LIKE IT USED TO BE [ ✦ ] high stones

// set three days after the battle with the rogues and after the medicine cats have just finished their half-moon meeting

Every moon the medicine cats of all the clans made their way to the moonstone to convene with the stars. This moon, they were short a couple of faces. Dawnglare and Ravensong lay sick still and she cannot help but think that at least SkyClan had an apprentice. While RiverClans healer was ill in the medicine cat den there was no one to attend to their sick and injured. If she had her own apprentice to spare then she would, but Magpiepaw is on a journey across unknown territories and while she is endlessly proud of him she also misses him terribly.

She files out of the mother-mouth with the rest of them, tail already waving in a goodbye. She was eager to get back to her clan, to the cats who lay sick in her den, to her children and her mate, there were a lot of repairs to camps the others could help with as well, but there is something that makes her pause. Voices drift to her on the breeze and she is quiet for a moment before turning to the others "Do you guys hear that?" she asks, voice hushed. Then she sees them. The group draws closer and she turns to the other medicine cats, tears of happiness makes her vision blurry as she says "theyre back it’s-it’s them it’s the journey cats" they were here with the lungwort, no one else had to die from this awful terrible disease. She thinks she might just faint from the sheer relief of it.

She covers the distance between them and the others quickly, green eyes scanning the crowd for a familiar black and white pelt. Was it just her or did the group seem smaller than the one that left? She can feel her heart sinking as she draws closer. Those bright blue eyes and kinked tail was nowhere to be found and she cannot help but fear for the worst "It’s good to uh to see you all" she says, and she tries to smile she really does, but her eyes keep checking and re-checking the cats who are present. "Where are- is everything-is everything okay? Where are the uh the rest of you?" she is not sure if she can handle the idea of so many lost and she finds herself worrying her lip with her teeth. Stars forbid Magpiepaw had died, she is not sure how she ever could live with herself knowing she had allowed him to go to his death, buried far away and alone and cold… She awaits the answer to her questions and while she scans the crowd she takes note of the other ShadowClanners who were missing. Smogmaw among them and her heart goes out to his kits. She begs the stars to not allow them to have lost a mother and a father in one fell swoop.

// this is for the advanced journey group only!
Medicine cat tags : @WOLFSONG @cottonpaw @Fireflypaw and @BERRYHEART


The journeying cats have began to move at a fast paced now. Each pawstep they took they grew closer and closer to highstones and most could not contain their excitement. Though it was unfortunate the groups had to split, and one had to be left behind, Figfeather was simply overjoyed to be home. They just need to hope they’re not too late…

In the distance the small figures of five cats form, her heart races and she squints to get a better look. The familiar black-masked and broad-frame of Fireflypaw was instantly recognized by her, despite the fact he’s grown even more since the last she’s saw him. ”Slate- Slate!” She shrills through the bundle of lungwort, ”It’s Fireflypawh! The medicine cats!”

She is full of giggles as she sprints forward, taking off with incredible speed she was a blur of yellow across the land. Starlingheart is the first to greet them, but she can tell when the ShadowClan molly notes many were not with them she was struggling to maintain a joyful disposition. Figfeather sets down her bundle of lungwort to properly speak.

”It’s so great to be back! Fireflypaw- this is for you and Dawnglare.” She notes the medicine cat isn’t present, but she’s not gotten time yet to ask why. Starlingheart inquires the question she had been expecting, and also reluctant to answer. ”They’re okay, something… happened… It’s going to slow their progress, but they’ll be here in the next few sunrises.” Figfeather would not be the one to explain in detail, and besides… Stormpaw was ThunderClan buisness. If they were to share about Stormpaw it should come from them.

