sensitive topics like flies to the fruit // birthing

Jan 5, 2023

-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- Things had started to settle down for the day. The sun was starting to set and the air was cooler than it had been in a while thank to said setting sun. The nursery had grown quiet as the kits and queens settled down for the night, and the daylight warriors were starting to leave the camp for the night as well. They only knew this because Florabreeze had left their side for the day and they were laying in their nest quietly. They didnt want to disturb the others in the den by fidgeting but they couldnt help it as they couldnt settle comfortably for some reason. They assumed it was just the sadness they felt that their friend had to leave them, but they knew she’d be back tomorrow morning. Still, sleeping alone was terrible.

Honeysplash though was growing rather frustrated with this dull ache in their side making it nearly impossible to lay down. What was wrong? She had eaten, they didnt seem to be moving, and she didnt want to get up either. The cream tabby queen sighed heavily to herself and seemed to finally have enough of this, so they moved to sit up. This, however, sent this powerful shot of pain through their flank and made them yelp in surprise with pain mixed in. It was like someone had stabbed a claw into their skin, and they laid back down in confusion. No, surely it was fine. Just moved wrong or something. This was the line of thought until another painful wave coursed through their body and they dug their claws into the ground.

This wasn’t normal, something was wrong- this seemed to go rather quick. It had been large painful waves every couple of minutes then suddenly it was every second, and panic filled their chest. They felt like they couldnt catch their breath with the pain, and their hets heaved slightly before finally they found their voice, “I-I need help!” She cried out, reaching out for the nursery entrance with a cream paw. Who did she need though? She didnt know who could help in this midst of panic, in this extreme pain she felt in her stomach and sides.

“[color=#e3c72]F-F-[/color]” She needed Fireflypaw that was for certain, she was scared though as this might be it. They were coming and there was no more waiting, no more avoiding the truth that she was alone in this parenting journey. Cause it couldnt be true- it couldn’t be- no, “Flora! Flora- I neeed-[/i]”They called out for the brown Maine coon molly and winced, putting a paw put to her head as pain rolled down her sides, “And Firefly! Please- someone” Honeysplash rolled to her side to try to lessen the pain and tried to focus on catching her breath- but she was petrified. Someone hurry.[/color]

  • Speech

    @Florabreeze @Fireflypaw please wait for one of them ;O!!!

  • 78199419_gjurPbpI3pGRvx7.png
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, Adderkit, Weaselkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The sun had started to set, Florabreeze had noticed the dimming light outside the nursery entrance and the tell-tale glow of the sky. It was time to go home, while she was excited to see her sibling she was always a little hesitant with regards to leaving Honeysplash on her own. She may not be alone but the maine coon had an inkling that she was lonely.

Still, at the end of the day she was a daylight warrior and this was an aspect of that. While there were concerns she was overall pretty certain that her friend would be fine. The molly had left the cream and white warrior's side with a playful flick of her tail and started her final lap around camp. She liked to spend that final lap of the day to socialise with the clan-mates surrounding her. It was the best time to hear the rumours of the day and to catch up on anything important that she had missed.

Florabreeze had started to gather with the other daylight warriors in preparation for heading home when another clan mate had approached her. They seemed worried, maybe a little out of breath? That's when she heard that Honeysplash was in some kind of pain and called for her. mentally she thanked StarClan for her not wanting to leave just now otherwise she would have missed it. If this is what she thinks it is anyways, she's unsure as to why it wouldn't be her beloved friend in the process of giving birth.

