The warmth of the sun along her back was a welcome presence as the tabby stood along the surface of the Highrock. The days had been gradually warming up recently, and she couldn't help but wonder if new-leaf was finally here. It was an exciting possibility, but she would wait a few more days before celebrating. There had been a warmer period hidden inside the blizzard too... but this didn't feel the same way that had. There were flowers trying to bloom, and the bird song had picked up noticeably. There was no better of a late afternoon to reward their apprentices after such a long leaf-bare.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather below Highrock for a clan meeting."

Her voice echoed throughout the clearing, and while she watched everyone begin to gather, her gaze lingered on a familiar fluffy pelt for a few moments longer than she intended. Perhaps with the warmer weather, he'll need extra help looking for herbs.. Of course, he had Hopepaw to help him, but another set of eyes could be helpful, especially now that plants were beginning to bloom and grow again.

"Our Warrior's Den gains two more residents today. Mottledpaw, Beetlepaw, Coltpaw, please step forward." She had been thrilled to hear from Stormywing and Burnstorm that their apprentices had passed their assessments this moon, and were ready to join their littermates as warriors. She hadn't missed the look of disappointment from Mottledpaw in the last meeting, but even though she had been held back a moon, she had worked even harder and proven herself to be ready now. As the trio made their way to the front, Flamestar turned and made her way down the side of the Highrock. Loose pebbles rolled underneath her paw, but after several moons of practice she made the trip down with ease.

She came to stand in front of the single eyed molly first. She had overcome so much since kit hood...the passing of both of her parents, Skyclaw's takeover, losing her eye, being held back a moon...but she had overcame every obstacle thrown in her path. "I, Flamestar, leader of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn." She would pause, shifting her gaze between the three equally before continuing. "Mottledpaw, Beetlepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Her lips pulled back into a smile as they said the traditional words, and she would continue. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Mottledpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Mottledmoon. StarClan honors your adaptability and commitment, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan." The leader purred as she rested her chin along the top of Mottledmoon's head, before taking a step back and offering the apprentice a proud chin dip before turning to pad in front of her former denmate.

He had grown so much over the past few moons. He mirrored his father in many ways, but she could see his grandmother within him standing here now. Like Mottledmoon, he hadn't been apprenticed last moon with Littlebird, but he too had worked hard, and passed Burnstorm's assessment. "Beetlepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Beetleburn. Starclan honors your loyalty and resolve, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan." Like she had with Mottledmoon, she rested her chin between Beetleburn's ears, secretly thankful that he dipped his head slightly so she could reach better. She then took a step back, smiling warmly to each of them.

Last but not least was Coltpaw, Stormywing's second apprentice. Like Beetleburn, he had grown like a weed since becoming an apprentice. She could recall when he was a kit, stumbling over paws too big for his body. He had been among the cats to be exiled by Skyclaw, and had fought along his clanmates to retake Thunderclan. "Coltpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Coltstorm. Starclan honors your determination and resilience, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan." As she rested her chin against the top of his head, she glanced at his former mentor, wondering if what she thought about his new name. If she caught her eye, she would blink warmly before pulling away. "Congratulations you three." They had a long night ahead of them, standing a silent vigil while the rest of the clan slept.

While the clan chanted, the leader made her way back up the Highrock. It was a much easier jump with the now warmer weather...her shoulder didn't disagree as much when the air wasn't frigid. "I have yet to receive word from Skyclan about any sightings from their daylight warriors of Leafhusk. We must continue to hope that Starclan will help her find her way back, one way or another." She had really hoped that by announcing the news at the gathering, that at least one cat within the clans would have seen her...but so far all had been silent. The leader closed her eyes for a heartbeat, before resting her gaze onto the blue-eyed figure of her newest council member "Palefire will be taking a step back as Lead Warrior and returning to her regular warrior duties. Despite this decision she remains a strong and trusted pillar within ThunderClan's ranks." The request had come as a surprise to her, but she respected Palefire's decision. The council hadn't been this small for many seasons, but there was a cat among the clearing that she turned to, a small smile forming on her muzzle. He was young, but he had a good head on his shoulders, one that she believed would be a good asset to Thunderclan in the coming moons. "With Palefire stepping down, and Leafhusk's absence, this leaves our council needing members." She paused, wondering silently if he had figured out yet why her gaze was resting so firmly on him. "Roaringsun, you are a clever and loyal warrior. I wish to invite you to join Thunderclan's council as a Lead Warrior, if you accept."
Warrior Ceremonies for: @mottledpaw @beetlepaw @COLTSTORM
New Lead Warrior!!! Congratulations @ROARINGSUN

