pafp lightning & wind | new discovery




He was on an adventure, unburdened from his shackles within the nursery and left to run rampant and wild across the camp only just barely buried beneath the thick layer of snow and ice. The waters were rising, he heard muttered through clenched and chattering teeth but the words meant nothing to Skunk-kit who was so new the world that any percieved danger was just another interesting fact to learn, to sniff, to hesitantly lick when no one was looking. Spearmint green eyes narrowed in the chilling winds as he pressed onward with a stubborness to continue his play regardless of the weather. This wouldn't stop him. Nothing could stop him.

"Hazekit, let's go! You're being really slow, ya know." His friend did not move as swift as he, most didn't really, the black and white tom kit was a blur of motion and energy at his best and an inconvienent obstacle at his worst. Skunk-kit held himself with high esteem, head up and paws raised with confident but awkward little stomps through the slush and sleet; paving a partial path forward for any to follow along behind him with less struggle. "We've never been to THAT side of the camp! I don't think anyone ever has, ya know." He would not wait for an acknowledgement or even if the other could keep up, his determination was second to none, his enthusiasm peak, his nose for adventure unlimited by any moral means. With huffing kitten breaths he trudged onward, hopping and jumping somewhat to push his way through the snow into what looked to be some kind of area curtained behind the tall reeds. Since he had never been here before, he assumed no one else had even as he noticed the obvious nest in the corner and lingering scent of cat present. Surely it was a coincidence, surely he was the first to ever stumble across this amazing place full of strange leaves and bits of flora. It was a hoard of treasure and he was its new keeper. "LOOK WHAT I FOUND, Hazekit we're gonna be famous, ya know!"
Skunk-kit did not realize he was in the medicine cat den at all, only that it was strange and unique and thus he was the first to lay eyes on it.

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Hazekit likes to think they’re the mostest adventurous kit in the nursery. They’re going to be a great adventurer one day, and they’ll discover even more territory for Riverclan, for sure. Skunk-kit is a close second though, and there’s no denying that her friend has her beat in terms of determination. He never stops and definitely never slows down. Hazekit likes that about them. Skunk-kit never says anything is “too far away” or “too dangerous” like their moms do, only “let’s go”, which makes him the perfect adventure partner, even if they run face-first into everything and she might have to dig him out of snow piles sometimes.

They scowl mightily as Skunk-kit calls them slow. ”Fast,” she accuses in return. It’s not their fault his limbs are longer than hers already. Him packing the snow down with his paws as he forges forward is definitely making things easier for her… but she won’t tell him that. They know already. Looking around and seeing only the unfamiliar landscape of an until-then undiscovered part of camp, they nod to Skunk-kit’s claim and add, ”Trailblazers.”

A way out of the snow labyrinth is found, right into a strange and mysterious place secluded from the rest of camp. It smells like cat — that’s a smell Hazekit can recognize with pinpoint accuracy — and something bitter, like the dead leaves rotting under the snow that they dig up sometimes but sharper, fresher. What magic is this? Arcane plants hidden away in the sorcerous recesses of this forgotten den?

”FAMOUS,” she agrees, the thrill of discovery coloring her usual flat affect. Throwing their friend an excited look, they start sniffing around the mysterious depths in search of this strange, herbal scent. It smells interesting. Maybe Skunk-kit will taste it and tell her if it’s good.
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Damn, why are these damn children so fast? Must be his good genes in Skunk's case.

Puffing silently through his broad nose, Wolverinefang stalks after Skunk and Hazel with a good length of distance between them. When queens did this to their kits back in Shadowclan, he'd mock them for being too clingy and yet here he is now, his heart beating out of his chest from realizing one of his kids has disappeared from the tight pack of Boneripple's side. As he catches up, the large moggy wiggles his nose and after a few moments realizes himself where they are. He's become more familiar with his place with Fogpaw being here and Bone's pregnancy but as his ear tilts toward the two kit's conversation, he realizes that, actually, no he isn't. In fact, he's never been here in his whole life now.

Wolverinefang steps up with a cooing awe to his voice, eyes shifting over the den as if it's a meteor out of the sky. "You two found this all by yourselves? You know, when things are discovered, they need names." Wolve looks between them expectantly then squints an eye to leans down to Skunkkit's level and nudge him with his nose then squints the opposite eye and attempts the same move Hazelkit's way. "Come up with a good one and maybe I'll let you off the hook for sneaking out of the nursery." Offer not included when it comes to mothers but he can't really blame them for wanting to get out of that stuffy old maternal holding cell. Still, he does need to be the adult here (begrudgingly).

"Now scoot away from those herbs. You never know what could live on this side of the camp..." He knows what's over here and he's sure Beesong won't appreciate any precious herbs becoming kitten nibble or toys. Wolve reaches out, attempting to coral Hazel and Skunk back with his large paw.
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[] Curious amber eyes peaked out from behind that of Wolverwinefangs' leg as they peered at their siblings, what were they doing? What did they discover? Though the black and white pawed kitten didn't speak up about these questions and instead watched as their father ushered them with a large paw. Silentkit then snuck out from behind Wovlerinefang and padded towards what Hazekit and Skunkkit were looking at. What was it? Did it do anything to help? Where was Beesong?

"I wanna be famous too," They spoke quietly, and looked at the herbs before back to their father with rounded eyes, "Can you tell us about them? What're they for?" Silentkit had a very soft voice, barely above a whisper, and it was very monotoned. It lacked any sort of emotion behind their words but yet they looked expectantly at their father, like he held all the answers in the world.


Iciclepaw does not pay much attention to the nursery kits, though now it seems their camp is full of them. She gives them a passing word when one tumbles by her, but for the most part, her duties take her elsewhere. With the rising waters, though, she's been hesitant to venture too far into the riverlands. There's talk amongst the older warriors about things -- and she'd seen it for herself, hadn't she? Flooding, caused by rapidly melting ice. Their camp underwater, RiverClan homeless or worse...

But she isn't one to dwell on things that may not come to pass. The tortoiseshell watches with a gleaming ice-blue gaze as Wolverinefang attempts to corral his kits and one of Willowroot's away from Beesong's den. Ah... she remembers some of her denmates forcing their way in there to make a mess of the poor cat's herbs. She gets to her paws and stretches, padding close to the little gathering. "Medicine," she tells Silentkit solemnly. "It's not to be played with. None of it should be touched unless Beesong or Gloompaw tell you to touch it." Her voice is stern, where Wolverinefang goes the 'bargaining' route. Admittedly, Iciclepaw isn't a mother, but she's seen Willowroot and Boneripple with the kits, and she feels like she knows what works. Maybe. "So don't touch any of it right now."

In every situation you give me peace
Sablekit is the last of the Bonefang children to arrive on the scene but she is still interested nonetheless. Her ivory striped tail is held high in silent greeting as she steps out from in behind her father's leg. A small smile is tossed in Skunkkit's direction. He should be grateful Wolverinefang found them instead of their mother. No doubt Boneripple might have cuffed him over the ears for sneaking out. Taking a general whiff in the direction of Beesong's den the girl detects all sorts of smells that Iciclepaw ultimately labels medicen. With perked ears Sablekit looks to Iciclepaw with a questioing expression. "Some of them smell different from one another. Can they all do different things?" The apprentice seemed to be more knowledgeable about it than anyone else present.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead