like a chorus only angels can sing | lake

"Do you remember it wasn't far from here we first met..." Lilybloom mused as the two she-cats walked side by side. Her single green eye studied her carefully, trying to gauge her reaction to things. "Mouse thief." Lilybloom bumped into Lakemoon's shoulder playfully, dragging out the old nickname between them. They continue walking for a little while before Lilybloom spots a shaded spot up ahead, she makes a little noise to catch Lakemoon's attention before gesturing to it with a tilt of her head, indicating she was hoping they could sit there. Settling down onto the floor, Lilybloom stretched out a little in the slight warmth from one of the sun patches. Lilybloom would wait until er mate has settled beside her before speaking again. "Feels good to be back at our original camp," She said with a wistful tone. "There's still a lot to do but it's a start, you know? Feels like we can start to heal in a number of ways."

@Lakemoon .

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
She’s content, surprisingly content. The silver tabby walks alongside her mate, careful to keep her strides a little shorter than usual. Lilybloom had taught her many things, one of the biggest being her pace. Accustomed to a brisk walk, always having somewhere to go and something to do… it wasn’t like that with the tortoiseshell. With her, Lakemoon only had to ease into something remotely relaxed, to hum along her melodic tone as she mused about the smallest things.
The familiar nickname catches her attention with a small quirk of a brow bone, side eyeing her mate with a scoff lightly on her lips. "I know you are, dear. Don’t worry though, I love every part of you, even your greatest flaws" she hums in response, though her tone is obviously light-hearted, or at least as much as it could be for the stone-armored warrior.
By the time they settle, Lakemoon would still be chuckling at her joke under her breath. Resting behind the brindled warrior, Lakemoon would rest a feathered tail over hers in a peculiar combination of embers and silver, her head content to lean down and settle into the crook of Lilybloom’s shoulder and neck, ears flattened as to not poke the molly with her ears.
She brings up camp, how nice it felt to be home. "You’re right," Lakemoon agrees, her response short but genuine. "It feels like we can really begin our lives now, or take them off pause." She hums, her inner thoughts smoothly drawn out by the ease she felt, basking in the sun with Lilybloom.

It feels like we can really begin our lives now, or take them off pause.Lilybloom nodded at her mate's words, careful not to move her head too vigorously lest she disturb Lakemoon from her comfortable position. Lilybloom especially was looking forward to finally getting to live her life to its fullest potential. Even prior to evacuating camp, the moons leading up to that moment had been hard on her too, what with her almost drowning and her self-enforced isolation afterwards. "It will be good for things to start returning to normal," Lilybloom continued. "Maybe one day soon our clan will be strong enough to reclaim Sunningrocks." It was something Lilybloom was keen to see happen though she herself was not sure if she would even participate, much less if Lakemoon would let her go after what had happened last time. "I would like to be there when it happens, to watch as ThunderClan are driven off of the rocks and we can bask in our victory and celebrate as we once again have Sunnigrocks under our domain. It will be quite the story we can tell our kits one day." Lilybloom was so lost in her own words she didn't realise the slip of her tongue. She had meant kits in general but had said our kits instead. As in hers and Lakemoon's kits, which was a subject neither of them had fully discussed before.

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Reclaim sunningrocks.
Those last two words ring inside Lakemoons mind far longer than they should have, and she feels herself reluctantly be pulled back to Thunderclan’s takeover.
Since then, it had been petty spats from both sides of the river, but another battle was bound to come, and it’d be Riverclan to spark it.
She knows Lilybloom would want to go, even if not to fight, and the warrior couldn’t blame her. Lilybloom was gentle and kind, she always had been, but the tabby knew well enough that her mates ferocity was scathing- normally ablaze only in the moment, brief but impactful.
What if she saw him, again? Would Lakemoon be forced to confess their shared blood, or should she have done that sooner, right now?
"Lilybloom-" her admission is cut short, her internal agony washed away.
Our kits.
Lakemoon knew she had always wanted kits of her own one day, after she had climbed the latter of ambition and formed a world she’d be proud to bring her children up in, but hearing even the vaguest hypothetical leave her mates maw was enough to bring the ghost of an eager grin to her scarred features.
"Our kits?" Lakemoon hummed, rephrased to a light-hearted question as she lifted her head to look at Lilybloom directly, her head slightly tilted.


"Huh?" Lilybloom blinked in confusion when Lakemoon spoke her name. She is still completely oblivious to what has been said until Lakemoon brings it up. Our kits. Had she really said that? It hadn't been her intention to say that or even bring up such an idea, but she had and it was out there now, a possibility of a future for them moons down the line.

After a moment of reflecting on what she had said, Lilybloom finally spoke again. "Our kits," She repeated, saying it with more conviction this time. Lilybloom had known she had wanted kits for a while now. Of course, she didn't imagine it would be for some time but the idea of having her own little bundles of fur to care for and watch grow into fine future warriors. "Would you like kits one day?" She asked, genuinely curious as it was not something she could recall the two had spoken of much before. "Little Lakekits and Lilykits running between your legs?"
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LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Lilybloom repeats herself in response, though her tone is more deliberate this time, solidifying.
Lakemoon cannot help but let a smile crack along her normally hardened maw, her scarred expression rarely seen so joyous, as quiet as it still was.
At her beloveds next question, Lakemoon is confident with her small nod, slightly looking away with a ghost of a laugh on her tongue at the thought of brindle and silver fluff balls scampering around, undoubtedly causing trouble if they were anything like her.
"I do." The silver warrior gives a verbal confirmation. "Not for a little while, of course. I’ve always wanted to find the right cat and get to the place in life I want to be before I had kits of my own, and… well I’ve already found one of those things, now it’s just to get to the other." She muses, unusually talkative on the subject. She looks to Lilybloom again, grateful for the light her mate seemed to be able to shine on her, no matter how melancholy.
"Although, I’m not too sure how I’d feel about there being a Lake Junior running around." The molly jokes. She thinks if she’d have to name a child after her, she wouldn’t be so obvious about it. Perhaps opting for a name more similar to her favorite things about her, such as Riverkit, or Bluekit.
Or Wolfkit… Windkit. Greykit?
She hardly notices that she’s become side-tracked now.

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