sensitive topics LIKE FLOSS IN A CANINE'S TEETH | owl attack

Afternoon shadows lie long against the foliage of the pine forest, like the looming and crooning ghosts of bygone era. The newleaf sun hid behind the veil of pall, as though it had grown tired of shining all day and now napped under the cover of grey clouds. None could blame it, as the season of storms was soon approaching. Turpentine shades rarely discouraged cats from flitting through the territory, and Chrysaliswing found such an idyllic day to be the perfect one to spend re-training Honeysplash. In fact, the cover from harsh rays of light was more than ideal for the amount of work he planned to do. When it came to teaching, Chrys was a brutal teacher, and some would certainly spit that he was a terrible one as well. But with the cream-colored cat, all of Chrys' umbrage seemed to slip away, as though it seeped into the ground as residual rainwater, as the verdancy and the dirt feasted on what animosity such a hollow heart could hold. Without his anger, held close like a dagger nested in a sheath, he felt as though he was an empty shell. He didn't know how to handle himself without the ire that had garnered him such a fiery reputation, but he opted not to sink into the depth of his feelings too much. It made him too melancholic, and melancholy was hardly the markings of a dutiful warrior.

"Make sure to keep your back arched, but not too much." The chimaeric tomcat instructed to his companion, if he were so allowed to refer to them as such. Though duress was often painted upon the warrior's cloudlike features, it had not made its home in the crevices of his visage today. Whiskers twitched at the prospects of any mice or squirrels to practice with. He had been less concerned with actually catching the prey itself, since the woodlands had been so graceful with their offerings, that he could just as quickly find another scent trail leading right to the den of his next meal. He crouched down, attempting to show Honeysplash the correct way to pose just before the final strike when hunting prey. Head bobbed, signaling that he wanted Honey to copy him. Unbeknownst to the two, a looming threat darkly glared upon them, with moonlit eyes portending certain doom. Lurking in the pitch-soaked gloom, it waited just as the hunter did to that which it chased. Patience, however, had abraded from it long ago, and now hunger remarked the very chill of its bones and the grim shine of its beak.

  • @Honeysplash
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Re-training was going to be a lot harder than they thought it was going to be. While they had endless gratitude to the ginger and black patched tom, they also knew how harsh of a person he could be. So she was expecting harsh training and a lot of being call dumb or variation of that. Though it was strangely- not there? Chrysaliswing had been rather emotionless lately around them and they weren’t sure if it was because they had done something or what.

Today they had been out in the forest once more and it was a rather warm day. The air wasnt stiff but it was cooler than it had been. A nice day really and they were more than excited to get this right. They had been spending the last few hours trying to perfect their hunting crouch. Though they were finding it troublesome with their leg causing them slight discomfort when they crouched or tried to crawl along the ground.

It was frustrating them and it was clear on their face too. Honeysplash gave a small growl at herself as Chrysaliswing told them to arch their back more, and she gave a small nod in response to his words. Then he crouched down beside her and they looked over to him before adjusting their paws to try to match. Yet this slight look of pain cross through mossy hues as her leg groaned with her movement. Was it going to be like this forever?

They then straightened and shook their head, “I’m sorry- im trying! My leg just-” They tried to explain themselves but their faltered with their anger with themselves. Honeysplash sighed heavily and sagged her shoulders slightly, “I feel like a kit trying to learn to walk,”

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


The serenity of the afternoon lulled around the pair of felines, though tranquility always had a way of carrying warnings on its wings, like a vulture's night-tinged feathers portending certain doom. Perhaps newleaf had dulled the senses, careening him into a sense of security with a benign berceuse. The chimaera-coated tom did not expect catastrophe to rear its ugly head, not when the vernal tides had been so graceful to he and his kin. "Your hunter's crouch is as bad as a kit's, too." Chrysaliswing's ever-critical voice sounded, as tempestuous as the swirling sunsets upon his pelage, though inflections harbored no animosity in any curl of the tongue or flick of the syllable. Heterochromatic gaze lilted on Honey's form, with his eyes rounded more so than their usual daggered veracity, as though the steel blades of his pupils had rusted and withered. He knew Honey was trying her best, and he would try to curb his impatience as well, baying it when its waves growled too loudly within his maw. Unbeknownst to him and Honeysplash, the eve of disaster now bent from its bough with its crazed eye upon the seemingly-weaker of the two. A long-eared owl leered down at the two cats, the sunlight seeming to wound the nighttime hues of its glare.

