pafp LIKE BATTLESHIPS — prompt

Dec 12, 2023

Many things lately had led to some of the warriors gathering early that morning for a sparing session of their own. While it mostly had been decided that it was a "warriors only" session, many had voiced that they'd allow their apprentices to join in should they have a fellow apprentice to spar with. While things may end up changing, Coyotebite found herself paired up with Mousenose for the start of the session. The only real "rules" of the game were to not injure your opponent. Easy enough. Watching as the groups began to spar, Coyotebite would redirect her attention to Mousenose, who possibly seemed a little nervous about being paired up against herself. Perhaps she was reading into things the wrong way. Regardless, Coyotebite would offer the smaller molly a soft smile in hopes of easing some nerves before making her initial move.

Darting forward, Coyotebite would aim to dive towards Mousenose, with the goal of sliding under her belly, and attempt to throw her to the side. Should she be successful, she would leap to her paws and move to pin her to the ground. "Done already?" Joking in a teasing manner (only if her previous attempt was successful) she would quickly watch her clanmate, attempting to get a reading of her body language to anticipate her next move.

// prompt: how does coyotebite fare in a spar with someone who is obviously weaker than her, such as an apprentice or a smaller warrior? does she pull her punches, or let them face reality? (please wait for @MOUSENOSE )