afab (she / her)ㅤ / heterosexual, widowed, formerly taken by flycatcher
42 moons old ㅤ/ ㅤages realistically, every 20th of the month
leader of thunderclan since september 2024
lily x storm ㅤ/ㅤ mother to: falconheart, stormfeather, lilykit, butterflykit, bugchaser, squirrelsong, sunbird, ravenblaze, sparrowpaw
ㅤpenned by Icey ! ㅤ/ ㅤmessage Icey ! on discord for plots!
ㅤmentoring bayingpawㅤ / ㅤmentored: cloudyfur, acornwish, merlinpath
will start fights, will end fights, will kill

longhaired red classic tabby with green eyes, and low white. she has a shredded right ear, and has many scars that are visible in windy conditions.
Last edited:
The warm breeze of Newleaf is a welcome addition to any day. Even now as the sun sinks below the horizon line, the temperatures don't drop as harshly as they had prior. He'd spotted a few flowers beginning to sprout while out in the territory - yes, the seasons had shifted, and the days would only get warmer from here ( which was in no way a complaint, not from him anyway ).

Flamestar's voice rings through the ravine as she summons the Clan for this moon's ceremonies. Mottledpaw and Beetlepaw are already there, undoubtedly hungry to receive their new names and sit vigil for the night. It will be a short one. . . no kits ready to become apprentices. He notes from his spot beside his denmates. Golden gaze blinks slowly and Roaringsun can't help but wonder if he'd be trusted with any of them to mentor. He and Berrypaw were getting along fine, the tabby was progressing at a regular pace.

Mottledmoon and Beetleburn are named, suffixes honoring their parents. Both deserving of them. "Mottledmoon! Beetleburn! Mottledmoon! Beetleburn!" The tom cheers alongside his peers, happy to have more helpful paws around camp. They'd for sure need them in case or another invasion. . .

He doesn't notice Flamestar's eyes lingering on him at first, not until the cat beside him nudges his shoulder. He hisses a Hey! in outrage before he swallows the words down after he meets his Leader's gaze. Does she know? Is his immediate thought. Does she know about Hawkspine? But her expression is gentle, not the one of someone preparing a lecture. With Palefire stepping down, and Leafhusk's absence, this leaves our council needing members. The red tabby speaks, continuing to keep her green eyes locked on him — slowly, he begins to understand what she's implying. He doesn't believe it, no, but the pieces are steady as they fall into place.

"Yes." Roaringsun answers before she's even done asking the question. He clears his throat in embarrassment - but he simply couldn't contain himself. Flamestar finishes speaking, and then he repeats what had already been uttered: "Yes, Flamestar. I accept. Thank you!" The warrior is giddy, glowing as he beams a smile towards the she-cat.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

ㅤmale (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤunsure of sexuality, single ; crushing on hawkspine
ㅤ17 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 14th of the month
ㅤwarrior of thunderclan
npc x npcㅤ/ㅤnpc siblings
ㅤmentoring Berrypawㅤ/ㅤmentored by Copperfang and Leafhusk
"speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
ㅤpenned by nocthymiaㅤ/ㅤmessage hypmic on discord for plots!
lion-like in stature, roaringsun is characterized by his golden fur, cream 'mane' and strong legs. long-furred with longer strands on his cheeks, one cannot tell he once was a soft-born kittypet before joining thunderclan as an apprentice.
· · ───────────── ·𖥸· ───────────── · ·

