Angry guilt seeped out of Silversmoke's thoughts and onto his face, the tom having spent so long pacing outside of the medicine cat's den that he was surprised his paws had not left permanent marks on the earth below. For a former apprentice to get injured on his first outing was a bad sign for the tom who'd spent so long teaching him to fight, for him to get injured by a ThunderClanner no less just felt like extra insult from StarClan. He was not surprised their neighbours had stooped to such lengths, the spotted tabby had warned of them for so long that he truly believed them to be worse scum than WindClan, but to so brazenly break the code and hurt his quasi-child in the process - it was likely the sun only dared to shine because it knew it would be free from his warpath. Orangestar had called for calm as she went to speak with Howlingstar, but outside of exile for the codebreakers, Silversmoke did not think any other punishment would be fitting, and if the ThunderClan leader was too cowardly to enact her own justice, then SkyClan would make its own and make sure payment was tenfold.

Unsheathed claws began to scuff and tear at the prints he'd left as he moved back and forth over them. 'No, he needs you.' A gap in thoughts, before the conversation continued. 'No, you're not his mentor anymore, Crowsight doesn't need you. He's fine.' Pause. 'But remember what Flora said, even if I'm not his mentor, I can still be like his father. Any father who'd make their son heal alone isn't worthy of children.' Pause. 'But I wasn't there for him when he needed me most... Foxdung! Why am I still pacing?' He halted, gazing at the archway into the medicine den, refusing to peer into the place he'd once slept in half a moon earlier. With a hindleg still weakened by adder's venom, he didn't know how much of a difference he'd have been in stopping ThunderClan, but hypotheticals had always been a master of the Lead Warrior's mind, enough to push him to train beyond normal hours. For his next action, Silversmoke didn't think, for if he did, he was certain he would be acting like a caged animal for another moon. Into the medic's den he padded, breath hitching as he spotted Crowsight... and the poultice covering his eye.

The similarities were not lost on the tom.

He prowled forwards, deja vu making him more nauseous than his pacing ever had. Twenty-or-so moons ago, it had been Silversmoke in that nest, the same wrapped medicine covering what he could only presume to be a sight-altering injury. With poor vision anyway, his own had always been easy to hide... could Crowsight say the same? Or, would he be happy to have gained a scar in the protection of his clan, as his mentor would? "What has Fireflypaw said? Will you be ok?" A less personal question than 'are you ok?', because between his awkwardness and Crowsight's, such a query felt ripe for an argument. It was only in hindsight he realised a 'hello' might've been a good start, but his head was too busy swimming in clouds for such niceties.

[ retro af - @CROWSIGHT ]

Silversmoke was a gruff tom. He recalled many moons ago when Blazestar appointed the lead warrior as his mentor. During those days he had wished for someone similar, Twitchbolt. Though in truth he was fine with any mentor as long as they treated him well enough. He never would have expected for the silver tom to become so dear to him. The agreement of being father and son to help him become focused had expired, but he could not shake it from his heart. Silversmoke truly became his father. Stood beside him when his mother had forgotten about him. Refused to coddle him, especially when he was being a pain in the ass. Took his discomfort as their own. And while lacking in the emotional department, Silversmoke ever aware of his own weakness dragged him to someone who could support him. It still amazes him how the lead warrior can't see they have made a fine father despite their concerns.

When a lone hazel eye meets mismatched eyes he smiles. His mother hadn't visited him, but it is expected. Silversmoke visiting him means everything. For once he is not a scared little tom waiting for someone to remember them. Owlheart, Oddgleam, Drowsynose, Fireflypaw, and now Silversmoke have checked up on him. Crowsight ever perceptive answers the worried warrior, "I will be okay dad. Fireflypaw said I won't be able to see as well anymore and that I will have scars, so I'm going to have to adjust to things looking fuzzy." The news may be disheartening. After all, no father wants their child hurt. To lose some vision while not the worst fate, still brought anguish. As if sensing his father's somberness he points to the covered eye, "We'll match now. I can tell everyone you're my dad because we have similar scars."

It's not reassuring. However, both father and son weren't the best when it came to feelings. There is a moment of silence that passes before Crowsight speaks up once more. "It was my mistake. What happened to me. I did the one thing you told me not to do. I let my feelings get in the way and tried not to kill an enemy. The cat who did this was Skyclaw, Blazestar's son. I could've beat him, but... When I thought of how sad Fireflypaw, Howlfire, and my younger siblings would be... I couldn't bring myself to do it." The confession is heavy, despite the fact that he has left out what his Thunderclan brother has said to him.