"WATCH OUT!" Shrill screech erupted from a velvet throat as the quick flash of talons tore through the air between them. Brisk thinking, honed from moons spent fending for his clan, would save both felines that day. Heart hitched within his chest, as though it clutched to a sturdier side of him, holding its beat against the steady ivories of his ribcage and the hollow cavities of his body. Casting his full body weight onto Honey's body, he aimed to throw himself where the cream-colored molly once stood in order to push her away. He didn't care if the still-recovering cat fell to the ground. Anything to get Honeysplash away from the maniacal slashes, anything to not mar her snow-speckled pelt with sanguine. Sweltering warmth pulsed where nails scratched through thick fur, and though Chrysalis tried to strike where he thought the owl would be, the Skyclan warrior had never found against such a maddened opponent before. No! He felt himself being lifted into the air, before being ungracefully dropped as he hovered still close to cold ground. The starving owl could not carry him away so easily as it once could, but it would not be long before it found its leverage and its will. I don't want to die here! Yellows and greens of his gaze met his predator's, but he recognized naught.

  • @robinsky go gettem tiger >:} thread will likely open once robin has replied!
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

Robinsky had lived for eons it seemed, a 148 moons to be exact. It was her upcoming birthday and it wasn't anything to celebrate━ it was agonizing. The love of her life had long passed along with their children, the family and friends closest to her had died in a range of ways from wars, fighting, or natural causes. She was nothing but a memory of a past that she wished to escape but Starclan seemed to doom her to an eternal stay and to watch everyone grow, start families and eventually pass. The tortoiseshell was visiting the graves, her dull gaze observing where their clanmates laid until a shrill rung through the air causing fur along her spine to bristle. It sounded familiar to Chrysaliswing's voice which caused the elder to move towards the screech, her old joints moving at the fastest pace that she could. The elder catches sight of a frenzied owl swooping down on the two warriors, a glint in its eye as its obvious it won't leave without a fight. She could go get help but it would be too late, what would she do? She /had/ to save Chrysaliswing and Honeysplash, she could never look at Orangestar again if something happened to them.

"Chrysaliswing!" The old lady calls out as the owl attempts to lift the chimera off the ground, her heart roaring in her ears and she feels herself reminded of her young days. Adrenaline soars through her veins and the pain of her old joints feel nonexistent as she races forth, pouncing forth to tackle the owl to release the young male from his claws. The owl looks out a shocked screech as it releases the warrior and turns to the her, enraged by the interruption of its meal as curved talons slash down her side. "Y-You're not hurting my family!" Robinsky would hiss through the searing pain of the talons that dug through her fur and flesh, crimson splattering across the ground as she continues her momentarily sprawl with the starving long-eared owl. Loud panting is heard from the elder as her claws aim to get onto anything of the owl to injure it and make it flee and to save the two, and it seems like a eternity in her head with the winged hunter.

Her claws clip onto the wings and race down the wings which cause the owl to thrash her away, claws inevitably tearing into her neck as she is knocked down as it swaddles away and glares at them. Her eyesight is hazy and the sticky sensation of blood sticking to her makes her feel sick, her head light as she slowly forces herself to her paws and struggles a couple steps. "G-Get... out of Skyclan!" The elder roars as the owl takes a step back from its prey and takes a moment to calculate if attempting to capture one of the cats before him was worth becoming a potential prey himself from injuries. The owl hesitates for a moment as it lingers nearby before flying off, leaving evidence of the feathers she had ripped out from his wings and partly injuring his wing.

It hurts, everything hurts. The adrenaline was wearing off and the blood loss had made her extremely tired, her paws weakly attempt to force her body up before collapsing once more. Her dull amber gaze was losing focus and slowly fading to the dim shade, her ears flattened against her skull as her sides heave up and down. Using the remaining bit of her energy, she lays on her side with limbs sprawled out as she stares at Chrysaliswing; an overlapping image of her son and the chimera in her vision as she weakly smiles as blood drips down the corner of her mouth. "My... baby b-boy" Robinsky whispers softly as a bloody paw raises towards the image of her son as she wheezes softly, a loud cough leaving her as blood spurts from her. "B-Be... kind...." Her final words would leave her lips as her paw drops to the ground, her now fully dim eyes staring into the distance as her final breath is taken.

Her body fallen cold as her spiritual form slowly departs from her body, a starry figure coming down as it slowly touches nose with her. "We've been waiting, my love." The starry figure would greet her with a smile as the two of them depart, as she glances over at the two warriors and her home before gladly leaving. She had lived and passed knowledge on for long now, and it would be fine for her to leave now. Perhaps, this was Starclan's calling for him to come home and everything was slowly set in place similar to a jigsaw.
━ "speech"​

"Chrysaliswing!" Air knocked out of the young warrior as the crazed owl's talons slipped from his flyaway pelt, as though Starclan had overheard his frenetic prayers and had sent him a sacrificial soul as a saving grace. Flashes of tortoiseshell pelt that were not of his own flew past the periphery of his sight, and through the pounding of his heart that bled out of his eardrum, he saw her. Robinsky had come to save him. The tom had never counted himself as a very provident nor pious man, but as he tumbled to the cold ground below him, he counted his stars so quickly he must have counted them all. If there was one cat that many would not mourn, it would be him. So why did the elder think it would be him that her last breaths were wasted on? Sharp brunt of searing pain shot through his shoulderblade, and the tomcat clenched his teeth, though that agony had been nothing compared to the talons from moments before. Inelegant screeches, dredged from the very depths of pain, escaped both Robinsky and the owl, a dual symphony or moreso a brutal fight between pealing cries. One of them would escape with their life in their clutches, and one would unravel at the seams.

The owl was lucky enough to escape from the cats' claws with nothing but ruffled feathers and wounded pride. Heterochromatiz gaze caught upon its injured form, indecent and roughened as it took flight to rest upon the horizons. Although the Skyclan warrior never revered the owl as something divine or fearsome, what he had faced was no hallowed beast to inflict Starclan's inextricable judgment. It was just a haggard and hollow thing, with desperation lining the shines of its beak and its eyes. But that was of no concern to the pitch-and-spitfire cat now. Sanguine was the ruined body of Robinsky, mangled and beaten and jutting against the flat earth she lie on. Eerie silence filled the elder's maw like flowerings of wild cotton, and though she attempted to straggle upwards, she would always be pulled down again. He knew death, but it had come so swiftly and so surreptitiously this time. Chrysaliswing managed to heave himself upwards and stumbled quickly to the elder, with her blisters pulsing the color of deep bloodwort. The stench of blood settled heavy on the air, as though even the mercurial sense of doom shackled his paws to the ground.

My baby boy. Mismatched stare met Robin's own ambers, and through the mist and miasma of death did he see his own face, fraught in dirt and grime and the nastiness that had nestled within his downy visage. I'm not your baby boy, he wanted to hiss at her. Venom seeped into every part of his body, and even in this dire moment did he want to snap at her one last time. I don't deserve to be the last thing you ever saw, Robinsky. Pointed ears folded to the side as a bloodstained paw stroked his cheek, like the tender song of morning's wake gracing lands that had been singed and burnt and marred by an unspeakable anger. Don't talk to me like that, don't make me feel like you died for something worth dying for. "Robinsky. Robinsky!" Chrysaliswing shoved her flank roughly, as though that pain would somehow snap her back to the real world, as though her certain end could be circumvented by bullish will. Wake up or I'll make you! He kept shoving her, with red leaching into his paws as he kept shoving and shoving and shoving to no avail.