With a hurried thanks for the news she was swift in departing from the group. Entering the nursery she wasted no time to wander towards them. Aiming to be as close to Honeysplash’s side as she could without interfering with anything or anyone. “Hey nana, I'm here. You're doing great” she cooed, not letting any concerns be known. Honeysplash needed comfort in a time like this and she was more than happy to be that support. For as long as she was allowed to stay here she would murmur honeyed words and coo saccharine praises in an attempt to take their mind off of the pain.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    32 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

The cry for Fireflypaw is warranted. It truly is, with how things were this past moon— Reasonable, especially in a wildcat brain burried amongst squirrel - fluff and thorns and... whatever it was they thought about. And yet - he barrels toward the nursery instead, as if he had something to prove. He had nothing to prove of course. More than four season's cycles, generations of other Medicine Cat's just for him still to be standing. He is him and he always would be. Mother - blessed, Star - touched, even if they kept some secrets from him.. ( Even if he kept their secrets from himself ) Honeysplash had healed by his whim, and that is true regardless of who they called for. He should be happy knowing he could ruin that leg again, if he really wanted to.

But he didn't want to, he really didn't, and perhaps that big ball of flame was beside Himself with laughter, at that. Dawnglare would not see it, wouldn't hear it, wouldn't feel it. He is him, and that should be enough to like him by - but just in case, he comes clutching a stick, as if it were for him and not Honeysplash.

" M'here, " Too cheery, he announces, and he has to pry the stick from his own tight fangs before he can lower it for the delivering queen. Typically, he'd step away. Typically, he'd leave them be, but this is different! This is different, because... why?

" Florabreeze is here, " he purrs, beaming a smile at a cat he hadn't been sure he knew the name of, until now. " I'm here ♪ " he hums. Like the warm, attentive creature he is, he rounds their nest with a steadily twitching tail. " Anything? Water? Oh, someone fetch it for her! " His gaze naturally seeks out his apprentice, but he didn't care at all who did it. It would be him that made it happen still.

" The stick is to bite on, " he explains, his gaze serene ( serene, with a soothing and non-twitching limbs and a face that was pretty and well meaning, and certainly not scrunching in its effort to appear...serene ). " It will hurt, but you're strong, aren't you dear? " He ought to close his eyes. That's what Fireflypaw used to do. Keep them closed, because he looked so kind and lovely and needed, that way. " StarClan is with you... Mother is with you... I'm with you. " In all, near - equally important parts, all she could ever want was there.

-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- The immense tightening of their chest was making breathing harder and harder. They needed help and they opened their mouth to call out again, maybe they hadn’t been loud enough. The pain was growing quicker and quicker with each breath they took almost. The young cream and white queen felt their gaze start to water from the pain. Yet there was this instant cold rush of relief when they heard paw steps rushing over- someone was coming.

They weren’t sure who to hope for, who would answer her cries right away besides Fireflypaw and a small part of their heart ached for it to be Chrysaliswing. For him to come to her aid like she needed him too. Though there was a larger part of their pain that wavered through their body mixed with the pain of knowing he wouldn’t be coming. They doubted he ever would look at her or talk to her again really.

Then chocolate brown fur hurried through the entrance, feeling soft fur press into their own and they had to choke back a soft sob. Florabreeze. The mollys sweeter scent drifted around them and they reached out their front paws to touch her. The one cat who Honeysplash had come to trust, the one cat who seemed to care about them the most. Their eyes watered again for different reasons this time and Florabreeze assured them they were doing great- that she was here.

Honeysplash took a few deep breaths to calm their ragged breathing, but it was hard when each wave seemed to get stronger and harsher with each passing minute. Then there was a surprise to enter the den after Florabreeze and the young warriors’ eyes widened- when did Dawnglare come back? She must’ve missed his return since being in the nursery the last few weeks. Still, she was just thankful to see someone who knew what they were doing medically.

The medicine cat offered to get her water or anything and they weren’t sure if they’d be able to even think about drinking something. Still, they shook their head in declining the offer and smiled a little, “What a warm welcoming home huh, Dawnglare?” She tried to make a joke in the midst of her pain and she winced again though it was closer to flinching.

Then he explained that the stick was to bite on and they nodded in understanding, moving to pick up the stick in their jaws. They looked at the blue-eyed tomcat as he explained also it would hurt and they nodded when asked if they were strong. They hoped they’d be strong- he really did I hope so. Though then Dawnglare seemed to ramble on- Starclan and Mother? This though was very much normal Dawnglare behavior so they tried to not let it sink into far. They gave a small shift in their spot on the nest and pain washed through their pelt like a hot claw against flesh.

