pafp LIGHTS ON - sparring

Softpaw considered herself to be relatively decent at hunting - she knew the crouches, knew the techniques, all learned through hard work and time spent with Honeydapple. The thing that Softpaw was left confident about was her combat training, and with Honeydapple pregnant and unable to train her, Softpaw had decided to take the time to try and improve her skills for when Honeydapple could return to her training. A little gift, if one could consider it that. it was how Softpaw found herself opposite Dawnpaw in the training hollow, eyeing the other she-cat carefully.

With a desire to prove herself as more than her name in combat, Softpaw suddenly lurched forward, taking a swipe at Dawnpaw's side with sheathed claws, aiming to unbalance her.
  • ! rolled an 11, please wait for @Dawnpaw
  • 78702926_pKp9rsLXtiBg2Kr.png
  • SOFTPAW apprentice of thunderclan, seven moons
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.


dawnpaw& 09 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan apprentice

On the opposite end of Softpaw, Dawnpaw excelled in battle and greatly lacked any type of genuine skill in hunting. She was big and bold, yet to fully grow into her form but that should be not too far off in the future. She had decided to trounce on some other apprentices that afternoon with Antlerstride's keen eye watching as she did so.

Her first opponent, barely more than a hairball in her vision (what with Dawnpaw herself being a whole two moons older than Softpaw) avoided being hit almost completely by the other's piteous attempts. The little bit she did get hit by was merely more than a clipping of the shoulder, and she shot forward on quick, sturdy legs taking to the soft sandy ground a bit harder than intended and sending it flying. Her lunge would end with either her on top of the other in attempts to pin her down, or with her rolling out of it should Softpaw dodge.

  • Actions && "Speech," && Thoughts/Quotes

    ooc: defense: 18 | attack: 16
    tw/cw: —
    tag: —
    mentor: antlerstride / she/her / npc
  • sh red mackerel tabby w/ low white and folded ears

    physically healthy && mentally healthy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed w/ permission

he hasn't had much training with his mentor yet. it was okay! he was learning as much as he could when he could but he wasn't sure what he would do in a fight. still, he is a quick study! he finds himself skipping over to watch the spar between softpaw and dawnpaw. he sits, and gently scratches his ear before perking them up and watching with wide eyes. woah! he wondered if he would be good at fighting. he hasn't given fighting much thought but only because hurting someone seemed kind of silly. like truly he didn't understand why anyone would want to fight? maybe it was just fun! it looked cool enough, but he wasn't that interested in hurting anyone.

then again, maybe it would be good to just learn anyways. he always hears how other clans can be mean. he doesn't understand what that means. he doesn't understand anger, or sadness, or any bad emotions. or feelings. he just knows happiness and being positive. maybe that wasn't a good thing, but he worked for him. he didn't wanna change it. still, he watches the spar with wide and sparkling eyes of curiosity. he wonders who will win? maybe he should get a squirrel for the winner!

Adderpaw had no intrigue in the "art" of sparring, though at times with his tense limbs he felt the beckoning twitch to prove his skills in front of his peers. Leafhusk had often proposed the idea of a spar, and it wasn't becoming much of an option anymore. He was nine moons now, she would say. He would need to start learning, and what's better than just throwing him into the fire? She wouldn't put it exactly like that, of course, but it was how the tabby often read her. He knew she was right, he wanted to succeed and make her and his clan proud... But would he truly add any benefit at all to the group? Would they miss his measly appearance, forget him like he was a gust in the wind?

Bark and snowy colored paws trekked towards the combat zone, honed in on the sounds of struggle to perform well in the sand that seemed to kick up with each wild movement. A displeased scowl appeared on Adderpaw's face as he stood still in the entrance, ears now folded back to reflect his annoyed nature. He had wished to come and practice in peace, to work on his footing and balance in the sand. The tomcat knew that in order to be a great warrior, one must be able to fight on all types of terrain. However, it seemed like he couldn't even fight on bare soil. A weak, pathetic soul he was.