It isn't lost on her that she stands beside Beetlepaw today... twin failures of their litters, enemies at odds with one another their entire lives. Maybe that spoke to something... so busied with their personal rivalry they'd failed to focus on what mattered most. Her tongue flicks against the back of her teeth, a memory of being slammed against the dirt in the dead of night, interrupted from her sulking under the moonlight. Wishing... waiting... hoping that maybe one of those stars that night were her parents. What a mess she'd made in their names... what a let down. Still, she stands in front of Flamestar today knowing that Stormywing has no questions left for her. Not another border patrol of crowed compliments. No more chasing after her shadow, trying to offer advice to the other apprentices as one of their fellows. It almost makes her sick to her stomach... the loss of that consistency, the security of having her around. When left to her own devices, without children nipping at her heels, would she spend all her free time with Thundergleam? With Roeflame?

She almost misses that the golden furred leader is calling on her to answer, to make a pledge that would shape the rest of her adult life. Would she die? The context of who for matters little... this is just a promise that it would find her. That she might find herself coiled in agony outside of camp like her mother... might see her bones broken beyond repair like her uncle... might lay in a pool of her own blood like her father. It was just a promise it would happen... and the details meant little else.

"I do."

There is no avoiding it anyways... it may as well be under the promise of protecting and serving. An atonement for every mistake that had seen her to this point.


It bites- a sting like claws plucking at the strings of her heart. Named for her adaptability.... her commitment. But what hurts most is knowing who she borrows from. Moonwhisper, kept tucked close forever more. She doesn't remember much about the planes of her mother's face... the lilt of her voice when shooing them to go play with their father but this, this could be kept, held, and cherished... never forgotten.

Flamestar's head rests atop her own for a brief moment and she is quick to offer her gratitude in the form of a respectful lick to her shoulder in turn. Then it's Beetlepaw's turn... and she struggles against the urge to cry with relief for herself as he too finds himself informed by legacy; Beetleburn.

Olive eye searches his face for relief too... hoping that on this one thing they can understand each other. Did he feel joy... having both his parents here to celebrate him? "Congratulations, Beetleburn..." is all she can afford him without bleeding jealousy into his joy. More than eager, she turns to scan the crowd for her sisters, for her mentor- Stormywing earns a furrowed brow and a wicked grin; they'd be peers now... And she'd make sure Stormywing never forgot it!​
⊱⊰ The leader's call for a clan meeting catches Hopepaw's attention quickly, an undeniable pull to listen to her announcements. First up are two of her kin, and Hopepaw beams with pride as Beetlepaw is made a warrior at last. "Mottledmoon! Beetleburn!" Her cousin and her littermate, both late to be named warriors, yet still not later than Hopepaw herself. Given Gentlestorm's estimations, it will be… a long time yet before she sheds the name of an apprentice at last. Both Beetleburn and Mottledmoon are named after their parents in some way, prompting the girl to wonder whether she'll share the same naming theme when she's finally named a full medicine cat. Perhaps she'll be Hopebat, or Hopetongue. Or perhaps she'll be named after neither of them, gifted with a name all her own.

As medicine cat apprentice, the lilac-furred girl is technically a part of Flamestar's council—the same council that Palefire is departing, and that Roaringsun is joining now. The tom had faced challenge after challenge when he'd joined ThunderClan, including being exiled from it altogether, but he's determined and bold enough to earn himself a trusted place as a lead warrior. "Congratulations, Roaringsun," she calls to the brightly-furred tom with a friendly sweeping of her fluffy tail.

  • ooc:
  • 82611583_8wYqROdkGfqffKh.jpg
  • 90585542_sQlMGwBhz4rUlvm.png
    HOPEPAW ❯❯ she/her, thunderclan medicine cat apprentice
    skinny, thick-furred lilac molly with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and a bit of a grouch.
    daughter of batwing and leopardtongue ; adopted by roeflame
    mentored by gentlestorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ; does not typically like physical contact from anyone besides her family
    penned by foxlore
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ The call for a meeting causes his ears to twitch and he lumbers forward with the intent of listening, the feeling of new-leaf warmth is a pleasant feeling on his usually tense body and he settles onto his haunches beside his apprentice watching as both her brother and cousin get their warrior names a little later than the rest of their littermates. A part of him wonders if she feels envious towards both new warriors that she will not recieve her own full name until much later or when Starclan decides that Gentlestorm isn't worth keeping anymore and send one of its messangers of death to finish him off. The thought causes him to stifle a snort though he takes a moment to think of what Hopepaw's full name would be, Moonbeam's had come to him quite easily but who knows if his own apprentice would arrive to him just as swiftly. It needed to be perfect... he knows that it would be some time before Hopepaw became a full medicine cat but he'd be there until it was her turn to recieve her name, he'd make sure of it, Gentlestorm wouldn't allow himself to die. He'd be there... alive.

His copper eyes turn to Flamestar once more and he can practically feel his heart in his throat though he focuses on the words that slip from her jaws, the silver tom's attention shifts when she extends the offer of joining her council to Roaringsun and can't help the way that his whiskers twitch in amusement. Ah yes, he remembers when the scrap of fur had been determined to join Thunderclan all those moons ago and how Howlingstar had made the fiery little tomcat fight against Palefire to prove if he'd be worthy enough to join the oak forest dwelling clan. And now, here he is joining Flamestar's council as a lead warrior. Gentlestorm tilts his head upwards to the skies wondering if the black tabby is watching from the starlit terrain from above and blinks in the direction of the tom who answers way too eagerly at first, a rough noise slipping from him that could be taken as amusement.

He nods a silent congratulations to Roaringsun and listens to everyone else chant the names of Beetleburn and Mottledmoon, he chants quietly to not strain his voice too much knowing that its still healing in a way. The pale tomcat turns his head towards Flamestar once more and if their eyes locked for a heartbeat, Gentlestorm would offer a curt nod in her direction and pushes himself to his paws so that he could return to his den silently.


ㅤagab male (he/it)ㅤ/ㅤbisexual demiromantic, widowed by little wolf
ㅤ65 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 27th of the month
ㅤmedicine cat of thunderclan for 12 moons
falling snow x raging stormㅤ/ㅤuncle to hopepaw, coalpaw, cardinalpaw, & braveheart
ㅤmentoring hopepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by berryheart
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, strategizes before every fight, will tear/maim an enemy, and will end fights
a large, longhaired, and scruffy blue sepia tom littered with several scars, tattered ears, blinded in an eye, and has a pair of earthy toned eyes w/low white

Stormywing watches her apprentices step forward with a rush of pride, her tail twitching with anticipation. They had both worked hard for this moment, and while Mottledpaw's delay had been a sore spot, it was clear now that the extra moon had made her stronger, more determined. Even Coltpaw, always so eager to prove himself but having been so down lately, had shaped into a capable warrior. Working together in their assessment brought them both here, and she hopes they'll continue to work together as warriors.

When Flamestar names Mottledmoon, a flicker of surprise crosses the small warrior's expression. After Moonwhisper. They had never been close, Stormywing and Moonwhisper - never. She had always thought the she-cat to be mean-spirited, and far too cold to be a reliable clanmate. But it's final. That name would follow Mottledmoon forever, and the tabby would have to make peace with it.

She shakes the thought away as Coltpaw - no, Coltstorm - receives his name. Her ears perk, gold eyes widening slightly. Coltstorm. He's named after her. Heat floods her chest in a mix of pride and a strange, unexpected humility. She had never expected to leave that kind of mark. Grinning, she sits a little taller and joins in the chant. "Mottledmoon! Beetleburn! Coltstorm!" She catches Mottledmoon's wicked grin and snorts, rolling her eyes with a smirk. Oh, she's going to be insufferable about this. Well, let her try!

