Like Glitter And Gold | Sunrise

𓆝 . ° ✦ It was in her routine that Mosspool found the greatest comfort. Whereas some of her clanmates found it monotonous to go out on patrol every single day, she relished in it. She would be happy to repeat the same schedule over and over for eternity.

That had been a source of constant unease for her on the journey. Every day she had woken up with no idea what new challenges might be in store, she had to be ready for anything. All she could be certain of was that there would not be a moment to waste. That was why, during the journey, she had abandoned one of her most cherished habits. One she had taken up as a mere apprentice, when her elders chastised her for not taking enough time to relax. Every morning, she sat and watched the sunrise.

Today, as a treat to herself, she had woken up extra early. As the very first tiny spec of orange appeared on the otherwise dark sky, she was awake to see it. Mosspool smiled. It was easier to enjoy the sunrise now that the stresses of leafbare were behind her. Even when she had returned and fallen back into her routine, her thoughts were consumed by the troubles of the clan as she watched the sunrise. It was a moment for her to stew in her worries and steel herself for the day ahead, but not anymore. This was a kinder season. Now she could watch as the light on the horizon grew, softening the sky into brilliant blues. Yellows and oranges danced above her, heralding the rise of the sun and announcing the start of her day.

This sight was a miracle of Starclan, she decided. Who else could create such splendor?
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  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

It is not the infantile rays of dawn that awaken Robinheart, no, it’s the chill settled in her bones as she stirs in incomplete nest. Not incomplete in the physical sense, but incomplete in the emotional sense. Part of her heart resides in stone hued fur curled up on far side of the warrior’s den. Part of her heart has been removed for days now - bleeding and not quite scabbed over from abandonment. It is feeling like she cannot go home despite being within her home. Such grief plagues her mind and keeps her from entering a deep sleep. All too easy is she roused by the early hour chill or the peeking of sun’s first light or StarClan forbid a dream of yearning she tries desperately to avoid.

Most mornings the tortoiseshell remains in her nest and waits to be called by her patrol. There’s no telling what is different about this morning but against her usual routine she departs from the warrior den. Citrine eyes find Mosspool’s silhouette in the faint light and Robinheart wanders to the new lead’s side, seating herself in quiet contemplation. She doesn’t say anything, rather she allows herself to watch the rising sun with minimal worries rattling around her mind. There’s time enough for her worries later. For now she can appreciate the splendor of a new day.
[ penned by kerms ]
As the sun rose over the horizon and the faint singing of birds, the warrior slowly awakens. Her groggy cobalt-blue eyes flicker over the awakening warriors still in the den primarily Robinheart and Mosspool, her jaws parting in a yawn before snapping close. Tufts of moss have found themselves stuck in the spotted warrior's coat, a soft puff escaping her lips as she stays motionless for a moment. Did she want to get up? No, she was relishing in the warmth of the sun peeking into the den and was quite content in her position.

Troutsnout eventually forces her eyes open once more as she focuses her gaze on the horizon, admiring the beauty that Starclan blessed them. "Good morning," She would meow to the stirring warriors as she wiggles her ivory toes and flexes her claws. She decided to just break the soon awkward silence that would soon come after they admired the sunrise. The new warrior shifts onto her haunches as she tiredly rasps her tongue over the tiny balls of moss attempting to hide in her coat. It was a tedious work due to her medium length coat but it was to avoid someone pointing out moss being in her coat at a later time today.
"speech", thoughts, attacking
ꕀꕀ Exhaustion weighs down on his limbs, threatening to pull Sandpaw beneath the waves of sleep. If he wants to be better, to be good enough to finally beat Cicadapaw, then he needs to work as hard as he can—and that means the apprentice stays up later and works himself harder than he necessarily should. The shedding of wintertime chill has gifted the clan with new life, with numerous kits both in the nursery and still on the way, and the icy river water has begun to warm under the new sunlight. This new season, green and full of life, will certainly bring RiverClan better days. And of course, it’s only right that each of those days should start with a beautiful sunrise such as this one.

