like a tidal wave | coyote

"That squirrely was lovely," Howlfire mewed, dipping her head in thanks to Coyotecrest. Some of it still sat uneaten by her paws but she had eaten most of it. "Have you eaten at all this morning?" She knew with the new code in place the most vulnerable in the clans had to be fed first, so the likelihood of him having eaten much before coming to sit with her was slim. "If not, you can have a bite," Howlfire smiled, gently urging him to take up her offer. "I won't tell."

Whether or not he would take up her offer, Howlfire found herself looking out at the camp wearily, her eyes looking at their temporary RiverClan clanmates and their own worn clanmates. "What do you make of all this?" She asked, gesturing to the scene around them. "Quite the time to be bringing kits into the world..."


There was a slight proud puff of his chest at the mention of how delicious the squirrel was. He was glad it was to her liking, especially after spending nearly over an hour tracking and then eventually catching the evasive critter. As she inquires if he'd eaten at all he merely shakes his head in a humble fashion. "Oh, no not yet. But I will at some point after everyone else has had their fair share." Although as she offers a bite and vows to keep it between them he did feel tempted. Yet he musters up enough restraint to shake his head again with a small smile. "I can't, you know that." It would go against the code. Besides, she needed all the food she could get for the sake of herself and their little ones.

Quietly his green eyes follow the trail of her own. Watching the riverclanners milling their camp was an odd sight that he did not enjoy. "I would be lying if I said that I don't mind them here." He murmured softly. Lowering himself down he leaned one shoulder against her own. "Yeah, perfect timing." He nearly snorts. The very world around them seemed to be crumbling under their paws. "I never thought I'd see the day rouges would be such an issue..."
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / thirteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

"At least it's RiverClan," Howlfire said, making a faint chuckle. She leaned into him a bit more for support when he pressed his shoulder against hers. Sometimes even sitting can be quite tiring for her now as she reaches the last few weeks of her pregnancy. She's glad for Coyotecrest. Even though she still has her own uncertainties about their relationship, she is glad for his presence in her life, continuing to find him warm, solid, and dependable. "Stars could you imagine ShadowClan here? Or even WindClan? Blegh." Howlfire wrinkled her nose at the very thought.

She smirks at his own reaction to her comment about the timing of their kits. "The rogues are indeed troubling," Howlfire agrees, frowning. "I try not to think about it too much but it is hard not to with how bold they've been getting in our territory and then the fact they drove RiverClan out of their home." Howlfire can't help but imagine what it would be like if the situations were reversed. She could not imagine having to flee in such a state. "Hopefully by the time our kits are born things will be easier," Howlfire said, a hopeful note to her voice. "I know that whatever happens you and I will take care of them."

Coyotecrest's shook his head painfully slow. "Shadowclan seems like awfully dreary folk..not the kind of company I'd like to keep." He chuckled, removing his gaze from a band of conversing riverclanners to focus on Howlfire again. "Windclan though..that would be torturous." He mumbles, praying he never has to stick around the moor dwellers any longer than he'd need to. There were far too many memories he still has not quite healed from concerning them.

Shuffling the conversation onto the topic of rogues again he hums softly. "Yeah, they have been." They were more than a nuisance at this point. "Part of me thinks they're causing chaos for the fun of it. They make the worst windclanner look like an upstanding warrior." His tail flicks idly, dropping his green gaze back down to the half eaten squirrel laying near her paws. "They'll even leave partially eaten prey to rot out in the open." If the rogues were going to steal then they could have at least had the decency to eat all of what they took.

A huff leaves his lips as thoughts of the future come flooding forth. "I hope so too. But you're right, even if they don't we'll take care of them."
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / thirteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