( )  Starlightpaw has been assigned the least envious of tasks today. Stuck in the elder's den, peeling away old moss and replacing it with the new. At least it's not tick duty. It wouldn't be so bad, if not for the feeling of eyes burning into her back. He doesn't spare the two in the corner a glance, trying to stay focused.

Yet their muttered words drift to his ears, and Starlightpaw's teeth clench tight.

"'S not right, givin' a kit a name like that," says the first.

"Mmm-hm," the other agrees.

"Blashphemy's what it is. Damn cat's cursed us all."

"Oh, I wonder... Things seem to just... keep going wrong now, don't they...? The rogues, Cicadastar..."

"Hmph! 'Course they have, StarClan ain't just gonna sit around when RiverClan's insultin' their name with --"

"I can hear you." Starlightpaw's voice is small, squeaky, childlike. A soft warble. Their eyes have blown wide in the dim of the elder's den, but do not turn them to the gossipers. She remains fixated on her task, and for a moment it is as if the child had not spoken at all.

But Starlightpaw is not one to let things be. He continues, anger thrumming a soft undercurrent through his words. "My father gave me this name. Would you disrespect Cicadastar?" He casts a side-eyed glance, but does not wait for an answer. "No, of course not, then you'd really bring StarClan's wrath, hmm? Speaking against the leader -- or, ah, former leader? I'm his son, and he was chosen by StarClan and -- and if they disapproved, would they have chosen him? I earned this name, he gave it to me, it's mine." She's rambling, but her voice remains level. The stares of the elder's prickle upon her pelt.

They should be grateful that she's even gracing them with her presence. The leader's child should be above such things as cleaning the moss in the elder's den, yet here she is, being such a good and dutiful apprentice. Is this the thanks she gets? Their muttering returns quieter now, too soft for her to hear, and that makes her angrier. If they're going to talk about her, at least do it to her face.

  • // Prompt: Starlightpaw overhears two elders muttering of his name being a curse and the reason for RiverClan's recent struggles.



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Feathergaze had never been brave. In the face of snide comments or muttered remarks the likes of which Starlightpaw had to face, she would crumble like falling sand. The elders were not exactly being subtle, either. Even while he was right next to them, cleaning their moss, they didn’t let up. Its ridiculous. When did elders start filling their own heads with moss? What does StarClan care about a name? A firm, yet soft voice spoke up, Starlightpaw themself. They called out the elders, chastising them for their cruelty and pointing out that Cicadastar himself had chosen her name. She’s exactly right. Why would he give her a cursed name? How can a name even be cursed?

The silver molly drew closer to the elder’s den. Her tail lashed, and she paused just outside the den mouth, shifting her weight from paw to paw. Go in there. Say something. Just talk to him, even. Let him know he’s not alone. She did it often enough for Nettlepaw, and even Bitekit. Yet her paws felt stuck to the sand as though it were mud. Her voice caught in her throat, and her words died before they reached her tongue. She thought of the elders within, small eyes glaring, sharp tongues clicking as they murmured amongst themselves. Move. You’re being pathetic. If Starlightpaw can do her chores beside them, you can walk in there and join her. But Feathergaze had never been brave. She sat down off to the side, snake-like thoughts rattling, hissing, laughing at her. I’ll… I’ll catch him when he comes out.

/rolled a 1 for confidence 🤦‍♀️
A rough nudge of his shoulder pushed passed Feathergaze. Hanging by the tails were two bass, prey for their precious gnarled-toothed elders that Otterpaw would rather avoid like another round of the plague. The silver molly was standing just right that the chimera couldn't simply slide through easy by going around, and not looking to drop the prey between to ask, opted to simply shoving. It was Feathergaze anyway, what was she going to do?

A quick flick of his tail acknowledged Starlightpaw as he dropped the fish down, grimacing at the smell of stale bile. At least he wouldn't be asked to pick ticks today, then. "What're they yapping about, Starlightpaw? You can just remind Robinpelt her breath stinks like fish guts. It'll shut her up quick." A cold sideways glance was cast toward the muttering pair before he arrogantly turned his chin up with a sharp 'hmph'. ​

Carp-paw, on the other paw, had been told to pick ticks today. It wasn't like she was drawing a punishment, but it was the short stick today. Her nose wrinkled, eyes watering as she pressed mouse bile to the tick against Robinpelt's side. The conversation did not go past Carp-paw, and her vision shifted between Starlightpaw, the two elders, then Otterpaw.

Her head picked up, turning to stare directly at the pair who were.. what was that word those rouges were using? Shit? Shit-talking? Carp-paw's tail flicked sharply, and she stood, huffing loudly. "Starlightpaw had nothing to do with any of that. That's stupid." Carp-paw loudly interrupted. It was few and far between that she had some kind of vile response, but the anger that mirrored Starlightpaw's curled in her stomach. "Take it back and apologize. If we're not allowed to talk like that-" Her tail flicked towards the other apprentices in the den, "Then you aren't either."

Maybe the warriors outside would come in here and chastise her for speaking out against her elders. Carp-paw didn't give a flying rat's butt if they thought that, thought. Starlightpaw didn't deserve to suffer because they wore his name proudly. It was a memory left-over from Cicadastar. It was something, almost all that was left.

// @Snakeblink mentor ping for funsies

  • CARP-PAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, six moons
    a shorthaired black smoke with blue eyes. her deep smoke colored mottled pelt making for good camouflage in the dark. white mottles her pelt here and there. born to riverclan, she lived peacefully until the rogue attack. sustaining a back injury, she's fallen quiet. loyal to her clan, wants only to make them stronger, but she's terrified of falling short again. the large scar across her back is obvious, and her once-curious nature is now timid.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by you@dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.