  • The thread is open now! RIP to a real one Robinsky 🙏
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- The criticism was taken with an eye roll from the young cream warrior and they sighed softly. He wasnt helpful that was for sure but she bit her tongue and kept it to herself. Though as they tried to crawl forward with their tongue out in determination they hadn’t heard the powerful beat of wings. No, but they did feel the weight of a body on top of them suddenly and they froze in fear with a loud yelp. It happened so quickly they couldnt process what it was right away.

The cream warrior was nearly frozen to the ground as there was yelling, but it felt like ringing in their ear almost. An owl had swooped down from a tree and- panic swelled in their chest and they felt like they couldn’t move their paws. As if they grew roots to the ground and they didnt know what to do as they felt the weight suddenly lift from her body and she felt horror strike as the owl had picked up Chrysaliswing from the ground.

The warrior tried to force herself to move but her actions were not quicker than the flash of a pelt nearby. They open their mouth to scream but no sound came forward and Honeysplashs’ mossy hue went wide. What was Robinsky doing! They- No-! Honeysplash couldnt even make a single strike before there was crimson splattering the grass, the elder fell to the ground and the owl hobbled off else where.

The ringing in their ears didnt subside as they watched the ginger and ebony tomcat scramble to Robinsky. Honeysplash bristled and numbly found movement in their paws, at least enough to crawl and skidded over to Chrysaliswing. Quickening her pace as the patched warrior started to shove the elder in the side, calling out her name, and she felt her hearts shatter. A cold sensation running through her body.

Honeysplash had shaky paws, the sight of the elder making her want to sob and freeze like a scared kit, but she had to be strong for Chrys. She had to be there for him- and she pressed into his side and tried to stop his paws from continuing to hit Robinsky, “Chrys! Chrys- stop-I-I” She begged him and looked down at the elder on the ground. She swallowed thickly and tore her gaze away to him, “You must go get Fireflypaw and Dawnglare- they-” She tried to think of something they would be needed for but it felt useless. He just needed to do something else.

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 27 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


When the screams reached her ears Figfeather ran as fast as she could. Even with her mangled leg occasionally dragging against the earth her paws still posses the ability to reach an impressive speed. She braces herself for the unexpected as she swerves past pine tree after pine tree, following the sound of yowls and wails.

Arriving at the scene her eyes find a mass of tortoiseshell fur curled up on the ground. A pool of blood had formed around the body, matting and clumping the fur surrounding the area it spilled from. Figfeather’s nose wrinkles at its metallic scent, cat blood had a horrific smell incomparable to the mouth-watering, sweet taste of mouse blood. She’s smelled it countless times across her life, never did it not rake her across the nose when it made its way into her senses.

Slowly approaching she recognizes the cat Chrysaliswing hovers over to be Robinsky. The elder’s frail body was stiff and unmoving, her stomach did not rise and fall, her eyes did not twitch. Figfeather’s ears flatten against her skull knowing full well that the elder was dead. A cat who had been apart of SkyClan for as long as Figfeather could remember, gone just like that.

The she-cat was old, her time was coming… every cat had knew that. Yet to go like this was unexpected… still, ”She died a warrior’s death.” Protecting her clan-mates, the ones she loved. Figfeather can only hope to grow as old and courageous as Robinsky had. She lived a long life that most cats would not be gifted.

”Are you two alright? We need to get her back to camp, are you well enough to carry her?” She looks to Honeysplash and Chrysaliswing to scan them for injuries.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing