camp LIGHTSPEED INTERNET — loner names

With his pledge to do better in RiverClan’s ranks on that day, Dewcloud’s warrior name is solidified further. Though, the tom still doesn’t quite understand the need for it nor the adamacy his lengthened title be used. Dewcloud had been just fine as just Dew, hadn’t he? Now his name was too long, unexciting against the cats he lives among.

He lounges just outside of the warrior’s den in what little sunlight the territory gets in shortened days, idly listening to his newfound clanmates speak amongst themselves as he finishes his meal. He normally keeps out of these, normally opts to speak with Dawnstorm or Frondfeather instead in moments like this, but it's a group of apprentices that make him lift his head.

They discuss names. Future ones for themselves, with little attachment or care for their current ones. He doesn’t get their excitement as they throw suggestions at each other, the anticipation for change. Would they not miss their current ones? Some of them still have a long way to go with their paw-held titles, longer than Dewcloud’s own shift in name, their warrior names moons off. His thoughts still as he's caught listening, as he hears a voice ask for his opinion.

The Ripple Colony didn't have warrior names. Or apprentice names. Or… Or kit names. Just one name, for all our life. “ Or, most of it. Some of it. He straightens his posture before he can dwell on the lost aspect much.

I could give you colony names, “ he offers, before blinking. How would that bode, in a world so strict on shifting — yet consistent — labels? “ Since RiverClan gifted us new names. “ It would only seem right to exchange such traditions.​
  • // PROMPT: Dewcloud has decided that clan names are boring anyways, why not assign everyone a loner name to fit them better instead? After all 'Dew' was already perfect without the extra word!
  • 75352150_Hn9XRmIkP7Stkt4.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A gray tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by the Ripple Colony
    ── "Speech"; Attack
The idea is strange as Swamphowl hears it from where he's resting. His ear pricks up slightly, curious as he listens to the conversation and to Dewcloud's offer. One name for your whole life... The way he thinks about it, that would be too stifling. Leave no room for growth or change. At least within RiverClan, names can change if they are no longer right. If he were to ask, he could likely have his name changed at any point. And yet he finds himself curious nonetheless. "This offer open to everyone?" he asks, a slight tilt of his head accompanying the question. Even if he knows he won't keep it, it'll be interesting to see what Dewcloud would think is the 'right' name for him.
Moonpaw hadn't put much thought into her name since she'd become Ravensong's apprentice, unsure of how exactly the naming conventions worked for medicine cats. Ravensong had been named by StarClan, heading off to the Moonstone all those moons ago while he had still been a 'paw himself. When she'd been training as a warrior she'd hoped that her name would reflect about the water, about her fishing or swimming skill that she was so proud of but now she didn't know what she'd hope for when the time came as the herb world was still so new to her, everything so scrambled that she wasn't sure what her known skill or talent could be. But she had time to learn and practice, and so instead of participating in the conversation held by the others the apprentice had been sitting off to the side listening.

When someone had asked Dewcloud for her opinion Moonpaw found her eyes flickering to the other in curiosity, interested to hear what he would say. It was no secret that many of those that had been part of the Ripple Colony hadn't fully gotten used to RiverClan yet, especially with the naming conventions. The idea of one name given at birth and then being stuck with it your whole life was a new concept to Moonpaw, one that she knew others had before the clans were formed but it seemed odd to not be named after a special skill or strength you had, a way to show off an achievement in one's life. But the colony cats hadn't been given names like that, so it made sense why they might not care too much for them yet. Though he wasn't part of the clan anymore Thornmask - or Deacon, he was going by again now - came to mind, and when Dewcloud offered to give out colony names Moonpaw was hesitant at first but her curiosity got the better of her. "I'm curious what mind would be." She'd speak as she scoot closer to be part of the conversation more.

  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || sister to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Ravensong.
    -- She/Her || 8 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling
Foxtail hadn't put much thought into his name. His parents named him after his red, nearly fox like, tail, and later his warrior name after the same thing. Warrior names are quite important in the clans, and the significance of said name can vary. Some cats receive warrior names based off of their hunting skills, their brash personalities, their battling skills, etc. He had a feeling what his warrior name was going to be back when he was an apprentice. He didn't exactly stand out as quite the strong warrior, Foxtail isn't a cat who is eager to jump into the battlefield. Anyone could tell by the color of his tail, and by the fact that's bushy... nearly like a fox tail. Only thing that's missing is the white tail tip!

His ears prick up with curiosity at the suggestion. He finds it... interesting that colony cats typically only have one name, and that it never changes. From the moment Foxtail could talk, he understood that his name would go from 'Foxkit' to 'Foxpaw' and so forth. His name— the entire warrior name— defines him. But considering he was raised into clan culture, it was more easy for him to understand and accept these customs. He had nothing else to compare it to, it was all he had known! Perhaps if he was born outside of RiverClan, and was a ripple colony cat himself, he would further understand their struggle to understand RiverClan, and the way the clan works. "What would my loner name be?" He mews after Moonpaw, wrapping his tail around his paws. He couldn't help the curiosity, what name would Dewcloud think of? Dewcloud certainly understands colony names far more than he does, he is probably the expert here! "If you don't mind, that is."

  • 75033912_uBzTCX0XrUZcKqi.gif

    credit to tieirlys for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    15 moons

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When a warrior speaks up first, Dewcloud can’t help but to be surprised. Blue eyes blink at the swirl-furred tom, a slow nod following. “ Oh, uh… Yes, “ he meows. He hadn’t expected a warrior to take up his offer, had expecting the warriors around here to be more against it than the apprentices. “ I offer this to warriors too.

He gets a couple more cats that take him up on his offer too, and he nods his head at them as well. The medic’s student, and another warrior too. The three of them are more than what he’d thought he’d have to come up with names for, if he’s being honest. He’d anticipated to be shut down, to be given another speech on respect and the importance of clan names, as if colony names were lesser, as if his former name wasn’t significant enough in its shortness.

Right, “ he starts his explanation, paws shifting beneath him, “ Some of us have — had — short names, like me, that are based on nature. Some of our names weren’t from nature, really. Like… Uh. Like Dawnstorm’s. “ Was he allowed to speak his friend’s colony name by means of example? He doesn’t, just in case.

He thinks a name like Kaede, — like Deacon or Sasha — might be hard to come up with off the top of his head, a smattering of syllables that don’t quite make sense to him outside of who the title belonged to. Perhaps they do have meanings, but not any that Dewcloud can find. And short names, well, they might not be as appealing to the group before him. He could just name them their names, name them Moon or Fox or Swamp.

Some had longer names too — like yours, but different, “ he adds on, remembering Snapping Timber and Coyote’s Heart, “ I think you’d prefer those. “ Or maybe not. They might hate what’s been chosen for them, but he knows they won’t be used outside of this conversation they take part in. He begins his pondering, his gaze darting between the three.

You shall be Waking Sun, “ he speaks to the Swamphowl, “ For the warm colors of your fur. They look like much like the sun rising into the night sky. “ Next, he looks to Moonpaw. He thinks Moon would be a well enough name for a colony cat, but such a small change could leave the student with disappointment, so he thinks further.

You are Falling Snow, “ he tells the young molly, “ Your fur is very similar to the snow around here. Have you ever thought of hiding in it? “ He thinks it might be a good hunting tactic, if the frost-furred cat was learning to be a warrior instead. Finally, he looks to Foxtail. His name — his warrior name — makes some sense to Dewcloud. It’s probably one of the few that do.

And you… You shall be Floating Leaf, “ he declares with a nod. “ The red of your fur looks like leaves, falling down from their branches. “ Dewcloud looks between the three of them, nerves beginning to rise. Had he done well? Had he chosen right? He isn’t certain, but he hopes his choices haven’t left a sour taste in their mouths. ​
  • 75352150_Hn9XRmIkP7Stkt4.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A gray tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by the Ripple Colony
    ── "Speech"; Attack