”Fireflypaw- you’re even bigger than the last time I saw you! How is everyone?” How is Butterflytuft? Fantastream? Violetnose? Her paws prick with anticipation, it was great to see the medicine cats but now she wanted nothing more than to get back home! ​

  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
The remainder of the trek back from when they had left Honeyjaw had caused Mouseflight to be in poor spirits. When they slept those few nights in between then and now he couldn't help but hope that when they woke up to travel once more he would be with them again, ready to go back to his home and come back to normalcy, even if "normal" for everyone on the journey would be something entirely different now. When he'd seen the Highstones though and heard the call come from Starlingheart the young warrior couldn't help but prick his ears and move quicker, the thought of Honeyjaw and those they had left behind pushed to the back of his mind as the rush of being able to see other WindClanners flooded over him.

As Figfeather ran straight for Fireflypaw, Mousefight went straight for Wolfsong and Cottonpaw, smile tugging at the corners of his lips around the lungwort he had carried this way before he dropped it at their feet. He wasn't expecting them to carry it back, but he so desperately wanted to talk and it was hard to do so with the bundle of herbs in his mouth. "I missed you guys, so much happened!" He admit, eyes flickering to the two before him. It'd be obvious so much happened with his wounds, scabbed and healing.

  • tikki_com.png
    mousekit - mousepaw - mouseflight
    ⋆ ftm - he/him - 12 moons
    ⋆ bisexual - open to relationship
    ⋆ tunneler of windclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki
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Reactions: WOLFSONG
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
His paws and body ached. It didn't help his load was doubled, if not tripled, then that of the other clan cats. Little Wolf and Stormpaw... his ears flattened, green eyes drooped and ears lowered. The walk had been stiffeningly silent- at least on Batwing's end, which was concerning to any that truly knew Batwing. Between the conversation with Hazecloud, the rough patch he'd been through, fuck, leaving Hailstorm behind after all that, his excitement was muted.

Mouseflight and Figfeather called ahead first. He followed on achingly careful paws, vision searching for his own clan's medicine cat. He glanced towards Nightbird, and he lowered his head. His oversized bundle of lungwort, carefully wrapped in a strange evergreen bundle, nearly topped lover at his paws as he let go of it. His throat cleared. "... Our apprentice was injured and was going to be carried back. Cats volunteered to stay behind- those who were injured or just out of good will- to help carry her and protect the rest on the way back." He explained, clearer then Figfeather had.

Batwing wanted to fall over and cry, but he had things to attend to. He had.. Leopardtongue. "We should get moving." He said, glancing towards Nightbird and the other Thunderclanners, then back towards their medicine cat- if they were present.


With Magpiepaw falling victim to empathy, and Honeyjaw closing the clan chapter in his life, there were but three ShadowClan cats in total. A sulky, rather unsightly trio amid the broader group who'd chosen to go home.

Three. Three lowly mouthfuls of lungwort to rid the plague from their swamp. Three varying expressions written large on their ugly mugs. Shame and low spirits coalesced in the contours along Smogmaw's profile, mostly pertaining to his struggles to maintain cohesion among his clanmates. They'd narrowed in size under his watch. Although the two departures lay beyond his scope of influence, he felt he had his share of blame to eat. Deputy of the moon right here. Standing idly as his fellow cats skip off into the wilderness and leave the clan behinid like yesterday's prey.

He should have seized Honeyjaw by the scruff and dragged his sorry hide to Highstones. But, he didn't, and now he finds himself flanked by his over-aged apprentice and a tom who thinks his breath smells like sanctity. Despite himself, a muted glow lustres across his features when Starlingheart steps out into view. She's grown somewhat since he last lay eyes on her. He's pleased to observe her in a healthy state.

"Starlingheart..." he utters upon her approach, having dropped the medicinal plants at his paws, though his gaze temporarily flickers to the other healers. "...and the rest of you guys." A lone crook of the brow acknowledges Dawnglare's absence. Not to imply that he's missed in any capacity. "This is the whole of us," continues the deputy, tail-thwumping the ground behind. "For the time being, that is. Magpiepaw took it upon himself to assist with ThunderClan's apprentice, and will come home once he's finished. And uh- Honeyjaw still wants to do some sightseeing. I don't think he'll return."