Settling in nearby the trio of warriors, Sandpaw is content to watch the sun rise over the horizon without comment. He says nothing, but his maw stretches wide in a yawn. Watching the sun rise above the river territory alights a sense of peace within him, and with a glance to the clanmates at his side, it seems he isn’t the only one.
Salmon has always been an early riser, one of the first few to be awake and ready during the mornings, whether its rain or cold. Out during the mornings, gone until the late evening, it's a routine shes found comfort in despite the amount of work that goes in to it.

Today, she doesn't know why she hasn't set out yet. She had risen before the sun began to filter across the sky, when it was still a deep blue dotted with stars. I should probably go, now... I have a lot to catch up on.

Blue eyes catch sight of a quartet of cats as she passes by, ready to finally leave, her tilting just slightly. It was just a sunrise... Nothing special or anything to gawk at, she frowns as her paws grow restless. What is so special that its brought Mosspool, Robinheart, Troutsnout and an apprentice out to watch it? She lets it go, deciding not to judge. They can admire it how they want, even if she doesn't see the point in it.

"Good morning." she echoes Troutsnouts sentiment, tilting her chin up as she scans the horizon. Various oranges and reds splotch across the sky, but nothing out of the ordinary. "Hopefully... there is a busy day ahead for all of you." it's her own way of saying have a good day, because personally, a busy day is a good day. Lots of things to get done, but its rewarding when its over...

  • 70831649_t0YE8lpgGiTPlyS.png
    salmon ,, salmonshade
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 37 months
    warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    lesbian ,, single
    smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    chibi by pin

"Ugggggggggggh please don't will it into existence," he groaned in Salmonshade's direction, the sleep-ridden eyes of the young warrior blinking bearily against the light of the morning sun. He didn't think he'd ever understand why so many cats wanted to work until their paws fell off, it hardly seemed like it'd be 'good for the clan' when they missed a trespasser due to dozing off. He wasn't a cat that could say no to work, it wasn't like he was a Lead Warrior with more agency or a Deputy who could readily choose to go on patrols or not, but even still, he preferred not to be lumped in with the busybodies. They were crazier than a fox in a fit, luckily for the flame point, it seemed like everyone else was too busy watching the sunrise instead of lamenting about how much there was to do.

Stretching each limb methodically to rid them of the knots, Quickjaw's squinting blue gaze was cast towards the pastel sky, uncertain if his clanmates had caught something fascinating about it that he hadn't. He wasn't the type to stop and indulge in the little things, it wasn't that was accidentally missing out, he just didn't find them interesting. Still, respect drove him to fall back on his haunches and try, the little tippy-tap of hind paws the only suggestion it was in any way difficult for Quickjaw.

𓆝 . ° ✦ It did not surprise her when her clanmates came to join her. She had been told before that she looked lonely all by herself. She wasn't but that did not mean the company was unwelcome. Besides, she liked to take note of who was awake as early as she was. In her eyes, it was a sign of a dutiful warrior. She offered Robinheart, Troutsnout, and Sandpaw a glance and a welcoming blink.

The sun finally finished pulling itself above the horizen and Mosspool pulled herself to her paws in time with it. It was time for her day to begin.

Salmonshade's words brought a flicker of a smile to her face. Never before had she heard a warrior wish another had a busy day ahead, but she quite liked the sound of it. A clan who greeted each other like that would doubtless the most productive cats under the stars. She was of half a mind to steal the greeting for herself. "Indeed. I hope the same is true for you as well." Mosspool replied, dipping her head in acknowledgement. A busy day was a good day; the pair of them were of one mind on that.

Her ear flicked at Quickjaw's groans. A warrior should be more than eager to serve his clan, that was the only way the borders would stay safe and the freshkill pile would stay full. She had a particular distaste for those that would complain at the thought of doing their duty.

"I was actually just about to head out to hunt. Would anyone like to join me?" Though her question was directed at the group as a whole, her gaze fell heavily upon Quickjaw. After his earlier comment, she was intent on making certain that he was not slacking off. The rest were more than welcome to join her as well, of course. She would be heading out herself whether anyone joined her or not. Her day had just begun, and she intended to spend it working until she fell into her nest at the end of it.
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  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.