "Most the time you use from whatever you've caught. That's why Lichentail's nest has so many feathers in it. I prefer my nest to smell nice when I go to sleep, so I weave flowers into it." She would be happy to return to that habit once she's rejoined the warriors.