All set. Home is within a day's reach. Before he even knows it, he'll find his way to the comforts of the swamp, among loved ones who - he prays - have missed him dearly. Stars know how much he missed them. "Is everything okay, home-wise? Chilledstar able to keep everyone in line without me?"

  • Dead
Reactions: Floppie
The wound on her tail wasn’t nearly bad enough to require treatment—a good thing, considering that the ShadowClan apprentice had remained behind with Stormpaw while the rest of them continued ahead. But still, the trip has been hard on them all, including the calico tunneler. She hasn’t spent so long away from the depths of the tunnels since before she’d had Dappledsun. It is good to return to the moorland, to know that home is so close now, but she slumps as soon as the first of the healers is within sight.

Her gaze searches for her own clan’s healer, finding him quickly amongst the rest. "Wolfsong," she greets the tom with a dip of her head, relief making her too exhausted to say more. She glances to where her former apprentice stands, and she can’t gather the strength to pretend not to be glad to see Cottonpaw. A tired smile crosses her face, and she flicks an ear at the apprentice before returning her attention to Wolfsong. Mouseflight speaks excitedly of how much he’d missed them and how much had happened; Scorchstreak remains subdued as she strides over to stand before the WindClanners. "It was a taxing journey, but we’ve returned with lungwort. I hope that it’s enough." It must be enough. Enough to save Weaselclaw, to save anyone else who’s fallen ill in the time they’ve been gone. They will save their clan.
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Reactions: WOLFSONG

XXXXXWhere’s Ravensong…?” The tortoiseshell crests the hill, blue eyes narrowing with suspicion and concern. Dawnglare, the odd-mouthed SkyClan medicine cat, isn’t present either, but his apprentice is at least here. RiverClan had no one to represent them at the Moonstone this new moon, it seems. It had been the ShadowClan medicine cat to greet them as the sun rose behind the pointed stones behind them, and it’s she who expresses worry over how thinned their party is.

XXXXXShe turns to find Hazecloud, Lakemoon, Mosspaw, and Fernpaw—for Dovethroat lay some days’ distance behind them. “Looks like we couldn’t have come any sooner, if Ravensong himself has been sick,” she murmurs. She looks to their traveling companions, dispersing into their final groups, the groups they will travel home with, and blinks. Scorchstreak and Mouseflight reunite with Wolfsong and Cottonpaw, Smogmaw goes to Starlingheart’s side, Batwing to Berryheart’s, and Figfeather is quick to find Fireflypaw.

XXXXXRiverClan would be going without their medicine cat, but it isn’t as though the warriors don’t know the way home. She blinks, the sadness in her eyes stilling into resignation, as she addresses the other Clan cats. “We mustn’t waste any time. It was…” She searches for the right word, failing to find it, and instead mews, “…See you at Gatherings, I suppose.

XXXXXBefore she turns to go, she looks for a specific gray tabby pelt one last time, hoping to share a lingering look. It would not do here to rub muzzles or prolong their goodbye—not when they had done so already, in private. “Farewell.” With that, she lifts her tail and turns, lifting her precious bundle of lungwort back into her mouth from between her white-frosted paws.


Ravensong was sick. The truth hit him like a boulder, feelings rolled up beneath its powerful stride. Horror at the truth- and then relieving realisation that, despite the yellowcough, the medicine cat would be alright because of them. Fernpaw grinned through his mouthful of herbs- he couldn't wait to see his night-pelted friend again, to get to reassure him too that Dovethroat was alright and that everyone had lived and thrived.

It was surreal, though, to see those faces- he had forgotten the acute details, like quite how big Fireflypaw was, or the soft roundness of Starlingheart's face. Meeting Iciclefang's gaze with a slightly bewildered grin, Fernpaw stepped tenderly over to her. This was it, then. Goodbye.

He'd see them all again, of course, but it would never be like this. Maybe they'd exchange a smile over the border, some pleasantries- or they'd talk of impossible memories at the Gathering. The river beckoned him home, and despite the silver thread of love that tied his heart to it, Fernpaw was staked through with a feeling that nothing was ever going to be the same again.