Then Flamestar keeps speaking, and Stormywing finds herself relaxing, until she hears Roaringsun. Her ears flick forward, interest sparking. As the words sink in, a twisting feeling grips her chest. Lead warrior. He's being named lead warrior. Her heart leaps for her fellow ex-kittypet who had fought tooth and claw for his place in ThunderClan and against Skyclaw's tyranny. He deserved this. He absolutely deserved this.

But underneath the pride, curling at the edges like an encroaching storm, is envy. That's supposed to be her. She swallows the ambition down, grits her teeth behind a firm smile, and forces herself to focus on the moment. This is his victory. She can deal with her feelings later. "Roaringsun! Roaringsun!" She cheers, her voice ringing loud and clear over the crowd. He's earned this! Still, as the clan celebrates, Stormywing can't help but dig her claws into the earth to distract herself from the ache in her chest. One day. One day, that'll be me. Only then, a harsh reminder sets in as the storm cloud now bursts with rain over her. But I ruined that chance for myself, didn't I? She would have to accept that fact sooner or later.

She watches as Roaringsun's gaze goes from confused, to shocked, to beaming with excitement. To her approval, he accepts her offer. She hadn't expected him to decline the invitation, but she was glad that he agreed. Roaringsun was young, but she believed that regardless of his youth, he had plenty of insight that would be useful. The leader dipped her head in response, and waited for the cheering to settle down.

"Flayedpaw, with Foxflower unable to continue your training, you are in need of a new mentor." Foxflower had visited her yesterday, admitting the apprentice was too headstrong for her. It had only been a moon since she had assigned the pair, but the young warrior was certain she could not continue. "Houndshade, you are a skilled warrior. You will continue Flayedpaw's training." Several moons had passed since the passing of Finchpaw. The accident had been no fault of Houndshade's...she hoped the warrior wouldn't be upset by being assigned another apprentice.

"As most of you know by now, a couple of days ago my hunting patrol found a body of a Skyclan warrior at Fourtrees...Sillybreeze was her name. We returned her to Skyclan for burial, but we detected Duskclan scent on her pelt. Scorchstar warned the clans of Duskclan's scent being detected at Fourtrees, as well as the Shadowclan and Windclan border. What they did to Sillybreeze was...horrid. All patrols need to be alert for any signs of them. If you come across them, treat them like the rogues they are." Her shoulders tensed at the memory of the had looked like a dog had gotten ahold of her. Any cat that did that to another needed to be ended. Rotten rogues were the last thing Thunderclan needed right now, but if they would deal with the threat if need be.

"That is all. Meeting dismissed."

mentor reassignment: @FLAYEDPAW @Houndshade

afab (she / her)ㅤ / heterosexual, widowed, formerly taken by flycatcher
42 moons old ㅤ/ ㅤages realistically, every 20th of the month
leader of thunderclan since september 2024
lily x storm ㅤ/ㅤ mother to: falconheart, stormfeather, lilykit, butterflykit, bugchaser, squirrelsong, sunbird, ravenblaze, sparrowpaw
ㅤpenned by Icey ! ㅤ/ ㅤmessage Icey ! on discord for plots!
ㅤmentoring bayingpawㅤ / ㅤmentored: cloudyfur, acornwish, merlinpath
will start fights, will end fights, will kill

longhaired red classic tabby with green eyes, and low white. she has a shredded right ear, and has many scars that are visible in windy conditions.

The new ceremonies are long overdue for the three apprentices; Raccoonstripe isn't sure if it is their mentor's fault they had lagged behind so terribly or if it is some inherent flaw they've inherited. He's only glad his apprentices thus far haven't embarrassed him so… he remembers tersely telling Moonwhisper that he would refuse to let her shame him in front of the Clan, and she had taken it to heart. All of his apprentices had—and he will, he thinks to himself, have the same talk with Stormpaw as the time approaches.