Honeysplash chomped down on the stick and whimpered loudly, the pain was getting worse and worse. She leaned into Florabreeze as close as she could get and dug her claws into the ground- it was time.

They could just feel it and their panic shifted in their chest, and soon this little cry filled the nursery air. A little, ginger tomkit with the smallest white feet they’d ever seen. This overwhelming sense of awe washed over them in the second they laid their eyes on the little, squirming bean. He was so-red they thought with fog settling in their mind for a moment.

Another wave of pure agony rolled through their stomach and a second cry was piercing the air. Loud, powerful like they meant it when they entered the world. Honeysplash looked down at their belly to see this beautiful furred she-kit. “A daughter,” She whispered softly and their mossy green gaze started to trail with slight tears.

Though they were not done yet as there was one last, very tiresome push that took a lot out of Honeysplash. The last cry was quieter, more squeaky, and this little tomkit was so small. He had patches of orange and cream with white dashing across his little chest. The kit reminded her of Chrysaliswings’ ginger and black chimera coat.

Honeysplash flopped onto her side and breathed heavily, looking at the far wall for a moment in a daze. Then she moved her head slightly to look at Florabreeze, smiling stupidly as her head swam slightly from the pain subsiding now, “They need names- still think that i could name one of them Burpkit?

She looked down at the young kit who was as red as the sun, “He can be Burpkit, cause he so- buppy!” She gave a little giggle at her own words and then her gaze softened as she looked at her little girl.

Black as night with patches of orange- she tilted her head to the side softly before leaning down to touch her nose to the kits head, “‘She will be Adderkit- he likes adders” She nodded a little, swaying slightly with the motion.

The last kit she looked at and her brow furrowed a bit as if she was in deep thought for a moment. Honeysplash then pulled the little patched kit over to her and nuzzled him sweetly, “And you will be Cloverkit, for the best cat i know” Honeysplash looked at Florabreeze and touched her nose from her sons’ head to the Maine coons’ nose sweetly.

  • Speech
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, TBD
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Fireflypaw is suddenly face to face with the frustrations he's built up all of these moons, he's realized. In one paw, he's happy that his friend has finally began to labor so they could bring kits into the world. On the other, Dawnglare got to Honeysplash first- and from the sound of it, he seems to be really packing on the effort to appear like he cares about such a thing. Fireflypaw knew his mentor, knew his dislikes just from the way he acted; behavior was very obvious when you spent so much time with another being. His tail twitches violently behind him, and though he is a hulking form of aggravation standing behind his mentor just outside of the nursery, the moment Dawnglare looks his way and he can hear that ear-grating voice, Fireflypaw straightens himself out immediately.

Water. The high priest needed water.

"Of course, let me go fetch some." Fireflypaw responds almost robotically, his obedience still hell-founded despite his inner frustrations. He'd promised himself he wouldn't miss Honeysplash's labor, that he would be the first one to be by their side. He is a helpless kit in this moment, turning his back on the happy moment and naming of kits in favor of fetching the water the high priest conveyed was needed. When he returns with the soaking ball of moss, long eyelashes flutter lazily as he offers it out in his maw for Dawnglare to take. He is much too big, much too chunky to fit into the nursery with all of the cats currently inside. With Dawnglare's looming, lurking form, he is ever present; ever consuming.

"Congratulations, Honeysplash. Florabreeze. You two will be wonderful parents." He offers his own wishes to the pair of friends, ghostly blue hues directed elsewhere as he speaks. It's not as if he's disinterested, but his eyes tend to wander off at times. With nothing to stare at, he is left balking into the distance as if someone had irked him in this moment. His tail is hidden from the view of Dawnglare as he moves to sit to the side of the nursery entrance, leaving it to freely whip and lash in frustration behind him.