The onlooker turned his attention to Orangepaw, unnerved by the boy's constant upbeat persona that often felt suffocating to him. How could someone, who originally had so little, still look at the bigger things in life, the happier things? As an apprentice who struggled with his relationship with his parents, he couldn't imagine losing both of them and somehow maintain the attitude Orangepaw held day to day. But for today, Adderpaw would choose to ignore such feelings of irritation (jealousy) as he walked up to the younger tom with a firm prod to his shoulder. "Who do ya think will win?" The cleanly tabby would meow, tail flicking behind him as he watched the movements of Softpaw and Dawnpaw. Surely Dawnpaw would prevail — she had the upper-paw with her size and age, after all.
Wildheart stood at the edge of the hollow with his gaze falling upon the sparring apprentices, Dawnpaw and Softpaw. The itch to bark instructions and recommendations on moves and strategies was strong, though he fought it back and resisted. He would make a point of sharing his mind once they were finished, it was better than interrupting things that were in progress. Though he did spare a look towards Wrathpaw, who he had dragged along so he could watch the sparring up close. "I want you to watch closely, seek out their weaknesses and strengths. Imagine how you would tackle opponents like them."

//Apprentice tag @WRATHPAW


It baffled Houndpaw why there would be excitement in the air around something so mundane. She didn’t see the appeal of sparring, sure, hone both your body and your mind so that you don't die outside of camp due to the jaws of a particularly hungry predator. What she didn’t understand was the appeal of sparring outside of when forced to practice. The fact that this was an activity pursued presumably for fun seemed dull, how boring can Softpaw and Dawnpaw really be to seek this out?

Perhaps she should say some words of encouragement, foster a sense of comradery and support amongst her fellow apprentices. That didn’t sound appealing, why should they strain their voice like that, merely being here to spectate should be enough. A chocolate ear flicked in Adderpaw’s direction, she figured the question wasn’t for her as he seemed to be paying attention to Orangepaw. Why wager a question like that in a group setting in anything other than a whisper if you didn’t want a third party answer. It doesn't make sense to her, so she decides to weigh in her own thoughts.

“I think Softpaw will win. Dawnpaws too eager, sure, it seems like the obvious choice. She has an advantage in size, being bold makes you stupid though. Tunnel vision and what not. I think Softpaw has a real chance at winning if she keeps her wits about it.” She delicately meows towards Adderpaw, uninterest clear in her voice, yet she remains rooted at the scene. She just truly hoped no one would get any ideas and try to ask them for a spar as a result of this display between these two, she felt tired just watching them.


*+:。.。 Wrathpaw wasn't a kit who enjoyed wrestling much. Even putting aside his weak immune system and missing leg, the boy didn't see the point in kicking and pawing, even if none was meant to hurt. He preferred playing tag, telling stories, or climbing things! Still, Wrathpaw was beginning to understand that he wasn't exactly privileged enough in his new rank to be able to avoid such activities pessimistic as that was to say. Deep blue eyes would grow just a little wider as he looked up at Wildheart before quickly dropping them back on the match before him. Strengths? Weaknesses? Tackling? Wrathpaw shuffles in his seat, quickly growing nervous at the idea. But he looks on, fighting the urge to wince as every blow is struck - even if it's done without claws or the intent to hurt.
Large ears perking up, he'd glance over at the other apprentices, before meowing unhelpfully - but cheerily - "I hope they both win!" They could, right? I mean, since no one was supposed to get hurt, then no one could lose, right? And maybe they'd both come away with a lot having been learned! Yeah, they'd both win, surely!

    DMAB— He/Him
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Giggle-
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently

Softpaw let out a soft grunt when she missed her target. She was able to get her bearings to keep from pulling herself over onto the ground, but in that time she took notice of all of the pairs of eyes that were suddenly upon her and Dawnpaw, and a pit of anxiety began to form in her stomach. With her attention elsewhere, Softpaw let out a meow when she was suddenly bowled into by Dawnpaw, the older apprentice pinning her to the ground.

Pay attention! Softpaw scolded herself harshly as she stared up at Dawnpaw, bracing her arms against the other's chest to keep from being completely overtaken.


dawnpaw& 09 moons & female & she/her & thunderclan apprentice

Dawnpaw didn't even spare a glance at the gathering crowd, rather focused on her current melee with a distracted opponent. She stood above the other in triumphant, all too soon victory. She is held off with straightened forelegs and with really no other way of getting closer to Softpaw she snapped her teeth down in the other's face, keen on causing a bit of a stir in the watching crowd. Put on a show, yes?

  • Actions && "Speech," && Thoughts/Quotes

    ooc: defense: 7 | offense: 17
    tw/cw: —
    tag: —
    mentor: antlerstride / she/her / npc
  • sh red mackerel tabby w/ low white and folded ears

    physically healthy && mentally healthy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed w/ permission