pafp LIKE A GULL TO THE WIND | family of rabbits

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ With the sun shining over a blue sky, dotted with fluffy clouds, there would be no better day for a leisurely stroll than today. Slateheart had thrown the offer for a walk into the air, requesting no one and anyone in particular, though it was particular Dimmingsun who had accepted first, readily joining at his side. The tom's presence was never unwelcoming, though he noted Dimmingsun's particular draw towards the more aloof cats like himself.

Newleaf had been treating WindClan well, so far. The moors, once barren with blankets of snow, was now turning vibrant with color. The green of the grass seemed to be brightening each day under the warm sun, and wildflowers had sprouted and spread like fire, often unknowingly (or willingly) picked up by wanderers like Slateheart himself. Not to mention, creatures of prey were becoming more plentiful, albeit not without their fair balance of predators. Slateheart recalled the story of a recent fox attack on Flickeringspark, and made sure to keep his eye out for any fire-red fur streaking across the plains.

While the accompanying cats chattered amongst themselves, Slateheart's eyes paused on a distant movement, small creatures sheltered in a dip in the moors. Raising his tail for attention, he flicked it to beckon and made his way over to the object of his interest. Once close enough, he dropped into a crouch and crept forward, blending into the long grass like the shadows between blades.

"See that?" he murmured to Dimmingsun, once again the closest cat trailing next to him. Upwind of them, lazily hopping through a patch of clovers, was a feasting family of rabbits. One adult, a mother, and a pawful of her kits. Slateheart's stance changed as he examined them, muscles bunched as he prepared to pounce, yet he was held back by uncertainty. The rabbits' kits were small, and would make only a snack for their own kits - upon catching one, the others would flee into nearby burrows. If he leaped for the mother, would the kits last long enough on their own to grow and become a later meal?

Slateheart casted a doubtful look towards his companion. What as Dimmingsun thinking, observing the family of rabbits? Did he view them as potential meals like himself, crouched into a hunter's pose and waiting to strike? Or was there something more to the scene that Slateheart, in his dull nature, was missing?

  • ooc - please wait for @DIMMINGSUN !
    New-leaf is notorious for being the time when all sorts of babies are being born!
    If your character is a a moor runner, write about them spotting a family of rabbits munching on some clovers!
  • slate-ref.png
  • SLATEHEART he/him, moor-runner of windclan, 19 moons.
    a short-furred black tom with low white markings and green eyes.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Dimmingsun is never one to turn down the offer of going for a walk; it's a non-assuming little concept, one that doesn't require much of you but also offers a variety of possibilities. Any stray rabbit that might cross their paths would be taken back, and if there's danger on the horizon? They'd get to spot it. And of course, if the day is quiet and there's nothing to worry about, then it's a good way to soothe one's nerves. Plus Slateheart is pleasant enough company. Dimmingsun seldom feels bothered by any particular Clanmates, but some days just call for someone more mellow - definitely not Sootspot or Firefang.

The small silence that's settled over them makes Dimmingsun all the more aware of how the grass crunches beneath his paws. It's soft, warm now with the sun getting stronger. Birds are slowly but surely resuming their songs in addition to the cicadas' own tones strengthening.

Dimmingsun's mind is stopped from wandering further - Slateheart stops and his tail is up, a good enough indication that something's going on. That jet-black fur of his rarely gets to blend in with the colors of newleaf, but being shorter in statue has its benefits in moments such as this.

He hums a question as he lowers himself beside Slateheart, pelt much more aligned with the moor, but sheer size forcing him to be more mindful of where he rests his paws and belly. Green eyes narrow as they scan the near distance.

"Oh." It's not often one gets to sympathize with what fills a stomach. Dimmingsun is acutely aware of the aforementioned food, bunnies grazing along the earth as if they're puffs of soft clouds dotting the horizon.

Slateheart's doubt is not missed on Dimmingsun, although he does have to wonder why. Rabbits are WindClan's specialty, as the only cats under StarClan's watch who are able to keep up with their speed and know how to counter their strong hindlegs. Dimmingsun has to admit the scene is... almost cute, mirroring their own families as well as pairings of mentor and apprentice.

"Well?" Dimmingsun feels inclined to ask, despite Slateheart's eyes boring into him in search of answers. "Feeling hungry enough to ruin a family outing? Or should we wait for the little ones to grow some fat?"

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˚₊⋅───────── /ᐠ - ˕ -マ ─────────⋅ ˚₊

There is a perfect opportunity here... and he takes it eagerly, squeezing awkwardly and annoyingly between Slateheart and Dimmingsun in a space that truly had not been there but rather, had been forced to be there. He doesn't even look at them to acknowledge his obnoxious behavior, following questioning stares out to a patch of clovers topped with pale flowers- rabbits, it seemed, loved those fluffy, loose petals. Were they sweeter, adorned with little pockets of nectar that a cat was not small enough to really appreciate? The bees swarm these little tufts of greenery, obviously fans of the pollen that clings to them.

"If all the rabbits had this many... they may very well outnumber us soon. Best we nip this little family reunion in the bud before they can start to revolt against us," he whispers between gnashing teeth. It was mostly a joke.... but it begged the thought- it wasn't like they'd lived in these moors long enough to truly understand the ecosystem perfectly. For all they knew, WindClan had settled itself on open plains that were over-run with rabbits every tenth change of season.

"If we all pick a direction I bet we can herd most of them right into each others' paws... Want to give it a shot?"
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AS HE RAISED HIS FIST BEFORE HE SPOKE — Among the many cats that now made a home of Windclan's moors - including numerous kits - Slateheart was probably one of Rattleheart's favorites. Admittedly getting on the list of cats they liked wasn't particularly hard, but their favorites? That was a bit more difficult, mainly including their family and the cats that they respected the most, as well as likeminded warriors like Slateheart that worked hard for Windclan as a whole. The tunneler's most reviled cats was a similarly limited list, though thankfully only a couple of names had managed to grace that one thus far. Nevertheless, when their monochrome mirror had ended up calling out for others to join him on a walk, the lead warrior had been more than happy to tag along. Though they certainly preferred the cramped walks around the labyrinth of the tunnels, they had grown more fond of walking across the moors now that they were free of snow blanketing everything.

For a while, Rattleheart had been happy to pad along in comfortable silence, rarely offering up their own chatter but nonetheless listening to the thoughts of those walking alongside them all the same. It vaguely reminded them of a time from before Sootstar's spiral into madness, when they had been more than content to fade constantly into the background. Now it felt different though - they didn't feel like they were forcing themself into silence, or cataloguing information that could potentially be useful later. Instead they were just reveling in the feeling of the sun on their spine, chuckling along with the occasional joke and taking in the sweet smell of wildflowers all around them. They would be lucky if they made it out without a sneezing fit, but they were prepared to deal with it for the sake of a nice afternoon alongside their clanmates.

Normally they would be annoyed by such a thing getting interrupted, but this particular interruption actually wasn't much of a nuisance at all. Instead their nose twitched with interest, lanky body hunkering low to the ground as they stared out towards the family of rabbits that was hopping along. Rattleheart's pupils were pinpricks as they focused, twitching ears briefly the only sign that they had even heard those around them. "We have so many kits in the nursery right now... I'm sure they would appreciate a bite of rabbit that they didn't have to tear from a massive whole. Some of the little ones might even be big enough for a couple of the younger kits to share. I think we should take the opportunity..." Their tail was swaying rhythmically behind them, low to the ground as they looked towards Slateheart with curiosity. They liked the sound of Gracklestep's plan, but it hadn't been them that had organized this impromptu walk.

  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    longhaired black and white tom with pale green eyes
    49 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    afab; uses he/she/they pronouns
    homosexual homoromantic; mated to venomstrike
    sibling to scorchstreak, lizardbounce, and rabbitclaw
    currently mentoring downypaw
    somewhat difficult to befriend; wary but kind
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic
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A slim dark figure poised behind Gracklestep like his elongated shadow before her eyes blinked open from having stared up at the sun to reveal she was neither shade nor ominous warning from the stars; she was just Mintshade, here being nosy and leaning around the tom to brush her shoulder past Rattleheart and stare at what Slateheart and Dimmingsun had come across. Across obsidian a sliver of white sprang as she smiled, grinning ear to ear.
"I love eating children." She said casually, expression focusing in on the rabbits ahead without quite realizing what she said before she grinned at the realization and did not correct herself despite any looks she might recieve, "Bet you I could fit an entire one of'em in my mouth. Now who is going which way-I can loop around the field to cut them at the front." Mintshade was fast enough for it, long limbs did her well when it came to sprinting full force; despite being born in the marshes with the rest of her colony she had excelled out here on the moorlands.
She danced from paw to paw, being considerate for once and allowing the cats who suggested the hunt and decided the plan to make the call to actually spring into action althought the temptation to throw herself wholeheartedly into rushing forward without warning was there. WindClan was doing really well with prey since Newleaf but she knew what starvation was like and she didn't fancy risking losing prey due to being impulsive.


  • 75204806_tvd1Fn4G7YPpsOD.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior (Moor Runner) of WindClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Solid black cat w/ acid green eyes.