like i know my own mind || mosspaw


Recovery seemed slow going at first, but the last few days have been better than Ashpaw's felt in weeks. Muscles growing back as they're well-fed once again, wounds from alley cat scuffles thoroughly sealed up. She's swimming, fishing, training again.

She's home.

And it's good, it's so good because she can do things like this: the ginger tabby finds Mosspaw in camp during a lull in the day, fat fresh-caught trout in her maw, and she sets it at her sister's paws with a soft smile.

"Hey," she murmurs. "Hungry? Long day of training for both of us, I bet..." She doubts that the younger girl has lost any of her meticulous tendencies in the time Ash has been gone, and she calls to mind what she'd witnessed in the early days of Mosspaw's apprenticeship — hours spent practicing alone in camp, long past when her mentor had seen fit to stop for the day.

Assuming Mosspaw doesn't object, she'll settle down close by, paws tucked to her chest, tail brushing over her sister's flank.

"So, what... what have you been up to?" she asks, awkwardly attempting to sound casual. "Have you been doing okay?" Like they don't have weeks of catching up to do, like Ashpaw's latest adventures weren't damn near deadly. She wants something else to talk about. Normal somethings. Like training and gossip and really, really mundane things.

(Not that it's been mundane here, apparently. She should have expected that, but part of her just — didn't. Silly, imagining she'd come home and it'd all be just the same as she left it.

Imagining that Beesong would be the one tending to her wounds.)

"I know things were ... rough, while I was gone. I'm home again and if you need me, I'm here. Still your big sister, you know?" That, at least, hasn't changed a bit, and with a sharp pang of affection she thinks back to how Mosspaw had greeted her at the border.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • @Mosspaw
    i am gripping her in both my hands

  • - 13 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to riverclan warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclefang
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - bitter, cagey, jumpy; responds violently when startled; perpetually exhausted; territorial, unfriendly to non-riverclanners
    - soft spot for kits
  • - kidnapped from riverclan by twolegs! but she made her ESCAPE!!!
A particularly difficult day of training had left the young molly practically asleep on her paws. Though it was still early, she was thinking of getting to bed in order to get an early start tomorrow. Mosspaw blinked as the fish landed between her paws, but the moment she glanced up to see her sister's face, her expression brightened. "Hello." With a paw, she drew the fish closer to her. Until it was right in front of her, she hadn't realized how hungry she was. "Thank you."

It took her a moment to find her words at Ashpaw's initial questions. She took a bite of her new meal as she thought. "I have been doing okay." She decided evenly. There was no lie in her words, she had been. Even if only because she had drowned herself in her training to distract from her sister's disappearance. She kept herself too busy for grief. It was only when she had returned that the wound that had always been there had torn itself open.

"Of course you are!" Mosspaw proclaimed, taken aback. She touched her tail to her sister's side in reassurance. A rare sign of affection for her, and one of many she had been expressing around Ashpaw as of late. "What else would you be?" To her, nothing had changed between them. The time that had passed between Ashpaw's vanishing and her return had done nothing to lessen the bond she felt with her. If anything, it had made it stronger. More than ever before, she was keenly away of how precious the moments they spent together were. Before, she had never thought that her sister could be so easily taken away from her, now the thought was ever present in her mind.

After a moment of consideration on the questions she had first been asked, she perked back up. There was something she had been up to. Something she needed to share with Ashpaw. "While you were gone, I fought Windclan at the border! Smokethroat saw one of them, and sent me to get the rest of the clan. Then we all taught them a lesson." As she spoke, she raised her head pridefully to show off the small scar on the bridge of her nose. "See?" That day had been the greatest moment of her life. She remembered most how all the warriors had showered her in compliments after the battle.​