private Like nobody knows her (Flamewhisker)


Feb 14, 2024
Martenmask's pale paws sank into the snow as he trekked alongside ThunderClan's deputy. It was a crisp, crystalline day, with the noonhigh sun coaxing radiant sparkles from the snowdrifts throughout the forest, and he was glad to be out of camp. For once, the chronic insomniac had caught the majority of a full night's sleep, and energy simmered beneath his fluffy pelt. He was quite honored that Flamewhisker had volunteered to join him for a small patrol - it wasn't often that he had one-on-one time with her, particularly now that she had stepped up to Flycatcher's former role. Ostensibly, they were out to check for signs of the deer herd, and to vaguely try and make an inventory of the destruction they were causing. Privately, Martenmask hoped to spot and catch some prey - the pressures of leaf-bare and the rules of the warrior code meant he had yet to eat, and he thought - only slightly dramatically - he could feel his stomach digesting itself. Also, he figured this was a perfect venue to get to know their fiery deputy. They had never been close, particularly considering his background, but there was no reason that had to be a permanent thing...right?

"So." began the Ragdoll with a twitch of his pearly whiskers, "how's the deputy life treating you?" It was a blunt question, typical for Martenmask, but asked with his characteristic warmth and genuine curiosity.

It was truly a beautiful day out, despite the crisp snow that blanketed the forest. Last night, she had dreamed of Newleaf. It's smells, the warmth, the had all felt so real. The disappointment of waking up to see snow on the ground still left a bitter taste in her mouth. Snow was fun and pretty in the beginning, but the longer the cold lasted, the more old it grew. She was tired of numb paws and is time for warm pelts and full bellies. Especially now that the nursery would be so full here soon.

The red tabby padded quietly beside Martenmask, her ears perked and listening for danger. Even though the deer were not predators, they still posed a great threat. Besides the obvious dangers of being trampled, they were chasing away the prey, and demolishing Gentlestorm's herbs. She wished they would just leave, but with each passing day they showed no signs of leaving.

She turned to glance at him as he spoke, feeling slightly embarrassed that she hadn't said anything yet since they left the camp. Her mind always seemed to be going a hundred different directions these days. "Well." she started, her face twisting slightly as she thought. "The first few days were pretty stressful. I've never been one to enjoy everyones attention being on me, but I'm getting used to it."

Suddenly, the underneath of her paw felt oddly...warm. The deputy stopped, lifting up her front right paw. Her nose wrinkled, and she made a clearly disgusted face. "Well...I think it's safe to say they passed through here recently." she grumbled, shaking her head slowly. Just her luck, the wind had blown a small drift over the deer droppings. "I'll have to find a puddle somewhere to wash this off or else Nightbird will chase me out of the den tonight." she chuckled.

  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Deputy of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring none
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 30 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse