no angst like an ocean in a bathtub ❅ firework show


Oct 5, 2022


/ inspired by the uk holiday of guy faukes/bonfire/firework night on the 5th of Nov. Ik cats really hate fireworks irl but theyre far away and im taking some liberties here ;)

Ushering those he had managed to gather, Winterwink unravelled his tail in a dramatic show of pause. They were here. The daylight warrior had propositioned any in camp with an offer of a good viewing of the sky-lights. If his timing was right, which it always was, in a few passing shades of the moon’s ascent the little group would be privy to a joy found every leafbare.

The rise they sat along highlighted the twoleg place below, a sweeping auditorium that readily reflected the crackle of other-life. Tail aflicker with excitement, the tom conceded it best to warn the forest dwellers of what was to come.

"You all should know, it’s best to lay your ears flat as you can. It gets a little… loud." As the generous advice was offered, the first whistle-scratch began. Betwixt rows and rows of crop huts, a gold string stitched its way through the velvet black. Keening, softened by the distance, rang aloud. And then that delicious second, coy silence, before a crack pierced the sky. The black was splintered, violet sparks streaming stars in a cobweb across the horizon.

It was the drum beat that pulsed through the ribs however, that truly quickened the blood and conquered the lungs. An inexplicable noise. Before he could catch his breath, Winterwink spied another on its way. A delicate paw followed its path for the others to see, a lone claw artfully angled to tail the false comet.

More erupted into colour, structured constellations that lanced through the dark. Some fizzled low, others crumbled into showers of gold or bundled their force into the very last instant. All a twoleg invention no doubt, but the cosmic grandeur never ceased to amaze. He’d like to command that kind of atmosphere… even if it was seconds before he too left the earth in a puff of smoke.

Curious as to the other’s opinions on the experience, as this was a useful character study, he waited for a lull in the show. "Do you think it’s your Starclan, exploding to embers?" Winterwink speculated, voice muffled by the hammer of pops and crackles. "Or twolegs, exhibiting their usual, wonderful, theatrics?"

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Before she died, she'd wanted to experience so much more than she had so far. A group of apprentices help her to the show, the noise catching her attention first- she rests beside Winterwink, staring up at the fireworks that explode in the sky. He asks if it was StarClan who made the sizzling embers, and Leopardcloud looks in thought. "It's quite possible. Though, I'd bet the twolegs could do something like that." She assumes with a shrug, a soft sigh leaving her lips. Her ears lay back against her head to muffle the noise, but her eyes sparkle with awe as the color lights sparkle in the sky.

"Someone go get Amanita. She needs to see this. So does Coyotepaw and Squirrelkit." She meows softly to the apprentices who helped her, tail twitching at her side. If her beloved Amanita- er.. A-Amanita, could come.. They'd be able to spend this time together. Her kits could experience much more in life before she passes. A happy little tear slips down her cheek, but she embraces this moment. "Do you think they know we're watching?" She asks Winterwink with a glance.

@Amanita @Coyotepaw @squirrelkit
Though it had been many moons since, Grizzlyridge had seen wonderful things out in the world. Lights from vantage points, Thunderpaths so full of cars that there was no gap to run through. Twolegs had been behind the mechanisms of most everything in his grand experiences, and yet there were some things that simply...could not be explained by their clever, dexterous paws. Like the nights that he had spent nestled between them in bubble that would not pop, sheltered from the cold and watching the sky so far above. Lights that danced a silent path across the sky, outshining even the stars. Cats here had not seen such things, could not understand the majesty of it. They spoke to the stars, and Grizzly knew that they were here, that to their select few, the stars would whisper back. But to him, those silent lights had eclipsed even that. They could not understand.

It was a different sort of worship. Not one even the slightest bit compatible with the sight before him now. Sparks of light arced through the air and shattered with a burst of thunder before fizzling out just as quickly. Again and again they pop above their heads. Many seem pleased by the show. Grizzly, however, thinks about how terrified his twoleg had been of sudden noises. He would have settled on their chest, kneading with soft paws as their ear-shields took away the world's chaos. Would there be anyone else to do this for them? Would anyone else comfort them through this life?

Suddenly homesick, it takes several more pops of noise before Grizzlyridge decides to open his maw in answer to Winterwink. "Does it matter?" Leopardcloud's question is one that he cannot answer, and makes no attempt to. But in a lull between the explosions, he turns his head to wait in expectant answer as well.

  • floabie_by_tausune_dffvyqj_1.png
  • GRIZZLYRIDGE. world-weary warrior of skyclan.
    ──── uses he - him - his, may accept they - them - theirs.
    ──── about four years old.  a former pine group member.
    ──── homoromantic homosexual, but this may develop.

    a large, broad-shouldered highlander cat with lightly tufted curled ears and large paws made larger by extra toes. a solid seal point with only a small white marking on his muzzle and deep blue eyes.
  • "speech"

Squirrelkit had been fetched by an apprentice, not told anything but that her sister wanted her. She figured it was probably related to the stuff in the sky, the pretty flashes of colour and sound. She wasn't actually sure if you could describe a sound as pretty, but she thought it was the right word for it. The quiet hissing and popping, the way it didn't always pop when it should. She liked it.

The pint-sized windclan kit sprinted up beside her sister, gently butting her head against the larger cat's side. A purr buzzed from her, surprisingly loudly, as she moved to nestle herself against Leopardcloud's stomach. She was careful about how she maneuvered herself into place, not wanting to jostle anyone too much. " Hey, Leopard. " Squirrelkit still felt like she was a little kit when she did this, even if she hadn't grown much since then. " It's super duper cool! All the colours 'n stuff. "
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She would like fireworks if they weren't so LOUD. But these ones were okay. Perhaps she changed, or maybe it's because she was among friends. And Leopardcloud.

She trotted over to her fellow felines and took her spot next to Leopardcloud. She noticed the tear on her cheek and it made her heart sink for a moment. She gently licked it away.

"I'm here!" She said, looking back up to the fireworks. " They certainly are pretty.... I suppose I can excuse how loud they are." She added.