"Bye," he said, a little breathlessly. His tone was odd, a concoction of emotions mixed within it. A tincture of wistfulness, and of hope, and of thrill. "We did it, everyone," and he meant everyone, even those lagging behind. There wasn't anything more to say.

Sunbeams flooded from his face. Everything was going to be alright again.
penned by pin

The sight of Highstones is a blessing of relief. A monument to how close they were to home, a beacon to their answered prayers. Hazecloud could truly feel the stinging teeth at her paws that demanded rest, the coarse crack of her pads that yearned for a skip across the river once again. The larger Highstones became the more intense it felt, impatience stirring beneath her skin.

The specks over the crest on the horizon grow to recognizable faces, one rushing to greet them. Starlingheart, this was Magpiepaw's mentor! She smiled around the bundle of lungwort in her jaws and looked past her, scouring through the faces for a familiar sleek ebony pelt. Iciclefang spoke her thoughts first and nodded her head that she shared the same inquiry. The rush of joy felt like it hit a wall, he was supposed to be here, wasn't he? To help take their blood-given herbs and ask them about their adventure. Tell them everything that was happening at home while they were gone.

The disappointment overwhelmed her. This wasn't the return she had painted in her head for so many nights. This wasn't how it was supposed to end.

"Everyone," She turned to the mix of pelts as they all began to depart. "go save your Clans. We'll see each other soon." A delicate skip carried her to pad beside Fernpaw against the sunlight, not waiting a moment longer to complete their trip home.
──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── There is no measurement capable of weighing or calculating the tidal swell of relief that falls over Wolfsong. After the rogues' defeat, he had of course experienced some degree of reassurance, but without lungwort, he worried for another outbreak. They were sequestered among all the other clans, in close quarters, and their bodies were weakened by hunger and fatigue. Yellowcough would find easy prey among them, and so the moment that Starlingheart directs their hearing, the moment that their long-missing silhouettes appear— Wolfsong could collapse. The absence of a heavy burden long-carried would be enough to unbalance anyone.

"Mouseflight," he rasps, watching the young warrior present his bouquet of lungwort. He looks...awful, in truth. What should I have expected? They have not known true rest on this journey, and there must have been countless obstacles to overcome. But the point is that Mouseflight is well, that he is still standing— and his demeanor is not what it was when he left, but he has returned. As has Scorchstreak, and he returns her dipped head with his own. "It will. Moorpaw and Mintshade have long been sick. Rattleheart, as well."

They do not know of Weaselclaw, he realizes. Wolfsong swallows, his sole eye closing. Around them, he can hear disbelief in the other cats' exchanges, as well as other news shared, and there is so much to speak of that Wolfsong's throat is overfull.

"We should make haste for WindClan— I want to treat your wounds, and I imagine you would like to rest in your own nests for once. You can tell us what you'd like on the way there." He glances at Cottonpaw, a muscle in his jaw tense. He will not speak of Weaselclaw if she does not.
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    ★★☆☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
The sight of Highstones cresting over the moors is as unexpected as it is inevitable, and all at once Luckypaw wants to collapse to the ground, to plummet down into the grass and not get up for a long, long time, but the journey's not quite over yet - especially for the others, he muses, since their territory is farther away than WindClan's is. They'd have to continue on, he supposes, though he can already feel the mood shifting at the beautiful landmark before them. Had it been this wonderful on the way over, he wonders? Surely not - they'd only just set out, still complete strangers with no idea of what was to come. This time around, there is no uncertainty - at least, not over the lungwort. The missing cats among their ranks still weigh heavily on them all, Little Wolf and Honeyjaw in particular, and he can't help but worry about those in the slower group, too. Perhaps if this had been like their first pass at Highstones, he would have worried over Periwinklebreeze, of course, and probably Stormpaw, too, but now? Now he can't help the small thrum of anxiety that wells up at the thought of any one of the group left behind not finding their way home.

