
New member
Apr 12, 2024
" You must keep them in line. "

A gruff, low mew comes from Shroudedpaw as he approaches his sibling and drops a scrap of prey at her paws, settling down with tucked paws next to her as if it were merely two siblings sharing a peaceful meal. It was never as simple as that with Shroudedpaw. He'd always intended to enter this conversation with a barbed tongue, loaded with poison as its ammo.

His grey eyes show scorn and disappointment. Glowingpaw and Dwindlingpaw, their siblings, they.. fought and yowled and thrashed against their new authorities. His pelt prickled as he recalled the scuffle that broke out between Mottledpaw and Dwindlingpaw, and how little an impact Fadingpaw had in stopping it. Despite all his efforts to keep quiet and low-profile, he cannot stop the growl that lines his voice. " They will get themselves killed. They must stop tempting that fate. "

" And you - " he looks at Fadingpaw now, with very little to show of the love a sibling should hold for another, " - are pushing your luck as well. I heard you argue. You did not.. stop Dwindlingpaw, you merely fueled the fire. " Then, his eyes soften, as the harshness of his words give way to concern, like a passing storm. " They will cull you all. "

And who will save ThunderClan then, if his siblings are all dead? Him, alone? Well, it is not all laughable, as he carries most of the weight of their prophecy on his shoulders anyway - but they must still play their role in keeping each other safe and holding the fire while he searches for star-sent signs on what he must do to turn this tide.

SHROUDEDPAW ( he/him )​

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