pafp Lights Out || Making Chilledgaze TAKE A NAP

Frostbite was doing what he often does during the day, rest. Rest, and gather energy for a nightly hunt and border check. His sleep schedule was all messed up. Sometimes he ended up sleeping during the night, sometimes during the day. He preferred to be nocturnal, but when he's asked to do something, he does it.

You know who doesn't have a sleep schedule, it seemed? The deputy.

He swore he rarely if ever saw Chilledgaze sleep. They looked like they were about to pass out at all times, that surely isn't good for their health. How do they function, Frostbite wonders. Well, it mattered not, Frostbite was going to take things into his own paws. He might get bitten for it, but you know?? At least he had their wellbeing in mind. Sleep was important.

If this went well, maybe he'd go sit on Pitchstar next.

That was for another time he felt like getting bitten.

Today, he spotted the deputy in the clearing and made his way over. He made sure he wasn't being too quiet, he didn't want to startle his target when he made his next move.

"Chilledgaze." He spoke, loud enough for the other to hear.

And once he reached the deputy, the large snowy tom flopped on them, hoping his weight would push them to the ground.

" You need to rest. It's nap time." Frostbite said. "No buts." He added. He remembered his mother used to tell him that as a kit, which gave him mixed feelings. But that was for another time.

It was make Chilledgaze take a nap time.

  • Haha
of course they weren't sleeping. how could they when there was so much to do? days simply didn't last long enough, and neither did nights. they had to use the time they had wisely, and spend it being useful. chilledgaze was nothing if they weren't doing something for someone or their clan. these few minutes, however, were reserved to make themself slightly presentable. they couldn't go around looking like a wet rat, now could they? they began to groom their fur, ears twitching back at the sound of their name. with a huff, they turned towards frostbite with a raised brow. before they could react or properly move, however, they were tackled to the ground, the weight of the tom above them making them shiver with slight annoyance.

"get off of me."

they snorted with a lash of their tail as their ears pinned against their hesd.

"first of all– i'm not tired. second, i'm your deputy. not the other way around. dont tell me what to do with my time. and lastly, how the fuck am I supposed to nap when you're on top of me? not that i am going to nap anyways."

Scorchfrost was the third cat with a winter-themed name to arrive on scene.

He had been a warrior for many years now. He had seen incomprehensible things, ones that left him jerking awake with labored breath. He'd endured battles, births, and deaths and managed to come out mostly unscathed. Sure, he'd lost a few toes and most of his ability to sleep along the way, but he was alive. That was the most he could ask for.

This spectacle in front of him was one of the more amusing things he'd seen. Frostbite, at least, had good intentions, if bad execution. The camp clearing was not the ideal place to take a forced nap. " You may want to let the deputy up? " He said as he walked up to the two. Couldn't he have pinned the deputy in the warrior's den? " Or at least get somewhere a bit more private than this. "


I've no time for confession
"He's got a point," Wolverinefang chimes in with a frog hanging by the leg out the side of his mouth. He didn't exactly go looking for it but it kind of just jumped on his head by accident and he took advantage of the opportunity to look like he's doing something. He reels his head back and tosses it like a frisbee toward the fresh kill. "You're not going to be the top notch deputy you wanna be if you're half asleep. Take it from me," the large tom stretches and yawns with exaggerations, clipping his thick claws into the dried grass below. He knows they're serious about this deputy stuff already but man, he just cannot relate. "I am the master of a good nap." To no one's surprise. Trying to be humorous and in on this mutiny, he moves to try to put his big fluffy tail beneath Chilledgaze's head like a pillow. "Just close your eyes and count some mice."
✦ ★ ✦

He was beginning to think this was a bad idea. But you know? He was right! Chilledgaze needed a nap!!

" I see the way you shamble around here like a.... A swamp creature." He said. He had to think of a comparison and well....That was the first thing that came to mind. What would a swamp creature do if not shamble about menacingly.

"You need to rest." He said firmly.

When Scorchfrost chimed in, he had to agree. He could have picked a better spot, but this was just how the cookie crumbled. " Suppose you're right....but still. I will not stand by and watch our deputy run themself ragged. To death, even." He said, lifting his weight off of Chilledgaze.

He was so glad Wolverinefang came and agreed with him. "See, Wolverinefang gets it. Lose too much sleep and you might start to hallucinate." He said.

"I can speak from experience on that." He added. He sure could! Now he makes sure to get plenty of sleep.

Wolverinefang and Frostbite certainly had their paws full with that one and they weren't shy about it.
"Oh my, right in the middle of camp for all to see~"Her paws raised to her mouth as she watched the display of cats gathering around their deputy, bundling them amidst their own pelts in a swathing coccoon despite their protests, a laugh escaped her high as a bell before she continued on with it; a low alluring song of pitched giggling in response to the scene unfolding. It was quite silly to see a grown cat be coddled like a child, that there were those who would sabotage their own wellbeing for some sense of productivity or perhaps nobility. But there was nothing noble in causing others to fret over you like mother hens. Their new deputy was certainly an odd cat, but they seemed well-intentioned enough. "How embarrassing for you! If only you had not driven them to such lengths!" Halfshade set her paws down and wandered over, her mismatched eyes glistening in delight and amusement at the deputy's poor suffering, she had no pity for them; they were a fool. "If only you had taken better care of yourself, you're quite useless to us if you're unable to function!" The queenly molly whisked her tail, the long plume of it rising up behind her like a banner flown, her colors visible for any to see upon their approach; her claim staked to this specific spot. If they were to all join in on this impromptu nap session then she was going to be comfortable; with little hesitation she folded her legs neatly under herself, graceful and poised even in her lowering to the ground where she stretched out her head to claim the deputy's back as a proper pillow and assist in pinning them in place. Once settled she caught Scorchfrost with a steely stare and mirthful smile as if challenging them to protest further on behalf of the monochrome second-in-command.