And home is what lies just ahead, isn't it? Home for all of them, hopefully not much different from how they left it. Though, they're the ones who are different now, aren't they? As the group rounds closer to the gathered medicine cats (and oh, what a sight for sore eyes Wolfsong and Cottonpaw are!), it's clear there are conflicting emotions already rising up, ones he's certainly no stranger to. Though Luckypaw's made his peace with coming home by now, there's still a part of him that doesn't want to say goodbye to the companions that he's spent so much time with - not this kind of goodbye, at least. There'd be no more nights spent together, no more hunting parties or rallying together to face the challenges ahead or even confiding in one another in such a personal manner - nothing, as if they're just supposed to...forget about what happened. They'd all go back to their own Clans, and things would pick back up as normal. They'd share a story or two, maybe, at gatherings, greet each other at borders, but it'd always be a pale imitation of what they'd had before.

No matter how he feels about leaving them all behind (and he will leave them behind, whether he truly wants to or not), there are certainly some things he won't mind putting in the past - namely, the constant exertion and lack of a proper nest. Would Cygnetstare want to start training back up immediately, or would he get at least a day or two of rest? Right now, he's not sure he could even make it to the tunnels without giving in and finding a spot to lay down, let alone refresh himself on navigation. That's a problem for another time, surely - for now, all he can focus on is the ending laid out before him, not the beginning waiting at home. Already, cats are saying their goodbyes, greeting their medicine cats, and though he's stayed glued to Scorchstreak's and Scorchpaw's sides during the last leg, he finally hangs back, relishing the feeling of being in a motley crowd for the last time. "Yeah - see you all at gatherings, I guess," Luckypaw adds his voice in, and despite the half-hearted goodbye, it's brighter than he would have expected.

We did it. We actually did it. They would never come together again like this, but surely that price was easy enough to pay for the lives of their clanmates at home. Despite his desire to soak in the last vestiges of the group, they're all right - no time to spare, not when they still need to deliver the cure. And see everybody else back home, he thinks; their clanmates, their families, are all still waiting, no doubt praying for their return. With one final nod of goodbye to the other Clans, he joins his clanmates at Wolfsong's and Cottonpaw's sides, the lungwort clasped within his jaws feeling more precious than ever. "Has everything been okay - or, as okay as it gets, I mean - back at home?" he asks, glancing between the two healers even as he prepares for the final walk back to WindClan. Back to home.​
  • OOC: --​
  • VGVREdC.png
  • 69355684_l8Wl3AJb3zHJeza.png
    - Luckykit Luckypaw
    - He/him (AFAB)
    - 6 moons (Ages on the 1st)
    - Kit Apprentice of WindClan
    - Small blue tortoiseshell with white spotting & green eyes
    - Art by myself & meghan respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
Medicine Cats— though not all of them, are crowded beneath the half moon. For moment, Sharppaw wonders what had happened to the rest, but she is relieved in the end, to see Starlingheart safe. So far unlike her aunt, and unlike the traitor that was not returning with them now. She wonders if she feared the same way; how she felt about Magpiepaw. ShadowClan's party returns as four sorry cats— only three of them possibly loyal. One lost to the mountains, and another trailing behind a fallen ThunderClanner. Sharppaw blinks as Clanmates reunite with their respective Medicine Cats. He himself, feels no particular inkling to go to Starlingheart.

They're really, truly, home. Or close to it, anyways.

Figfeather's rush to SkyClan's medicine cat is swift. A WindClan warrior speaks of all that he's missed... and Sharppaw finds himself looking strangely at Starlingheart. He supposed he misses her in the way that he misses a clanmater with sense. One of the only few.Sharppaw resigns himself to what feels natural, following Smogmaw. His tail drags, unsightly as ever. ...But within his jaws is a prize.

Honeyjaw is afforded more grace than he deserves, in the end. Sharppaw's jaw is tight as she looks to the Medicine Cat. " Honeyjaw abandoned us, " to clarify. She could not lash her tail in anger if she wanted to, but her grim face says enough.