Still, two of the cats receiving their names are his kin. Beetleburn and Mottledmoon receive names reminiscent of their parents, of Little Wolf's kits. The tabby's eye blazes with approval. Coltstorm's name seems to be derived from his mentor's, which is less of an honor, considering the cat in question… but Raccoonstripe does not begrudge the young tom his moment. He had overcome the worst kind of toxicity during Skyclaw's reign; he had survived an assassination attempt, in fact. He looks on all three young warriors with approval. They've all seen firsthand how important it is to have Clan loyalty above all else.

He watches as Flayedpaw is reassigned to Houndshade, and he searches the she-cat's face for some sign of displeasure. How do they feel, receiving an apprentice after grieving Finchpaw for so long? He remembers the haunted, guarded gleam of their golden eyes as they'd found him in camp, the way her sorrow had poured from her, her guilt. He makes a mental note to seek her out later… if they'd allow him to, that is. Houndshade is fickle even on their best day.

Flamestar reports that SkyClan has found no sign of Leafhusk. Raccoonstripe's tail sweeps the clearing. I could have told you that. It was a miracle they found Howlfire and those other SkyClanners, all those moons ago. Twolegs were perhaps the worst of the predators their species faced in the forest. A cat could survive a fox bite… but once a Twoleg got its nasty, furless paws on you, you were likely to never be heard from again. It's what has made the existence of kittypets so utterly perplexing to him.

Nevertheless, Flamestar persists, inviting a new warrior to replace Leafhusk on her council. Roaringsun. Raccoonstripe finds him in the crowd, young, but solid in his role as a ThunderClan warrior. He's kittypet-born, yes… and perhaps there is still too much of that tender heart in him… but when Raccoonstripe looks at him now, sun-gold and beaming, he thinks of the way the warrior had sank his teeth into Raccoonstripe's sodden fur and lifted him from the river. He thinks that Roaringsun, no matter how he'd felt about his senior warrior, had risked his life to save him… and that, Raccoonstripe thinks to himself, is the type of cat their council needs.

He gives the young tom a nod—just one—before flicking his gaze back to Flamestar.

She finishes the meeting with a warning. One of SkyClan had lost a warrior near Fourtrees—what she'd been doing so far from home would remain a mystery, for WindClan's bastardized hecklers had hunted her down like she was prey and left her tattered body for others to find. Raccoonstripe grimaces. "If you come across them, treat them like the rogues they are." He curls his lip. "Rogues at Fourtrees! The audacity." Fourtrees was sacred ground, the place where StarClan had first ascended. To think those mongrels are dirtying it with their blood-soaked paws is enough to fill him with disgust.

Raccoonstripe is a lead warrior of ThunderClan. He has thick, silken black tabby fur interrupted by a stark white chin, chest, and belly. One ear is ripped to shreds; the paired eye is missing and scarred over. The other eye blazes golden-brown in direct sunlight. Two near-vertical scars slash across a milky chest. One forepaw is ivory; the rest are dark.

Gray Wolf x Howlingstar / sibling to Hollow Tree, Little Wolf, Cobwebtail, Lily Pad, Graystorm, Jackdawflight, and Berryheart / mate to Nightbird / father to Bayingpaw, Twilightpaw, Tigerpaw, Stormpaw, and Berrypaw
mentored by none / previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper, Scarletdust / mentoring Stormpaw
51 moons old as of 03/05/2025
penned by Marquette