This was ridiculous. It was inappropriate to pin the deputy down in the middle of the camp, much less to have multiple cats join in on it. It was just disrespectful. Sleep was important, but it was not meant for the middle of the camp. " I think you may be best off letting the deputy up. " He said, voice thick with irritation. " The warrior den is meant for sleeping. Go there if you really want to take a nap. " Perhaps he was being too condescending, but he didn't think so. There were better things to do than this. " He obviously doesn't want a part in this. "
they were being nagged. oddly enough... it brought up rather pleasant memories of their mother and how she would make sure that they got sleep whenever they just couldn't. but she wasn't here anymore, was she? taking in a deep breath, they closed their eyes for a moment before pushing wolverinefang's tail away from their face, standing up as frostbite took his weight off of them. sure, they could have knocked the other off, but they were trying to be civil about it... even if their mind begged them to be a bit more violent about it. with a roll of their eyes, they looked at each cat who gathered, ears twitching back and forth.

"i'm fine. i don't need to nap. i've gotten plenty of rest... but it makes me wonder. if you are sitting here bothering the hell out of me, who is taking care of your duties?"

they asked before turning to halfshade with a cold smile, as their tail moves to gently touch against her cheek.

"watch that tongue of yours, beautiful. i didn't drive anyone to any length. how about you all focus on feeding the clan instead of pissing me off? i would sleep a lot better knowing my warriors are doing their jobs."

with a snort, they turned away, giving a nod to scorchfrost. sure, he was agitated by the entire thing but at least he didn't join in on their weird parade. chilledgaze was trying their best to be kind about this but one more move, and those three would find themself picking ticks off elders for a month, on top of everything else they were going to be forced to do.

Another day, another spontaneous intervention. Oh boy. Smogmaw treads along in the direction of the forming crowd, knowing damn well the situation will be worsened on account of his presence. Head held high, tail slung low, and wearing an expression of nettled displeasure, the tom makes the scene by ceasing in his tracks beside Scorchfrost. Scanning his clanmates around him, he pinpoints the self-righteous fleabags who were attempting to goad the deputy into acting on their behalf.

It's rich to see these lightweights trying to tell the second-in-command how to do their own job. Smogmaw is pretty sure that the deputy's position was earned through demonstrating their mettle and dedication to the clan, and not because they didn't know how to take care of themselves. "I'm certain that Chilledgaze is managing on their own," he states matter-of-factly. But despite the tabby's stance, he recognised that Chilledgaze needed to stop being so sleep deprived and get a grip. And seeing how they haven't been warned or demoted over it, there existed no glaring issue in his eyes. The only problem that's apparent is people sticking their noses in other folks' business.


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❝ holding it together with one loose string. ❝
a lithe, alabaster figure would soon come into the frame just a minute after smogmaw where she'd come to a slow halt besides her clanmate to observe the current scene on display, a bunch of warriors piling on top of their poor deputy like kits swarming the nearest apprentice to play except they were making attempts to make the felidae to take a rest.

honestly, she shouldn't be surprised that something like this was occuring but she did find it stupid that they decided the best course of action was to practically smother them as if that would work. geckoscreech knew little about chilledgaze and how exactly they operated but like most have said, chilled was a big cat old enough to make their own decisions. sure, they shouldn't let their deputy neglect simple things like resting and what not but if they insisted they were fine then oh well. the consequences will bite them in the ass soon enough.

"i'm surprised you let them crowd around you like this for this long."

"All I heard was Chilledgaze thinks I'm pretty~" Her teeth snapped playfully at the dark tom's tail, missing it purposefully to avoid plucking any hair on accident before she rose to stand and made a deliberate point to twirl her own great plume of a tail under both the deputy's chin and then sliding out to neatly flick Frostbite on the nose with a sharp whip of a turn as she stretched out and gave a few dancing steps away from the pile of cats. "You'd be quite lovely yourself with a bit more beauty sleep darling, if you want a cuddlebuddy there's room in my nest!" There was always room in her nest, she liked having room to stretch so she'd perhaps taken up a bit more space than most did in the warrior's den but she was not above sharing so she saw no harm in it. The bicolor molly leaned forward toward Scorchfrost, head half tilted to catch both Smogmaw and Geckoscreech in her sunset and dusk gaze as well, teeth pearly white and pleasantly curled into a smile, "Come hunt with me then! Since you're all so conveniently here and I don't like going out alone!" Despite her chipper tone there was an edge to seriousness that made it clear she was not merely jesting or playing coy; she didn't like the marsh alone, there was something unsettling about the crooked trees and loamy earth, the hanging bits of branches and moss that made her feel very much like she was within the maw of some great beast. Halfshade imagined it would take some time to not be so bothered by it all.