And when Iciclefang says, farewell, Sharppaw's breath is chilly on the breeze. That's really it?

Only a sunrise or so ago, had Sharppaw been wholehearted in her wish to return. To ShadowClan. To Normal. But just like that, Fernpaw and Iciclefang say goodbye, and Sharppaw finds herself at a loss for words. At gatherings. Right.

By the time she manages, " ...Bye, " Iciclefang is already gone.

Sharppaw sees other nameless warriors, but perhaps they were faceless, no longer. Sharppaw would recognize, no matter how badly she did not want to.

  • cvFSgho.png

    —— he / she , no pref , icked by they prns ; fine with gendered terms ( tom, molly, etc... )
    —— currently 15 moons old. warrior ceremony delayed due to lackluster progress.

    a dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between her chimera fur. Burdened with a broken tail. Recently, she has realized it can still function, though she has wholly believed in its utter uselessness for so long that it cannot without great effort. Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharppaw has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others.
    Obsessed with the perceived 'game' within ShadowClan, the rules of which she is unaware of. Striving to be someone more likeable due to this.
    heavy ic opinions! he sucks.
Fireflypaw hears the sound of Starlingheart's voice after the scent of strange cats had passed over his nose. His fur stands on end as he exits mother-mouth, but it isn't until he hears Figfeather's voice that he finally relaxes instead of running away. Unlike others, he wouldn't stay to fight. He'd run back home as quick as he could, but now he knew he was safe. He makes his way over to her and Slate excitedly, a big smile on his face- his head rushes forward, attempting to bump his forehead against her own in happy greeting before he steps back at the scent of Lungwort at her paws. He recognized this scent.. "Oh, thank the stars. Thank you all for your hard work! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He cries out as he presses his nose to the herbs at his paws, counting how many stalks they had. Enough, there was enough to heal the rest of the sick in the Clan. Dawnglare, Mallowlark, and Falconpaw would be okay. They would be okay!

Figfeather comments on his size, and Fireflypaw snorts out laughter happily. "Have I? I haven't been eating as much, I thought I'd get smaller from the lack of prey." He half-jokes, trying to find some humor in the situation they were stuck in, but his face brightens up more when he asks about their clanmates. "SO much has happened, but I'm glad you are safe. I can't wait to see the others." He misses Greeneyes, his best friend- but he doesn't comment further on that, his eyes falling shut as she asks about their clanmates. "Howlfire kitted- three kits, you'll meet them in camp when we get back. Butterflytuft- she misses you greatly. You should go see her and the others as soon as possible."

Cats begin to socialize, begin to greet the medicine cats, but Fireflypaw cannot fathom the journey they had been tasked to. The terrors they must have experienced.. He shakes his head. "Slate. Figfeather. Let's go home, Blazestar will be happy to see you two."
Cottonpaw is startlingly silent whilst at Mothermouth. She's better acquainted with the other medicine cats present, due to their previous situation, yet she cannot trust her tongue to keep secrets once more. She relies on Wolfsong to do the talking for both of them, to hide the new kittens from their shared pool of knowledge. Her tail would twitch if she's asked a question, and she would answer with a small smile and nothing more, eager to sit by the Moonstone and receive nothing from the stars.

They leave and Cottonpaw prepares for another moon of death and pestilence, fatigue wearing down her muscle and bones. How long until the rogues return, stronger than before now that they know what they must deal with? She opens her maw to speak with her mentor when Starlingheart speaks instead, breaking into a sprint towards the hind end of the high stones.

Is it over?

She joins the medicine cats in quickly traversing the land between themselves and the journey members. She spots Mouseflight and her chest warms, legs working faster to receive the calico tom. She collides with him, arms outstretched to grasp him and tumble over. "You're home!" she squeals, and for the first time in weeks she feels relief. She had not known how much she missed the tom, or any of the other WindClanners for that matter. She holds onto him tight for only a few moments before backing away, allowing him to stand again.