There's no point in being annoyed at him, is there? Dawnglare will always be better than me. Fireflypaw thinks self-consciously, paw tapping at the ground.​

While she wasn’t sure what Dawnglare really meant by Mother being with them, she was appreciative that he seemed to be providing excellent company and chatter. She smiled at the medicine cat, it met her eyes but it wasn’t as bright as normal. Not because she was wary of him or anything like that, she actually quite liked him based on the very limited interactions they’ve had. She was just nervous for Honeysplash, complications were always a possibility and in general she was worried over the pain and discomfort that they must be feeling right now. She eyed Fireflypaw curiously as he left but her attention was quickly absorbed into the orbit that was her friend and her kits. Being here in this moment was a complicated mixture of emotions, some that Florabreeze could identify and some that were lost to her entirely. All of which could be unpacked later, she merely wanted to be here for them and to enjoy the peaceful and rather beautiful sight that was her naming these kits.

She couldn’t help the laugh of delight that escaped her as she watched the squirming little red kit that was first to be born, idly wondering if that is who Honeysplash felt kicking originally back in the nursery. It felt so long ago, it was strange that they were here now, a quiet pride washed over her. The warrior looked truly happy, bright and unabashedly cheerful like she had known them to be moons ago. The maine coon hoped that she was happy right now, this was well deserved. That smile never faltered, not even as her friend asked if she should name one of the kits Burpkit, at first she thought that this was just a joke. However, when their attention turned to the wriggly little red kit and he was aptly named Burpkit the line between dead serious and joking had become extremely blurred. “Oh- Honey, I’m not sure about Burpkit, he won’t burp forever” she didn’t want to boss her friend around, not after such a tiring experience such as birthing.

Besides, she wasn’t this kit's mother, she had no real authority of their names. Her tone was gentle though and purrs rumbled throughout her so Honeysplash knew that she wasn’t upset with them or anything like that. “I'd love to hear other names you have picked out, Nana. You don’t have to name him right away” she thought about gently suggesting other ideas but she decided against it, not wanting to have any sway over what the cream feline wanted to do. If they truly wanted to stick with Burpkit then she would be supportive, who knows maybe this kit may grow up and wish his name was Burpkit if she were to change it. Her expression softened as she watched them name the other kits, despite her grievances with Chrysaliswing she did think it was sweet that Honeysplash named Adderkit with him in mind; she hoped that he would come see them.

She was ripped away from her thoughts at the mention of Cloverkit, maw open slightly in shock. She thought to protest right now, for some reason feeling guilty over the fact that he was named with her in mind, there were plenty of other cats that she could have named him after. Any protests die in her throat, she was too sweet here- it was too serene for her to try and protest this. She blinked in surprise at the gesture, that surprise growing when she moved from touching her sons head to Florabreeze’s nose. With a trill of a purr she rubbed her cheek against Honeysplash’s in reassurance “you did great! I’m so proud, they’re beautiful.”

Today seemed to be full of surprises it seemed, the daylight warrior found herself speechless at Fireflypaw’s congratulations of them being parents. Was that she was now? A parent? Nervous eyes looked from the pair of medicine cats to the queen and her children, that was a conversation for later she supposed, if Honeysplash would have her she would happily help play a parental role. “Thank you, thank you both for helping her.” Was she supposed to thank them? She wasn’t sure but she thought she should express gratitude regardless.


  • SkyClan Daylight Warrior⏐ She / Her ⏐ Info
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    33 moons old { Ages realistically on the 12th per month }
    Mentored by Sorrelsong
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

Leaving the warmth and comfort of the womb for the cooler nursery was a shock to the little tortoiseshell kit. Despite this disturbance, she doesn't cry; instead, she instinctively worms her way to her mother's belly. She is warm again, her brothers at her side and milk filling her stomach.

She is born unaware of her father's abandonment, nor any tension between cats or clans. To her, there is just this. Her little family. Tucked safely beside her mother, the newly named Adderkit is at more peace than she will ever remember being.