The molted molly sat amongst her peers, eyes wide and belly aching. The sun warms her back, tickelling her spine. Finally... warmth~ Closing her eyes and relishing the moment, she sends a thoughtless prayer to Star Clan, hoping that her fallen clanmates could feel the warm sun on their fur. The naming of the apprentices - now warriors - sends an invisible ripple through the crowd. Chestnutroot, despite her closed eyes, could see it happen all around her.
Personally, the molly didn't mind the homages made through these warriors. Beetleburn and Mottledmoon's names flew off the tongue easy and held personality in each syllabul; that would be the first thought had they been given to any other cat. Blazestar and Little Wolf, Her eyes flick upwards while her maw chant's their children's childrens names with pride. Both cats, Beetleburn especially, had dealing with loyality in the past. How did he feel, she wondered, knowing his name alluded to Blazestar, the king of kittypets and broken families. Did their family reside in Star Clan together, or in diffrent grounds under the same name? Did loyality to your clan mean anything if they were all to join the same clan in the end? With another cheer she pushs the thoughts aside, spotting the smirk Mottledmoon gives to Stormywing with a soft chuckle. Perhaps she needed to ask Flmaestar for an apprentice...
The celebration ends with a grunt. Dusk Clan? The memory of Sootstar is just as powerful as the one of Blazestar and Little Moon. She finds herself shaking her head now, mirth gone from her eyes. Star Clan forgive me, but are we expected to share the sky with murderers like them? Sillybreeze... what a wonderful name. They would be missed, even if Chestnutroot had never met them.
For once, the molly found herself agreeing with the opionated tom with a strong nod. "I wonder if....if Wind Clan let them..."
But that is pure speculation, barley more then a rumor. But still... her eyes flick to the newly named warriors, hopeful that they won't recive scars along with their new status.

  • ooc/
    SHE/HER, Thunder Clan warrior, 50 moons.
    A short, long haired brown and white molly with mismatched eyes.
    Daughter of and
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted || underline and tag when attacking
    speech is #a0c986
    penned by Keee || Milksoda on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

She takes her place beside Stagsnarl as the call for the meeting rings in the crisp air, she's more than happy to spend a few moments out of her day to stand motionless and just listen for a little while. In fact she considers the meetings to be one of their favourite things because of it. Even then she can't help but stare mostly at the ground, picking at the ground below with her claws in hopes to remove whatever microscopic remnants of her breakfast remained there. The three apprentices being called up catch their attention though, not particularly close with any of the three but she quite liked Stormywing so there's a inclination to pay attention when her apprentices are successful within the clan. Houndshade has no particular opinion on any of their names, which in her mind in itself is a positive thing. "Mottledmoon! Beetleburn! Coltstorm!" There's a drawl in her tone as she raised it ever so slightly more than normal to punctuate her enthusiasm. That just meant the warriors den was going to become much more crowded unfortunately, which should be fine until the weather finally turns to the warmer climates.

Roaringsun to her surprise is named lead warrior, it catches them off guard and breaking that passive gaze into an uptick of a smile. He's always been passionate for the clan, at least in her opinion. Thankfully not too passionate, though as he's called upon and accepted she can't help but wish they were a fly on the wall for any future council meetings considering how many times she's heard about his clashes with Racoonstripe. Ah well, maybe if she just conveniently sunbathes nearby in the future she might catch wind of any future confrontations. "Roaringsun!" Her cheer is crackly, a spitfire of passion just for a special occasion such as this. Though she settles next to her mate again all the same, falling silent as it seems this meeting wasn't quite over like she had thought it might be.

To her surprise that isn't the case, Flayedpaw is up for reassignment. "Didn't he just get assigned to her last moon?" They whisper hushed to Stagsnarl, seeking out if they maybe knew anything further than she did. Though between the pair of them the chimera was far less sociable, so she supposes the chances of her knowing something would be low. They think to lean over again to murmur something else when her own name is called upon, oh- oh no. No way. They're reminded of Finchpaw immediately, blinking slowly in an attempt to regain her up standing. The apprentice in front of her couldn't be further in differences to her previous one but she's reminded of the fact that Finchpaw had started as a reassignment too. They think to object, though decide against it ultimately since clearly this must be some kind of olive branch right?

There's a small tick of a frown but she plays it off with a muffled yawn. "I'll take you out later to see what Foxflower has taught you" she decides with a nod. Curious to crack open the shell of the tom and see if he might know why he was reassigned. A passion project she supposes, something to distract themself from the unease she feels at the idea of having another apprentice. To really just make her day there's mention of rogues at fourtrees, DuskClan or whatever... weren't they supposed to be WindClan's problem? It really doesn't seem like they've squashed the issue at all. At the cost of the other clans too, she bitterly wonders how many bodies would need to fall before they finally sorted this out.