The others speak and Cottonpaw only catches bits and pieces where she can. The returning group is smaller not because so many died, but because so many were injured irreversibly (she notes how Periwinklebreeze is not with them, in addition to just how many scrapes and scratches her Clanmates have sustained.) The lungwort is abundant across the many that clutch it, and though her heart grows cold and sours considerably, she tries to shove it aside. They can still save her sister, her aunt - Scorchstreak's sibling and more. The lives of many over the life of one, no matter how painful it will be to maintain that mantra. She notes Wolfsong's glance but says nothing, ears pinning back for the moment it is shared.

"A lot has happened," she breathes finally towards Luckypaw, grateful that the young tom and his sister have returned, too, with all of their paws attached. She looks towards their mother too, smiling softly towards her, grateful that her former mentor breathes as well. "Like Wolfsong said, we can make it home and trade stories there." If allowed, the apprentice tries to gather some of the lungwort from her traveling friends, hoping to lighten the load for at least one of them. Goodbyes and farewells are shared, however all that Cottonpaw cares is that they make their way home.​

It was bewildering to see those faces. Never before had Berryheart failed to trust his own gaze, but he was forced to look to his side to gauge the reactions of the other medicine cats- to prove to himself that he wasn't going mad with tiredness or grief. Cats stayed back, said Wings- Berryheart's maw curved subtly. They were alright. They were all alive, at least.

The group began to splinter, Thunderclanners gravitating toward him- for the first time in a moon, there was a light of hope within the dull olive of his eyes. "Let me help," he said to Inky, Bolt and Wings, gesturing to their flush of lungwort. It was far too many for these cats alone to have carried all the way- he could only imagine that those who had stayed behind with Little Blue had sent all their lungwort forward with the fastest among them. Dread crawled in his gut as to how bad Little Blue's injuries might be, but he attempted to smother the feeling.

There was an odd tenseness among those who said goodbye, but Berryheart felt no need to insert himself into it. He could not understand, even through storytelling, what they had been through together. It had been so long that he imagined going back to normal would be quite difficult for some of these cats. It meant a spot of light in Berryheart's own future, though- a sun-splash in the darkness of the present, wrought with death.

"My sister, she stayed behind as well?" Probing for Shady's state, he looked at those from his own Clan. Of course she would have, ever-caring as she was. She was the type who would not have left Little Blue without protection from those familiar to her.
Stormywing is flying over the land as soon as Figfeather announces who is just ahead. "Berryheart!" She yowls excitedly, although it's greatly muffled through her thick mouthful of lungwort. She, Nightbird, and Batwing have divided all of ThunderClan's lungwort evenly between them, and the resulting heft is much bigger than it had been when they left the mountains. Still, all aches in her jaws are forgotten at the sight of her medicine cat. "We got it! We got the lungwort!" Cloudyfur would be alright! Cloudyfur is...alright, isn't she? "How's my sister?" She asks, spitting out her flowers at the tortoiseshell's paws. Batwing goes on to explain that the rest have stayed back and she grows solemn, giving Berryheart a nod. "Stormpaw. She's hurt bad, can't even walk,” She tells him, providing further context. Her ears flatten, but her attention is swiftly grabbed as others begin to say goodbye.

Instinctively, she nearly shouts “Wait!” It’s over. She knows it is. But does it have to end so soon? Cats are already leaving. Iciclefang is already leaving. Golden eyes meet sapphire for a few agonizing heartbeats, all of the words she wants to say but can’t living in their depths. “Goodbye, everyone,” She finally says, shoving down her emotions with a swallow. “And…thank you all.” She looks around at all of them against before ducking her head, returning to her medicine cat’s side. And he asks about his sister. Her heart breaks.

“Berryheart….” She looks at him with wide eyes, as if she had forgotten they had to tell him.I’m sorry…she…Little Wolf didn’t make it. She died in the mountains. I’m so sorry.” She can’t say much more because her voice is beginning to choke up, so she turns her face downward instead.