The air is cold against his wet fur, the warmth he’d grown used to is suddenly ripped from him and he doesn’t know why. However the tongue that rasps against his back is familiar and warm in this strange new world, it brings breath into his lungs. His mouth opens in a mewling cry, he sucks in air and it comes out in a puny huff of gas. A burp. He’s unknowing that was what he’d be named for, at least for now.

His closed eyes almost look angry, his tiny muzzle creased as if disapproving. Burpkit however doesn’t worry about the babble spoken above him that he doesn’t yet understand. He’s hungry now and he squirms instinctually towards his the warmth of a fluffy tummy. He pushes against his littermates, finding himself half on top of of them. He finds a worthy spot and begins to suckle greedily.


-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ-This exaggerated pout placed itself upon a half and half face at Florabreezes’ words, but they weren’t taking it as bossing around. No their pout lasted a few seconds before they fell into a fit of overly-tired giggles, “Okay maybe youre right” She admitted between her fits and then looked back down at the kittens at her belly. Didnt have to name them right away? Well wouldn’t that be confusing if they didnt have a name for them to call them? They decided the little ginger tomkit would be Bups forever no matter how old he got. Their deep green gaze soften slightly and they turned back to her brown pelted friend, “He is quite squirmy like a little- oh what’re they called? Weasels?” They commented to her and curled her tail around the three little bodies at her side, “Weaselkit, he’ll be Weaselkit instead

Though the blonde molly seemed blissfully unaware of her friends inner turmoil about the name Cloverkit, and smiled when she called them beautiful and praised them. They agreed, they were the most beautiful things they had ever seen. So small, so squirmy, and yet they would be so loved no matter what. Honeysplash was determined for that and took Howlfires advice to heart- be who her mother would want her to be. Alice is the strongest molly she knew and never had loss of love no matter their choices, and they wanted the same for their kits.

Fireflypaw then speaks up and they blinked a bit in being startled slightly. They had been so focused elsewhere that they had nearly forgotten about the two medicine cats and they felt their pelt flame at his words. Parents. Honeysplashs’ pale face turned up towards Florabreeze- parents. Tears wells in her green gaze at the overwhelming emotions that swirled in her chest suddenly. They weren’t alone. The biggest fear they had had was being alone in it all but they hadn’t been. Like the realization just dawned on them that they hadn’t been truly alone despite their inner most feelings. It was just strange to them to be cared about in the same way they cared about others’. Florabreeze had been there from the very start, who they had confided most in and she had been nothing but supportive and sweet. She comforted them in their fears, was a reasonable cat compared to their impulsive decisions and- Honeysplash flicked her ear slightly, “Thanks, Fi- you better not be a stranger to them” They teased the seal point cat softly, meekly and smiled in a warm way and looked at Dawnglare, “You too, Dawnglare, thank you” They didnt know what would’ve happened if it hadn’t been for their talent. Probably not here right then but that was a darker thought for later.

The cream and white queen turned green eyes up at Florabreeze as if they had been considering options. Honeysplash had this need to be impossibly close to the Maine coon molly and they rested their muzzle against her fur. This overly tired yet adoring look crossed a half white face and then pulled their kits closer with their tail to make sure. They- they had a little family almost. There was just one thing missing and it made their heart ache, so they fueled that into another feeling. Chrysaliswing was missing out, and that was fine by them cause they had something they didnt think they could ever achieve. Not with so much heartbreak at least.

I love you, you know that?” She whispered to the chocolate molly like it was a big secret, but her tone was soft and earnest. Florabreeze- she loved this she-cat more than she could ever express. She owed so much to her and their bond was so warm, she was so warm. Honeysplash nestled into the other and her head dropped from Florabreezes’ shoulder down to her own paws. Then in a few minutes, the young warrior was quietly snoring as they knocked out from their own exhaustion.

  • Speech
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, TBD
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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